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Good morning, teacher and classmates, I am María Jacqueline Hernández Rojas, a student at the

Polytechnic University of Pénjamo studying biotechnology engineering. And I present my personal

anecdote about a health problem.

Sinusitis is the condition that consists of inflammation or swelling of the mucous tissue that lines
the paranasal sinuses.

Eight years ago, when I was 11 years old. I realized that I had sinusitis in 2013, when the headache
was already very intense, without knowing that I had the disease since I was very girl.

I spent a lot of time in bed, there were times when I couldn't sleep because of the pain.

I had congestion at that time and I haven´t could breathe well yet.

Also I had swelling and tenderness around my eyes and nose. It affected my sight, I haven't seen
well yet And the doctor said me, that I must have wear glasses for all my life.

Some of the recommendations I received from the doctor at that time were:

 I should use saline nasal spray. I used to spray it in my nose several times a day to rinse the
nasal passages.
 I have been taking antibiotics and medications.
 I couldn't be in places with smoke, but in clean places.
 I should drink a lot of liquids, I had to put on a damp cloth on my forehead and nose to
reduce the pressure and rest.

My parents taken me to the doctor very often, since with the treatment I had, I only recovered for
a very short time.

The doctor recommended endoscopic surgery and I have had since four years ago.

I have had depression and migrañe from stressing a lot about my illness for five years.

I have had many sequels yet. By the way, I gained a lot of weight. But I have been better recently

Thank you

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