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Word ‫الكلمة‬ Definition ‫التعريف‬

wound ‫جرح‬ an injury involves the skin being cut or

broken ‫جرح يجرح فيه الجلد أو يتقطع‬
stitches ‫ غرز‬- short pieces of thread that doctors use to
sew the edges of wounds together ‫قطع‬
‫قصيرة من الخيط التي يستخدمها األطباء لخياطة‬
‫حواف الجروح معا‬
numbness – ‫ خدر‬- ‫تنميل‬ a lack of feeling in a part of the body
‫نقص اإلحساس في جزء من الجسم‬
nausea ‫غثيان‬ The unpleasant feeling that you are
going to vomit ‫شعور غير سار أنك سوف تتقيأ‬
mood swings ‫تقلب المزاج‬ changing quickly from feeling very
happy to feeling very unhappy ‫تغيير‬
‫سريع من شعور سعيد جدا لشعور مستاء جدا‬
mild ‫لطيف – معتدل‬ not strong
lump ‫ورم‬ any kind of abnormal mass that can be
felt in or on the body ‫أي نوع من تكتل غريب‬
‫يمكن أن يشعر به داخل أو على الجسم‬

dizziness ‫دوار – دوخه‬ Confused feeling that you are turning or

spinning or that everything else is ‫شعور‬
‫مشوش وكأنك تدور أو تلف أو كأن كل شيء حولك‬
deformity ‫تشوه – عيب‬ A condition in which a part of the body is
not the normal shape ‫تشويه‬
‫وهو حالة يكون فيها جزء من الجسم ليس بالشكل‬
cramp ‫تشنج‬ squeezing pain in a muscle ‫ألم ضغط‬
‫في العضالت‬
itching ‫ يستحكه جلده‬- ‫يستثير الحكة‬ n uncomfortable sensation on the skin
that causes a desire to scratch. ‫إحساس‬
‫غير مريح على الجلد يسبب الرغبة في الهرش أو‬
swelling ‫تورم‬ an abnormal enlargement of a part of
the body, typically as a result of an
accumulation of fluid. ‫تضخم غير طبيعي‬
‫ وعادة نتيجة لتراكم السوائل‬،‫لجزء من الجسم‬
bruising '‫كدمة – رضة‬ blue or purple marks on the body
caused by bleeding under the skin.
‫عالمات زرقاء أو أرجوانية على الجسم الناجمة عن نزيف تحت‬
Spot small often red mark or lump on a
person's skin sometimes with a yellow
head to it. ‫عالمة صغيره في كثير من األحيان حمراء أو‬
‫ورم على جلد الشخص في بعض األحيان مع رأس لها‬

 Symptoms ‫األعراض‬and signs ‫ والعالمات‬are the mirror for diagnosing‫هي مرآة‬
‫ التشخيص‬any disease ‫ ألي مرض‬.
 A physician cannot make a diagnose ‫ ال يمكن أن يشخص حالة‬without knowing
the signs and symptoms.
 What is the difference between signs and symptoms ?:
Signs : Signs are the things that a doctor or nurse can see and measure
such as ( bleeding - spots – temperature - heart rate - blood pressure -
respiration rate ) all the previous are signs why? Because you ………………
them and …………………them.
Symptoms : symptoms are the things which a patient experiences
‫المريض يعايشها‬, finds‫ ويجدها‬and suffers from‫ ويعاني منها‬.
Symptoms are experiences by the patient himself and the others
can't always see. Examples ( nausea - dizziness - itching -feverish )
When symptoms need a medical help they are called PRESENTING
SYMPTOMS ‫ أعراض حاليه – موجودة‬. They are described to be strong, mild or
Symptoms that are common for a lot of illnesses are called NON-SPECIFIC
symptoms‫ أعراض غير محدده‬.
The following chart shows that we can differentiate ‫ نميز بين‬between Internal
or inside symptoms and external or outside symptoms. There are also both
inside and outside ones.

Inside ( ……………. ) Outside ( ………… .) Both

Symptoms Symptoms
Sore throat Rash aching
Constipation Deformity tiredness
Nausea Itching fever
Dizziness Spots cough
Diarrhea Bruising ‫خدش – كدم‬ runny nose
Mystery Syndromes ‫أعراض غامضة‬
 Sometimes people have symptoms whose cause is not understood or
explained.‫أحيانأ يشكو بعض الناس من أعراض ليست مفهومة وال يمكن شرح أسبابها‬
 ( CFS ) = (Chronic fatigue Syndrom) , muscle aches and pains ‫ ألم بالعضالت‬,
loss of appetite ‫فقدان الشهية‬, poor sleep ‫ندرة النوم‬, a recurrent sore throat ‫ألم‬
‫ متكرر في الحلق‬, swollen glands ‫ غدد متورمة‬in the neck ‫ في العنق‬are all examples
of these symptoms‫ كل ذلك أمثلة على تلك األعراض التي ال تفسير' لها‬.

Listening based on Unit 6

1- The sufferer in 1 has some symptoms that indicates that his ……… not well.

( arm – head – leg – hand)

2- He can't feel his toes at all because they are ………………. .

( swollen – numb – lumpy - painful)

3- The patient in 2 is ……………..

( feverish – swollen – dizzy – bruised)

4- He has a ……………………. Tiredness.

( severed – frequent – irregular – stable)

5- The patient is 3 complained about dizziness, sickness and …………………….

( diarrhea – swelling – deformity – constipation)

6- The sufferer's main complaint in 2 is ……………………….

( deformity – numbness- hotness – fever )

7- The patient's main complaint in 1 is ………………………

(numbness- hotness – deformity – tiredness )

Mr. AHMED ZIDAN 0554301743
Exercises Based On Unit 6
1- One of the following is not an internal ( inside ) symptom:
( Diarrhea – dizziness – deformity – constipation )
2- Which of the following is not a symptom?:

( fever – concussion – constipation – cough )

3- One of the following is a symptom:

( stroke – cardial arrest – swelling – trauma )
4- One of the following signs can not be measured ( temperatures –
heart rate – blood pressure - dizziness)
5- ( Rash – constipation – sore throat – tiredness ) is an external or
outside symptom.
6- ( Numbness – Vomiting - Aching – Spots ) are a typical symptom
of chicken box.
7- A ( cramp – rash – deformity – cough ) can cause itching.
8- A deep cut needs ( sketches – stitches – scratches – snatches ).

10 – Respiration rate is a ( measurable – indeterminate –

immeasurable – noticeable ) symptom.

Mr. AHMED ZIDAN 0554301743

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