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Relationship Building: Parent/Teacher Communication

It’s important to establish relationship with parents. During this pandemic time, a positive
relationship with the parents is essential since they are best partners in teaching-learning
through creating group chats. Help their kids and they had to put their signatures that they read
the activities written by their kids. Learners are properly motivated when parents participate in
their daily activities and guidance is the best weapon for them to be successful learners.

Pamulaan – An Indigenous University

As the student’s current topic focuses on indigenous people’s education so that can serve their
communities, and they will not be ashamed of using their own language.
By way of providing them with culture sensitive education, that can empower them, and they
can contribute to the development of our country.
Be proud of your own tribe and while upgrading academically, we should have a balance of
enriching our grass roots and culture.

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