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Mohamed Alaa 11B

1. a. In the early 19th century, a Protestant religious revival in the United States contributed to the
beginning of the Reformation era, spawning more groups that shaped the new America.

b. Preachers tell people that their fate is in their hands. They are advised to work hard and lead a
happy life. The disciples were also told that they had the opportunity and responsibility to do God's
work on Earth. They are taught that through dedication and hard work, they can build a version of
heaven on Earth.

2 a. They have no choice but to reside in apartment buildings or small apartment complexes. Due to
lack of light, ventilation and sanitation, buildings are unsanitary dwellings.

b. The majority of employers, such as business owners, who were hostile to the early activities of the
labor movement, opposed workers' efforts to organize a union.

3. a. The Seneca Falls Convention was organised by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, two
significant personalities in American history.

b. It was the beginning of the women's suffrage movement, which sought equal voting and political
rights for women.

c. On the other hand, this sentiment was ironically mocked. The women who supported him were
also mocked. The few men who dare to speak out in favor of equal rights for women are much more

4. a. They had a terrible life; Slave owners forced them to work in various professions, they were
denied human rights, and they were even considered property because they received nothing.
Husbands are separated from their wives, siblings and children from their parents during the
purchase and sale.

b. Those who escaped from the Underground gave the slaves hope that they too might be set free.
Frees were liberated after participating in the French Indian War or their ancestors were liberated
and so were they, and those who escaped from the Underground gave hope to the slaves that they
too can be free.

c. After William Lloyd Garrison created the first AntiSlavery Society, the abolition movement gained
popularity and became more visible to the public, which I believe will lead to the elimination of
slavery in the future.

5. • Temperance movementChurch

• Education reformsAmerican Reformers

• Prison Reforms Dorothea Dix

• Transcendentalismoccurred in Englandmajor transcendentalists were Ralph Waldo Emerson and

Henry David Thoreau. • Abolition Movement William Lloyd Garrison

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