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(Internet research)

What is a narrative text?

A narrative text is a story in which a real or fictitious story that occurs in a specific place and time is told.

In everyday life, narrative is an essential part of our way of communicating, since it is a way of telling a
succession of events in which a subject or group of characters performs a series of actions that have an
What are the main parts of a narrative text?
The structure of a narrative text is composed of three parts:

o The introduction. It is the presentation of the story that allows the reader to be placed in a
certain context (in time and place), and in which the protagonists of the story are introduced.

o The development or crux. It is the longest part of the story where the details of the story, the
characters and the events that connect them are known.

o The denouement. It is the closing of the story in which the questions that arose during the
development of the story are revealed. It can be a tragic ending, happy or open to doubt with
the possibility of continuing the story in later works.

Types of narrative texts.

o Short story: brief narration, with few characters and a quick ending.
o Legend: stories that mix real and supernatural events.
o Myth: a fantastic story that explains the origin of a place or event.
o Novel: real or fictitious narration, much longer and more complex than a short story.
o Epic poetry: narration of real or fictitious legendary events.
o Chronicle: text that follows a temporal order of events to tell a story.
o News: journalistic genre that briefly narrates a current event.
o Report: extensive journalistic investigation of a person or event.
o Biography: narration of a person's life and its highlights.
Narrative text is also a resource we use in our daily lives. When we send a text message in
which we tell about a situation or when we write a post on social networks telling our
experiences about a specific situation (a trip, an encounter, an outing, etc.) we are writing a
narrative text.

See also:

o Short story.
o Novel
o News.
o Chronicle.
R. (2020, March 11). Texto Narrativo. Características.

S. (2021, July 19). Texto narrativo. Significados.

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