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Quiz: ch’allay, michiy, juqhariy, puquy, t’ipiy, tipiy

1. Qayna noqa mamaywan wakakunata owijakunata michirqayku. // Yesterday my mother and

I pastured the cows and sheep.
2. Pasaq killa jatun tataypa chaqran sarata tipirqa. // Last month my grandparent harvested
corn of his field.
3. Chay warmi pachamamapaq ch’allayta wakinirqa. // That woman prepared an offering for
the Mother Earth.
4. Pasaq wata runakuna Perumanta Boliviamanta ima kinwata tarpuyta yanapanakurqanku. //
Last year people from Peru and Bolivia worked together to plan quinoa.
5. Pasaq junqajuna qan papata siwarata juqharqanki. // La semana pasada tú cosechaste papa
y cebada.

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