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Wilfredo Sandoval

December 6, 2010
P: 8
Ms. White
Process paper
For my first step I chose to do children’s book with the Chinese myth called “the fox
borrows the tiger’s terror”. I chose to do this Chinese myth because it teaches a valuable lesson
to those who like bullying people. This myth takes place during the warring states period. There
was this minister name Zhao Xixu, who was well respected by everybody. One day the king
decides to ask in the general to the ministers “I hear that every state in the north is afraid of our
minister Zhao Xixu, is that so?” however, none of the ministers answered him the question
except one. This individual named Jiangyi tells him that is him who they awe and respect, not the
minister. He starts telling the king a story which is called the “the fox borrows the tigers terror”.
This story is about a tiger and a fox, one a unlucky fox came along with a tiger, as soon as the
tiger saw the tiger he knew he was going to die. He thought hard of what to tell the tiger,
suddenly he came up with an idea and told the tiger that he was sent by god to be king of the
forest to watch for all animals, the tiger look convinced when the fox told him this. The fox took
advantage and told the tiger to follow him and to watch how the animals would be scare of him,
but of course when they walk through the forest the animals got scare and runned away because
the tiger was behind him. Then the fox told the tiger that there was no dough that he was the king
and the tiger agreed with him. The second activity I chose to do the odyssey, the Cyclops, and
the sirens which are all part of the Greek myth, the odyssey. The odyssey was written by homer.
Odyseus and his crew got trap in a land called the land of the Cyclops. These creatures that are
named Cyclops, they are ugly, big, scary, and only have a single eye. This creature had them trap
and they couldn’t get out, but odyseus came up with a plan to escape; the plan was to hide under
the sheep’s and run to the boats, as a result that they escaped from the lands of the Cyclops.

For the first activity I chose to do a children’s book because we were required to do it. It
was fun doing it tough. First I got 8 sheets of paper and fold it in half, after I finished doing this I
decided to search on the internet for picture that will represent my myth. After I found this
picture I decided to print out summarize pieces of the article, and glue them on the little book
that I had made. After I finished gluing everything in I decorated the front cover of the book and
that’s about it. For my second activities I chose to do a collage because it looked much easier to
do. This part was much easier than the other ones because I just chose pictures about the
Cyclops, the odyssey and the sirens, but carefully. After that I just stick it them into plane paper
and I was done with it.

My first story called “the fox borrows the tiger’s terror” teaches a lesson in Chinese
culture to those people who like bullying other people. Also that people are not scare of that
other person that everybody well respects but the other person who is with them. also to have
confidence In yourself. The Greek myth of the Cyclops represent that being a great leader and
being smarts can take u out of something just like odyseus.

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