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How much / How Many / A few / A little / A lot of

To ask about quantity we use:

 How much with uncountable nouns

How much milk have we got in the fridge?

 How many with plural countable nouns

How many apples do we need?

To talk about small quantities we use:

 a little with uncountable nouns

We only have a little milk.

 a few with countable nouns

We need a few apples.
To talk about big quantities we use:

 a lot of with plural countable and uncountable nouns

We have a lot of oranges.
We don’t have a lot of money.
Food Phrases

a plate of = um prato de
a box of = uma caixa de
a bottle of = uma garrafa de
a bowl of = uma taça / tigela de
a slice of = uma fatia de
a glass of = um copo de
a can of = uma lata de
a cup of = uma chávena de

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