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Cardinal O’Malley: Pro-Life Hypocrite

News that the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled to overturn Massachusetts’ abortion
clinic buffer-zone law is welcome by those who respect life all across the country! Cardinal
Sean O’Malley issued a statement hailing the ruling as a free-speech victory for pro-life
Americans. He said, ""Clearly this was an attack on pro-life Americans’ freedom of speech,
and we welcome the Court’s decision to overturn the law."

Here are BCI, we are glad to hear the Cardinal voiced his concern about attacks on pro-life
American’s freedom of speech. But frankly, he is being a hypocrite. When the Supreme
Court makes a ruling to protect the rights of pro-lifers to gather outside of an abortion
clinic, there he is front and center with a statement. Yet, the same Cardinal O’Malley was
also front and center honoring one of the worst pro-abortion politicians in the U.S. a month
ago at Boston College’s commencement, in direct violation of the USCCB’s own guidelines
that say Catholic institutions should not honor pro-abortion politicians. When was the last
time Cardinal O’Malley said a word publicly about the scandal of pro-abortion Catholic
politicians? 2007. Besides being a hypocrite by honoring Kerry last month, he also is
apparently violating the Boston Archdiocese’s own Code of Conduct and presiding over a
corrupted Code of Conduct violation reporting system. A Catholic reported the Code of
Conduct violation a month ago, and cannot get a response, even though O’Malley himself is
quoted as saying they will respond "promptly."




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