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My Biography

Alumna : Karin Crisostomo Arana

Hello. My name is Karin Crisostomo. I was born on March 31, 1997 in the Lima maternity ward.
When I was born my mother studied and my father worked. My mother's name is Edith and she
was 27 when I was born. My dad's name is Hosea and he was 29 years old at the time. They
were devoted to me when they found out about my arrival. The day I was born, they took me
home and pissed me off until I could remember. I remember a very beautiful childhood to the
Aldo of my cousins and uncles. They were happy that the family was together. After a while we
had to leave there to live in a different place because of my dad's work. After a while my first and
second brother arrived. Sometimes they were very arrogant and that bothered me. sometimes I
helped take care of them while my mom cooked. When my mom started working I was in school.
Sometimes when she came home from school, I would help her. Then she would go to my house
and bring her lunch. sometimes in the afternoon he had to go help her sell the merchandise.
She had good sales skills and she liked that. In high school I devoted time to a hobby, dancing. I
really like dancing, choreography and dancing. From now on that would help me a lot to be able
to establish good contact with others and thus be able to realize what I really wanted, psychology.
After finishing my studies I was not in a good financial situation but I knew how to start with some
products. I started selling as a partner and my dad, seeing that, helped me apply and that's how I
managed to enter university. I'm finally here enjoying the college degree that I really like.

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