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1. How long have you been lived in Tacna?

I’ve (I have) lived in Tacna/here SINCE 2000.

2. How long has he been in college?

He’s been in college FOR 3 years.

3. How long has she known her best friend?

Sandra’s known her best friend for 8 years now.

4. How long have you studied English?

My classmates have studied English since 2016.

5. How long have you played soccer?

I’ve never played football.

6. How long has he had a cell phone?

My brother’s had a cell phone for 3 months.

7. How long has he been the president of Peru?

Pedro Castillo’s been the president of Peru since July 2021.
II. Now answer these questions about yourself. Use FOR & SINCE
1. How long have you studied English? (for) I have studied English for five years.
2. How long have you known your best friend? (since) I have known my best friend since 2017.
3. How long have you been alive? (for) I have alive for 22 years.
4. How long have you lived in your house or apartment? (since) I have lived in my house since 2003.
5. How long have you had a cell phone? (for) I have had a cell phone for 6 years.
6. How long have you lived in this town or city? (since) I have lived in this city since I was born.
7. How long have you had Whatsapp? (for) I have had Whatsapp for 5 years.
8. How long have you been awake today? (since) I have been awake today since 7:00 a.m.
9. How long have you been single/in a relationship? I have never been in a relationship.
10. How long have you been a UNJBG student? I have been a UNJBG student since 2017.

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