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Types of Pain and their description ‫أنواع ووصف األلم‬: ( VIP ) ‫هام‬

When a patient feels pain, you as a doctor or as a nurse, can diagnose ‫ تشخص‬his pain
through listening to his description‫ وصف‬of the pain and through the expression of
his face.‫من خالل تعبيرات وجهه‬

Kinds of Pain ‫نوع األلم‬ Description ‫التوصيف‬ Adjectives

‫والمسمى الطبي له‬ ‫الصفة‬
A dull ache ‫ألم بطئ‬ Steady and not very painful
‫فاتر‬ ً‫معتدل وليس مؤلم جدا‬

A cramping pain ‫ألم‬ Feels like a muscle is being

‫تشنجي‬ squeezed ‫كما لو أن العضلة تعصر‬
A throbbing pain ‫ألم‬ Comes and goes
‫أو‬ ‫بشكل خفقان‬ rhythmically ‫يذهب ويجئ بانتظام‬
A burning pain ‫ألم‬ Feels like fire ‫وكأنه‬
‫ ملتهب‬/ ‫محرق‬ ‫نار‬
A sharp pain ‫ألم حاد‬ Strong and sudden ‫حاد ومفاجئ‬
A stabbing pain ‫ألم‬ Feels like something sharp is
‫كأنه طعن الخناجر‬ stuck into you ‫وكان شئ حاد‬
‫يغرز فيك أو يطعنك‬
A shooting pain ‫ألم‬ Travels fast along part of
‫كأنه إطالق نار‬ your body ‫ينتقل بسرعة عبر‬
A gnawing pain ‫ألم‬ Feels like it is eating you.
‫شعور قوي وكأنه يأكل جسم المريض كأنه يقضم أو يلتهم أو ينخر‬
‫أو يأكل‬ ‫أو يقضمه بشدة‬
In the above adjective column Finish using the following adjectives:
Not bad – mild ‫ – غير حاد معتدل‬moderate ‫ – ومتوسط معتدل‬slight ‫طفيف‬
unbearable -‫ ال يمكن تحمله‬agonizing ‫ – شديد العذاب‬quite bad ً ‫ – سئ تماما‬severe ‫حاد‬
‫خالصة قطعة األلم‬:

 What is pain ? Pain is a vital part ‫ جزء حيوي‬of our body's defenses ‫ دفاعات‬, and
without it we can not survive ً ‫ يبقى حيا‬.
 Why do we feel pain? We feel pain to warn us that there is danger inside
our bodies to warn and so we can avoid damage to our body
 Pain teaches some lessons that we must avoid dangerous conditions.
 How does pain happens? nerve endings ‫ النهايات العصبية‬in our skin and in
our internal organs ‫أعضائنا الداخلية‬send messages ‫ ترسل رسائل‬through the
central nervous system to our brain, so Pain happens ‫ لذا فإن األلم يحدث‬.
 What are the main types of pain?‫ما هي أنواع األلم‬
 Acute pain ‫ ألم حاد‬and a chronic pain ‫ دائم ألم‬-‫مزمن‬.
 What is a REFERRED PAIN?: This kind of pain happens when the internal
injuries ‫األضرار أو األمراض الداخلية‬cause pain in a different part of the body
and not exactly in the injured part. This happens because internal organs
don't have receiving nerve endings.‫وذلك ألن األعضاء الداخلية ( كالقلب) ليس‬
‫لها نهايات عصبية لإلحساس‬
 Example for the referred pain when a patient has a heart attack, he feels
pain in his left shoulder, arm or hand. ‫يسمع في مكان وموضع أخر غير الذي به‬
َ ‫األلم‬
33 ‫) الضرر أو المرض أنظر الشكل ص‬
 How do drugs ( medicine ) work? ‫ما هي ألية عمل الدواء‬
 Drugs work By two ways :
1- By closing or blocking the nerves' messages to prevent them getting to
the brain.
2- By changing the way the brain receives the messages to reduce their
 What are other ways of controlling chronic pain without drugs ?
By a ( hypnosis ‫تنويم المغناطيسي‬،, acupuncture ‫الوخز باإلبر‬, massage ‫والتدليك‬،,
electronic stimulation of nerves ، ‫ ))والتحفيز االلكتروني للأعصاب‬.
 What is " Phantom limb pain ‫ ? " ألم فانتوم الوهمي‬It is an example of
strange neuropathic pain‫ الم أعصاب‬caused by damage to the remaining
nerve. ( a patients of an amputated legs still feel pain in the missing leg. )

Exercises On Pain
1- Finish using one word from the list :
Dull ache 3 – cramping pain 6 – throbbing pain 5 – sharp pain 4 -
shooting pain 7- stabbing pain 2 – burning pain 1
1- A …………………………………….. Feels like fire.
2- A …………………………………….. Feels like a knife, a dagger or a scalpel is
stuck into you
3- A ………………………………………is Steady and not very painful.
4- A ………………………………………is Strong and sudden.
5- A ………………………………………Comes and goes rhythmically .
6- A ……………………………………… Feels like a muscle is being squeezed.
7- A………………………………………. travels fast along part of your body.
8- ( Hypnosis – gas – air - anesthetics ) is an alternative form of pain relief.
( What else ) ?
9- ( migraine is a ( mild – severe – slight – moderate ) headache.
10- ( Meddlers – medics – medicines – middles) are medical staff.
11- A constant pain is a/an ( frequency – type – number – amount )
kind of pain.
12- When an internal organ doesn't have a receiving nerve ending,
internal injuries cause pain in a different part of the body. This is called
( referral – referred – reference – interfere ) pain.
13- Which of the following doesn't describe a symptom:
( fever – bruising – swelling – stitches ) (‫ إختبار‬Nursing1 2015)

14- A pain that travels fast along part of your body is described as
( throbbing – burning – cramping- shooting)

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