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An interview with a celebrity

TV Host: Hello gorgeous! As you already know, I am asking you a few questions about yourself, but
you can´t mention your name because the public will try to find out who you are!
Celebrity: Sure, why not?
TV Host: So, how long have you been an actress?
Celebrity: I have been an actress since 1994, so for 27 years, almost 28!
TV Host: Wow, that´s amazing! And have you always wanted to be an actress?
Celebrity: Actually, yes! The possibility of being another person for a certain amount of time has
always amazed me! I got my first role as John Ritter’s daughter in the fantasy ‘North’ when I was nine years
old and that was when I realized I wanted to be an actress.
TV Host: What film did you enjoy making the most?
Celebrity: Hmm, let me think. Probably ‘The Black Widow’, also my most recent film!
TV Host: That film was great, one of my favourites. And who is your favourite co-star?
Celebrity: Oh, that’s easy! Florence Pugh! There is no one I would rather be teamed up with than
Pugh. I share a sisterly dynamic with her, and I truly admire her confidence.
TV Host: That’s great! One last question: How do you feel about being one of the world’s highest
paid actresses?
Celebrity: I think that being able to buy what we want is obviously great, but I focus more on what I
really enjoy doing, which is acting, and not on what I receive from it.
TV Host: Great answer! Let’s now let the public guess who you are!

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