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Good morning sir excuse me

I am fiki duwi prisyanto

My class transportation C
My id number 192004089
Today i am going to presenting a product wich this product are familiar in indonesia.
The product name is sariwangi

Sariwangi is a local Indonesian brand was introduced in 1973 in the form of a tea bag.
A tea bags used by sariwangi also contain natural fibers so they are free of subtances
that can be harmful health.

SariWangi is processed from a tea garden that is very clean so that it gets high quality
tea leaves with a distinctive aroma that is very fragrant. Each leaf picked is processed
to produce an elegant taste. Tea is the second most popular soft drink in the world
after water.
Research shows that the maximum benefit of tea will be obtained through regular
consumption of tea 4-6 cups a day

After almost 10 years, SariWangi has successfully invited Indonesian families to "Let's
Talk", now SariWangi is inviting Indonesian families to #Dare to Talk. Through the
#Dare to Talk campaign, SariWangi invites Indonesian families to not just talk, but to
talk more deeply and to express their heart to the family to build a harmonious

Sari Wangi launched Sari Wangi Green Tea in 2006. SariWangi launches a new
innovation through Saripure, round tea with Osmofilter technology which was
launched in April 2007. In 2014, SariWangi comes with more quality quality tea
leaves that make the taste and aroma of SariWangi tea fresher and make family
moments more special.
SariWangi again launches innovation by presenting SariWangi jasmine tea in 2017

Maybe that was it I can show you

Thank you for your attention
Good morning

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