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TEE no ee forma continuoys j.performar® The votes en m vet il passato- Stormo contang ie i ve aggiornato quotidianamente, ane OF web vie credito- taro carte or ii aneli’ stato girato in Nagy nd. informa della runione 2 cendo la revisione alla mia macchng inuou: fac ast continu ‘moment. Stanno le case. Present © PA? iced at the mn ristrutturando Ie CO” — ” 2s ong ing renovated Sed, uta pulendo fa stanza qua SD arn, festa di Sabrina. puter é stato riparato? ene ; Thewedo at been oeored for ages. Le finest nan erano state lite da seco. ‘The windows ha & Be going ton i io scooter sara revisionato la prossima ston ing to be serviced next week. I mio scool ne wee pons conte ‘will be opened by the mayor. I nuovo centro sportvo sara inaugui will not be spoken to like that! Non. permetterd a nessuno di parlarmi in quel modo! F Verbi modali 3 “Te report should be submitted by Friday at the latest. La relazione dovrebbe essere presenta vio dt venerdi of pid tar. Fights could be cancelled because of the weather. Potrebbero essere cancellati voli per' Per rferirsial passato si usa la struttura verbo modale + have been + participio passato. “The report should have been submited last Friday. La relazione avrebbe dovuto essere pret scorso. Her fight could have been cancelled because of the weather, suo volo potrebbe esse s0% per vi del malterpo, er nee ete arsana 1. Riscrivi le frasi alla forma passiva, > Bill Ga and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975. icrosoft software. 2 AVodak yee emt heat MOtefone employee sent the world’s frst text messag oo ee = lessage in 1992. puter ‘one is repairing my iter ‘= ung ™y computer at the moment ne le between 14 and 25 sen ti ates 1d most text meaazo— at the moment. 5 You can download t messages, load a lot of a seas lot of music for free, Between 14 and 25. ~——— for free. Scanned with CamScanner 2. osservai tit [cup FINAL POSTPONED | r The Cup Final has been postponed _. Eiffel Tower to be demolished next year » The Eiffel Tower {Dali painting stolen | 1 ADali painting 20 injured ina bus crash | cence 2 20 people ——_________— (EXD Legai i brani e completali con Valternativa corretta, attiva 0 passiva. Poi ascolta e controlla. " Performance halted by mobile \When a mobile phone* _C__ during @ performance of The History Boys at New York's Broadhouse Theatre last night, lead actor Richard Griffiths |____ the scene and shouted at the offending audience member "You to turn them off by the stage manager; he : you it was against the law. If we hear ‘one more phone, the performance *__—-! The law to which Griffiths referred is a ban on Using mobiles in all theatres, museums, galleries MOBILES GO BACK TO THE FUTURE ‘They can play music, connect to the intemet and take photographs and videos, but today’s mobile phones are simply too complicated for many older people. In response, a new telephone’ which | Fac one of these added extras; you can make and | receive calls and nothing more. The Vodafone Simply, which * © size of most of today's mobiles and has a large | screen and large buttons. Features such as battery | and signal strength in words rather than | by symbols, which * oli e gli annunci e completa le frasi con la forma passiva corretta- USE BEFORE 15 MAY aca 3 The eggs must_—_____—— FLIGHT DELAYED. STILL IN LONDON. ANA % i . 4 Ana's flight She's still in London. z 2 a Ss ea (= 3 Bs 8 a OXFORD MUSEUM. Opened by the Queen « 28th August 2003 6 Oxford Museum Grammar B2 \ | | | ‘mainly at the over 55s, is twice the | older users. In Japan, a and libraries in New York, which = in | similar phone which went on sale last year became 2008. Violators of the law °____ $50. Petes ae sipicias concur, 2 | >A tings B isrung © rang D was rung 1A stops B stopped C isstopped D_ was stopped 24 told B are told C was told D were told 3A told B istold C was told D were told 4A cancels B is cancelled C will cancel D will be cancelled 5A passed B is passed C was passed D were passed 6A fine B is fined C are fined D were fined a introduced B has been introduced C isintroduced —_D was introduced BA markets B marketed Cis marketed D_ was marketed A explains B is explained C explained D are explained can confuse can be confused C is confused D are confused Unita 35 107 Scanned with CamScanner

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