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Well, good morning everybody..

Honorable all of Juries

Honorable all of teachers

and all of audiences, leadies and gentleman

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Firstly, let’s say Thanks to Allah SWT. Who has giving us some mercies and blessing until
we can attend here, in this happy place without any troubles and obstacles.

Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad
SAW, who has been guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the
cleverness, namely islamic religion, it’s the truth religion here and after.

Hello leadies and gentleman, Let me introduce myself. My name is Muzayyanah. I’m from
Vacational High school IBKH Al-Hasyimi Situbondo. In this occasion, I would like to
deliverd my speech the undertittle “The way to stop BULLIYING”

Leadies and gentleman, as we know that bullying is an activity of repeated, aggressive

behaviour intended to hurt another individual, physically, mentaly or even emotionally.

Bullying can happen everywhere and anytime, but it often happens at school. you might
think... why??. Although almost peoplethink and say that school is the safest place. well they
are wrong. as we can see for today, bullying is like high school violence in general. how can
bullying being so popular among teenagers? The reason is many teenagers think that bullying
is funny and it’s not cool man if you are not doing it. Oh my God, no !!! Actually It’s really
danger for teenagers future.

Leadies and gentleman, now, we have know that bullying doesn’t consist of good manners.
it’s also not good for ourselves and our living space. Bullying is cruel too. Imagine if it would
be more closer to us and people around us do it. what would this world will be?

Leadies and gentleman. Don’t be silence ! Let’s stop bullying from now. Yes ! we can do it.
Willy nilly we must able to do it together. Don’t let our generation ruins just because this
case, which is bullying. we all deserve to receive equal rights !!! Don’t make our youth
useless without any achievement !!!

So, Leadies and gentleman. Let’s stop bullying !!

are you ready for that??

once more, are you ready for that?

Ok leadies and gentleman. That’s all about my speech. Hopefully it can be useful for us.

thanks for your nice attention !!!

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh !

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