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One moment in life is something that we wish could last forever especially when it is

something that is memorable that the dawn is not the period of it all and the sunrise is
not the means of moving forward. In life there are two things, we regret or we change to
overcome our rues. Life is something uncertain, we are not destined for one thing, we
are meant to see ourselves from a lot of things, where every heartbeats harmonized
each notes of newly found contrivance.

When I was a kid, I wish death is not the coda of life because of what ifs. What if I
haven't accomplished what I would've done? Like, Phil in the Groundhog Day movie, he
was stuck in an indefinite time loop, and I would say I would’ve done the same or make
it better than Phil's way. Our stay here on Earth is a bivouac, nothing is certain about
morrows, no one holds a future that is capable of changing the destined paths, because
only now is the time that we have to make change. I was once like Phil, who seems to
have no care about everyone around. The ethical or moral ways sometimes contradict
our reasoning, thus turns us out to be irrational because we become overpowered with
our emotions. On the other hand, I would’ve be like Phil whose change is significant.
Where his pessimist outlook when his one-day-all-day-seemed-lifetime life is doomed
that everyday is a depressing episodes of going back over and over the same day you
wished to escape but eventually he learned to cope up and was able to see the world
and people beyond his.

“Is thinking about yourself is always an act of being selfish? How about that kind of love
called self-love?”

The power of reasons that will lead us to decision making up to the action. Everyday we
have the power of free will. Being moral, you have to act accordingly, morally, humane.
But for some reasons out of bad experiences, we do things according with our
experiences, according with our “own” rights. We sometimes forget the value of love.
Simply, when you love everyone and everything you learn to understand things even for
unfortunate circumstances. Phil said “Anything different is good”. At this point, it is quite
contradicting to supposedly standards of ethics. We redefine its meaning when we apply
philosophy with it. Diversely, it is still a world of uncertainty. One rule is not the standard
because of our capacities to explore our minds.

Parallel with this film is the whereabouts of reasons. For every situation in life we
consider the reasons of their occurrence. Phil’s life in the timeloop is a series of whys
that led him to certain decision making up to not considering anything and just takes an
action without thinking of the consequences because of him knowing that everyday will
go back.

It’s always an awe how it turned as a blessing in disguise, doing things you haven’t done
before which are actually good. And that, when you learn to open your heart to
possibilities it will allow you to move forward and today will be a tomorrow.

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