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1 / WEEK 1

Module1-Lesson 1


1. Isaac Lidsky TEDTalk
a. Give your reactions about how effective the speaker is in his speech. (Answer this in
3-4 sentences only)
b. How important is verbal feedback to Isaac as a CEO? (3-5 sentences)
c. Identify the type or types non- verbal communication used in his speech, give your
brief explanation why it was effective.
d. After watching the video, define fear in your own way. (In 1-2 sentences only)
2. Language Biodata form
How many language do you speak?
Identify these languages.
What is /are your first language/s or
mother tongue/s?
How did you acquire your first language/s
or mother tongue?
What skills can you perform using your
first language/s?
How did you learn your second
What are your language strengths?
What are your language weaknesses?
Which language is your favorite and why?
With the information provided above. Write your language biography, a paragraph that
tells the story of your languages.

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