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110-1 Write 03

1. 聖母峰是世界最高峰。
2. 這個溫度是攝氏零下 60 度。
3. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。
4. 林義傑是第一位橫越撒哈拉的台灣選手。
5. 這件工作花了他 111 天的時間。
6. 世界上最熱的馬拉松在撒哈拉沙漠舉行。
7. 運動員們被要求擦防曬乳。
8. 第一次現代奧運是在 1896 年舉行。

1. Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.
2. This temperature is minus 60 degrees Celsius.
3. The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.
4. Kevin Lin is the first Taiwanese player to cross the Sahara.
5. This work took him 111 days.
6. The hottest marathon in the world is held in the Sahara Desert.
7. The athletes are asked to wear sunscreen.
8. The first modern Olympics was held in 1896.

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