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The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) personality was not only great but perfect ; it
could be set as an example to the world for the guidance and
reformation for all evils . He was the kindest and gentlest, the bravest,
the most humble, the chaste and the most generous of men. He was
kind and merciful to one and all alike, rich or poor, free or confined.
From the time of his birth to his death he was never known to be harsh
to anyone, nor did he beat a servant or child. He used to visit the sick,
follow the biers, accept invitation of servants and slaves, repair shoes
and sew garments. He used to help his family members in their
household duties. He used to greet children when passing by them. He
is reported to have said, “I have been sent to complete good

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was characterized by

impeccable qualities from which we can learn a lot and improve our
lifestyle to a considerable extent if were to follow his Sunnah. All of us
as individuals think of ourselves as being superior to the other. This
ultimately gives rise to ego and hence promotes feelings of negativity
towards one another.
The criteria of morals, which are mentioned in Islam and Quran, were
personified in the being of His Eminence as Ayesha, his wife and other
companions have also admitted.
Abu Darda says: I asked Ayesha about the morals and manners of the
Holy Prophet (S). She said, “The morals of the Prophet were based on
Quran. He was pleased with whatever Almighty Allah was pleased
with and was angry at whatever Almighty Allah was angry with.”
He was having such excellent morals that Quran has praised him and
said with regard to him:

ٍ ُ‫ك لَ َعلَى ُخل‬

‫ق َع ِظ ٍيم‬ َ َّ‫َوِإن‬
“And most surely you conform (yourself) to sublime morality.” (68:4)
Although in this short treatise it is not possible to explain all the great
manners and morals of the Messenger of Allah (S), we would try to
mention some of them here:
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) in the description of the Holy Prophet (S) says:
In generosity, he was ahead of all the people. He was the bravest of all.
He was most truthful, loyal and had a kind disposition. He was the most
social person. Whoever encountered him initially was influenced by his
awe and after meeting him and being in his company used become
fond of him. I have neither seen anyone like His Eminence before or
after that.
Anas ibn Malik has said with regard to His Eminence: He had the most
excellent manners, was most forbearing and generous of the people. It
never happened that they asked something from him and he refused.
Ayesha says: The Holy Prophet (S) was not bad mannered lacking
morals and he was not of those who raised a hue and cry in the
markets. He did not recompense a bad deed with a bad turn; on the
contrary he always forgave mistakes.
Husain ibn Ali (a.s.) has narrated from his father that he said:
The Holy Prophet (S) was always cheerful, good natured and soft
spoken; he was never nasty, bad natured and fault-picker and he
ignored that which he did not like. He never disappointed anyone. He
had purified his self from three things: Argumentation, extravagance
and vain acts. In three things he had nothing to do with anyone: He was
never harsh and a fault finder; he was never inclined to expose the
secrets and hidden deficiencies of others; he never spoke, except when
it entailed gaining heavenly rewards.5
Anas ibn Malik says: I went to the Holy Prophet (S) to find him wearing
a dress with a coarse edge. A Bedouin came to His Eminence, held his
garment and pulled it roughly in such a way that I saw its signs on his
shoulder; then he said: Muhammad, give me some of Allah’s wealth.
The Holy Prophet (S) looked at him and smiled; then he ordered his
men to give something to that man.

The Holy Quran says, “Surely there has come to you a Messenger from
among yourselves. Heavy upon him is your suffering and he ardently
desires your welfare. To the believers he is most kind and merciful”

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) attained the greatest perfection in the

attribute of kindness. He is reported to have said. “Those who show
some kindness and consideration to God’s creatures, God bestows His
kindness and consideration to God’s creatures, God bestows His
kindness and affection on them. .Sow kindness to dwellers on earth so
that God (in heavens) may show mercy to you.”

Holy Prophet (s.a.w0 never censured anyone and also forgave evil
mongers. He hated sin and never avenged personal injuries. Hazrat
Ayesha (r.a) said, The Prophet (s.a.w) never took revenge on his own
behalf from anyone.” In civility, kindness and affection the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w) was his own example, and by his refulgent examples.
Muslims have been taught to treat all human beings kindly, regardless
of their cast, race or religion.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was the complete example of forgiveness and
mercy, as mentioned in the Holy Quran, “Keep to forgiveness (O
Muhammad (s.a.w)), and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the

The Quraish were the arch- enemies of Islam and, for a period of 13
years they would rebuke the Holy Prophet (s.a.w), taunt and mock him,
beat him and abuse him, both physically and mentally. They placed the
after birth of a camel on his back while he prayed, and they boycotted
him and his tribe until the social sanctions became unbearable. They
plotted and attempted to kill him on more than one occasion, and when
the Holy Prophet(s.a.w) escaped to Madinah, they rallied a majority of
the Arab tribes and waged many wars against him. Yet, when he
entered Makkah victorious with an army of 10,000,he showed
exemplary forgiveness and did not take revenge from anyone.

He forgave the one who had caused the death of his daughter, and the
woman,Hinda who chewed the liver and heart of his beloved uncle
Hamza(r.a), after he was martyred by her slave Wahshi,in the battle of
Uhad. Even hid deadliest enemy Abu Sufyan,who led so many battles
against Islam, was forgiven and south no retribution for his years of his

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was always true to his word. He was given the
title of ‘Al-Sadiq’ (the truthful) and ‘Al-Amin’( the trustworthy ) in
Makkah, long before the declaration of his Prophet hood. He always
kept his promises and contracts at all costs even with his enemies, and
never broke his promise.

Once the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) promised Abdullah bin Abi al –Haitham
to be present at a certain appointed place on a certain date; the man
forgot to reach that place as appointed. Three days later,he suddenly
remembered his promise and went to the place, where he found to his
astonishment that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) had been waiting for him
the last three days.

Almight Allah says, “ And the believers are those who regard their
trust and teir covenant.” The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) made it incumbent
upon the belivers to keep their promises in all lawful things. Whenever
he extended any promise to any nation or people in the from of treaties
,pledges and guarantees,he always used to adhere to them inspite of
the greatest perils to his life or to the lives of muslim for the matter.

Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was titled as Al-Amin (the Trustworthy) in Makkah.
In his opinion trust was a great thing and one of the noblest attributes
of a human being. He instructed tp pay trust to one who had entrusted
and not to be treacherous to one who was treacherous. When he was
about to migrate to Madinah, he was conscious of all the trusts ( kept
by the unbelievers with him ). Therefore, he asked Hazrat Ali (r.a) to
stay at Makkah until all the trusts were returned to the owners.

Hazrat Anus (r.a) reported, “Hardly had the Prophet addressed us

without saying; ‘There is no faith in him who has no trust, and no
religion for him who has no promise.”Acoording to the teachings of
the Holy Prophet(s.a.w), it is also a breach of trust if a man confides to
another Relater discloses them. He said, “When a man holds a
conversation and then draws his attention ( to keep it secret). It is

The spirit of sacrifice is most prominent in the character of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w).If he possessed anything that someone else needed, he
would part with it at once, although he might himself have real need of
it. Once the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was given seven beautiful gardens, but
instead of keeping them for himself he gave them in charity, their
produce being expended in helping the poor.

A woman once offered the Holy Prophet(s.a.w) a beautiful cloth to

cover himself with.As it was just the thing he badly needed, he
accepted it; but a man standing near admired for the cloth saying, “
What a lovely cloth!” The Holy Prophet (s.a.w), seeing the man also
needed ot ,gave it to him at once.

The generosity and kindness of the heart of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w)
was a household word. During the months of Ramadan he would give
away so lavishly as to leave hardly anything for himself. He never kept
money with him overnight. If he had anything left, before nightfall he
would give it to the needy and destitute. If he saw someone who was
starving, he would give him his meal and remain hungry himself.

Once a man who had embraced Islam asked the holy Prophet (s.a.w) for
some goats and sheep. It so happened that at this time the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w) had recently been given great abundance of these
animals. He gave the man so many that they filled the space between
two hills.

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was once given 90,000 Dirhams, which he
began to distribute among the beggers. Soon the whole amount was
exhausted. After all the beggers had departed an old man came and
asked for alms. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) had nothing left to give, but he
did not want to send the man away empty-hande.He therefore
borrowed something from another and gave it to him.

In doing justice, the Holy Prophet(s.a.w) was most even-handed. He
treated friend, foe, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. From early childhood
he was noted for his honesty and fair dealing, and many would come to
him to settle their disputes.

In Madinah, he was accepted as the arbitrator by both Jews and

idolaters in all their disputes. In a case between a Jew and a Muslim
which came before the Holy Prophet (s.a.w), he decided in favour of
the Jew, because he found the Jew to be right.
When a woman belonging to the tribe of Makhzum was found guilty of
theft, all her relatives went to Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (r.a), of whom
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) was very fond, begging him to intercede with
the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) to set her free. However the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w) refused, saying that it would not be justice, and added that if his
own daughter, Fatima, had committed theft; she would have been
punished in the very same manner.

He treated all men in a just way, regardless of dignity or rank. Slaves

and free man were accorded the same treatment as those belonging to
a rich and noble tirbe.


The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) knew the reality of this
world, its brevity and its temporary nature. So he lived in it not in
affluence but as a poor person, enduring hunger one day with patience
and eating one day with gratitude. He knew that this world is a paradise
only for those who have no share in the eternal Paradise, and would

“O Allah, there is no [true] life but the life of the Hereafter.” (As
narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Hence, the Hereafter was his greatest concern, so he would empty his
heart of the concerns of this world. Although worldly things eventually
came to him in abundance, he disassociated himself from them,
saying:“ What do I need of this world? It is like the shade of a tree in
which a rider naps at noon; then he moves on and leaves it.” (As
narrated by at-Tirmidhi)


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