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Hematopoiesis part 2

Red blood cell ppt
-Other names: red blood cells, erythrocyte, normocyte, discocyte

One true function ppt

-needed to carry oxygen from lungs to tissues
*O2 is get through inhalation (AKA: inspiration)
-cells will die w/o oxygen

Secondary function
Return pt
-CO2- waste produced after O2 consumption
*CO2 will come from tissue to lungs (CO2 us released through exhalation or expiration)
-Additional function- buffers the pH of the blood
*normal pH- 7.35-7.45
*<7.35 (acidosis or acedemia)
*>7.45 (alkalosis or alkalemia)
*Ave: 7.40 or 7.4 (slightly alkaline)

Diminished ppt
-Common signs & symptoms of anemia:
*Paleness (proper term pallor)
*Easy fatigability
-Diminished O2 is due to low no. of rbcs
-Test to determine anemia
*RBC ct (count): decreased
*Hgb: decreased
*Hct (hematocrit): decreased
-Hematocrit- packed cell volume

Erythroid precursor nomenclature systems
-Upmost (youngest stage of rbc)
-Lowermost (mature stage of rbc)
-There are 3 nomenclature systems
-Normoblastic (Used more often in U.S.)
*descriptive of the cell appearance

*parallels the nomenclature used for granulocyte development

*primarily used in Europe

Last 2 stages of RBC maturation are all the same in terms of nomenclature
Also, BFU-E comes first followed by CFU-E then followed by proerythroblast

Maturation Series
-BFU-E (1 week to become ->) CFU-E (another 1 week to become ->) Pronormoblast if US or Rubriblast or
*BFU-E (Burst-Forming Unit Erythroid)
*CFU-E (Colony Forming Unit Erythroid)
*BFU-E and CFU-E (not seen in the microscope because they are progenitors)
-Pronormoblast in rubriblast (1 st morphologically indentifiable RBC)
-For pronormoblast before it totally matures, 6-7 days are required
-Thus, 18-21 days to produce a mature RBC from the BFU-E

The stage of maturation
1. Nucleus
2. Cytoplasm

Qualities of greatest importance in the identification of RBC’s
Nuclear chromatin pattern
-first feature or quality to be checked
-becomes coarser, clumped and condensed, developing a raspberry-like appearance
-also, becomes white condensed, with parachromatic evident at all, and nucleus is said to be

Nuclear diameter
-the size of the nucleus decreases as the cell matures
-overall diameter of the nucleus or cell decreases
Nucleus: Cytoplasm Ratio
-also decreases the ratio

Presence and Absence of Nucleoli

-Nucleoli (only seen in early stages of maturation)
-As cell (rbc) matures, nucleoli disappears
-Nucleoli- represents areas where ribosomes are formed
-Also, as cell matures, ribosomes also disappears

Cytoplasmic Color
-As the nucleus becomes smaller, the cytoplasm becomes larger
-Cytoplasm changes its color as the cell matures
*From blue -> gray blue -> salmon pink (final color of rbc)

As rbcs mature, changes are:
-Rule (opposite attracts)
*attracted to base/alkaline
*thus, acidic components (nucleic acid) of cell are attracted to basic stain such as methylene blue
*attracted to acid
*thus, basic components of stain are attracted to acid stain such as eosin

Nucleus: cytoplasm ratio
-As matures, the NC (nucleus) ratio decreases

Add notes:
-As we grow old, rbc becomes smaller
-Rbc’s nucleus disappears as it matures
-Thus, a mature rbc doesn’t have nucleus (anucleated)
-N/C ratio decreases
-Salmon pink because of the reddish pigment called hemoglobin

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