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Interview Martin Cooper


1. Where and when were you born?

I was born in Chicago, in 1928.

2. Where did you study?

I studied at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

3. What inventions did you make?

I invented the mobile phone.

4. When did you launch this phone to the make?

I launched it October 1983.

5. How much did the phone cost?

The phone then cost US 3900.

6. What was your inspiration?

I was inspired by the Star Trek series.

7. How were reactions regarding the cell phone?

Companies started to buy them.

8. Who did you call to meet the first time?

I called my rival Joel Engel.

9. Do you have a wife?

Yes, her name is Arlene Harris.

10. How are you currently known?

People call me the father of mobile telephony.

11. How was your work effort recognized?

I received the prince of Asturias Award for scientific and technical research in 2009.
Present continuous

12. How old are you now?

I´m 91 years old.

13. How much fruit do you eat every day?

I eat two apples and three bananas every day.

14. What food do you like?

I like macaroni and cheese.

15. How often do you go the park?

I usually go to the park every day.

16. What transport do you use to go to the park?

I usually travel by taxi.

17. How often do you go to the hospital?

I usually go once a week.

18. Where are you going to travel next month?

I´m going to travel to china.

19. What´s your favorite way to travel?

I like to travel by plane.

20. What do you think is the best cellphone currently?

I think it´s the iPhone.

Desire and Future

21. Where would you like to travel to Cuzco or Monserrat?

I´d like to travel to Cuzco because it is a very beautiful city.

22. Would you like to start you own school?

Yes, I´d like to have my own school.

23. What invention would you like to make?

I´d like to invent more powerful parabolic antennas.

24. What would you like to implement to cellphones?

I´d like to implement virtual reality.

25. What would you like to contribute in current technology?

I´d like to contribute in communication systems.

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