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Have you ever thought how would be your life without social media? The 24/7 news cycle
plows forward mercilessly on your desks, in your cars and in yours pockets. Thousands and
thousands of messages and voices bombard us from the moment se wake, fighting for our
One major advantage of social media ia that it reduces social barriers. It conects people on the
strength of human values, not identities.
However, because of this, more and more people tend to show a life they do not have. They
want to have the perfect body, like the girl they saw on Instagram. Or perfect outfit like the
model from Facebook. They are longing for this perfection they once saw on Internet and it is so
unhealthy because there is no such a thing.
All in all, social media is a double-edged sword. At its best, social media offers unprecetend
opportunites for mrginalized people to speak out the issues they face. At its worst, social media
also offers 'everyone' an unprecetend opportunity to share in collective outrage without

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