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The depth of investigation depends on several parameters, including the type of measurement, the

definition of this parameter and, very important, the actual geology. Basically, the power of the
measurement instrument very often is not the limiting factor but it is cable length and Geology.

Let me explain the geology effect using two examples:

(1) Assuming you have a low resistivity top layer and high resistivities below. The current is forced
to use mainly the high conductive layer. This is physics. As a result, the current density in greater
depth is quite low. In other words, the deph of inverstigation will be comparably low.

(2) Assuming a low resistivity layer in greater depth and above layers with high resistivity. The
effect will be opposite: The current will travel deeper, therefore the depth of investigation will be
comparable deeper.

Type of measurement also will determine the depth of investigation. For example, at a given
electrode separation of 100m a Wenner or Schlumberger sounding will approximately yield a depth
of investigation of 25m, a dipol-dipole measurement 50 m. However, these estimates vary in
literature and can not be taken for granted - they are meant as a very rough guidline only.

In the course notes of Mr Loke, the programmer of Res2DInv

( you find the table 2 on page 29 explaining this in detail.

A good overview can also be found here:

So as a summary, assuming "normal" resistivities of 100 - 1000 Ohm*m the 4point light 10W
will be able to operate with cable lengths of about 2000m and thus, in a Schlumberger
configuration, achieve a depth of investigation of about 500m. However, assuming extremely low
resistivities, dry surface conditiones with high contact resistances and high electrical noise, the
maximum depth may be limited to only 20 - 50m.

Most of our customers work with tomography systems wit total cable lengths of around 500m and
thus roughly 125m depth range.

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