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Frequency and width crossing of two interacting resonances in a microwave cavity

M. Philipp,1 P. von Brentano,1 G. Pascovici,1 and A. Richter2,*
Institut für Kernphysik, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Straße 77, D–50937 Köln, Germany
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Wallotstraße 19, D–14193 Berlin, Germany
共Received 20 October 1999兲
Frequency and width crossing have been observed for two coupled resonances in a microwave cavity. The
cavity consisted of two nearly identical rectangular boxes. The boxes were coupled by a slit of variable width.
The data are well described by a non-Hermitean S matrix leading to a 2⫻2 non-Hermitean effective Hamil-
tonian. The values of the interaction strength 兩 v 兩 for which width crossing and frequency crossing, respectively,
were observed, are above and below a critical value 兩 v c 兩 for which one expects a joint frequency and width

PACS number共s兲: 05.45.Mt, 02.60.Cb, 03.65.Ge, 24.60.Lz

I. INTRODUCTION frequencies become equal, i.e., ␯ 1 (␭ 0 )⫽ ␯ 2 (␭ 0 ). One speaks

of frequency anticrossing if for all values of the parameter ␭
Two level mixing is a fruitful concept and simple lan- the two frequencies differ, i.e., ␯ 1 (␭)⫽ ␯ 2 (␭) for all ␭. This
guage in physics 关1,2兴. In the case of bound states the under- language is also used for the two widths ␥ 1 (␭) and ␥ 2 (␭).
lying Hamiltonian is Hermitean and owing to this property The language comes from atomic physics, where such cross-
an off-diagonal coupling between both states causes the level ings and anticrossings are observed as a function of the mag-
energies to repel each other. For this reason a frequency netic field. At this point we want to mention a very early
crossing is only possible, if the off-diagonal coupling is zero paper on coupled decaying electronic states of molecules by
关1–3兴. The extension of two level mixing from bound to Estrada et al. 关12兴, which contains a discussion of the cross-
unbound, i.e., decaying states is very natural. The decaying ing phenomena. In this paper we will give experimental evi-
unbound states have complex energies ⑀ k and are described dence for this theoretical result, by performing experiments
by a non-Hermitean Hamiltonian 关3–11兴, however. The de- on microwave cavities, which have recently been shown very
composition of the complex energies ⑀ k into the real energies useful in a study of quantum chaos and general resonance
E k and frequencies ␯ k and the widths ⌫ k and ␥ k is given in phenomena 关13–18兴.
Eq. 共1兲, where we have put h⫽1:


⑀ k ⫽E k ⫺ ⌫ k ⫽ ␯ k ⫺ ␥ k . 共1兲
2 2 The experiment was performed with a double box micro-
wave cavity. It consisted of two nearly identical rectangular
We will refer to the ⑀ k in the paper alternatively as complex boxes made of copper. These resonators were coupled by a
energies or complex eigenfrequencies. The fact that the en- narrow slit in the partition wall, which allowed the two sub-
ergies of the decaying states are complex opens a rich sce- systems to interact, see Fig. 1. The two antennas a and b
nario of crossings and anticrossings of energies or frequen- provided an inductive coupling of the resonator with the
cies and width for the unbound two level system. In transmission cables. Microwaves in the frequency range of
particular it has been suggested that whereas energies of 992 to 994 MHz excited the first TM-mode of each box. In
bound states can cross only for a vanishing interaction 关1兴 order to obtain two nearly equal complex eigenfrequencies
the complex energies of unbound 共decaying兲 states can cross the two boxes were made nearly identical. In addition there
at a nonvanishing interaction strength v 关5–11兴. A rather were two tools, which allowed to vary the parameters of the
surprising theoretical result is given in Ref. 关11兴. It states that cavity: A small block of plastic P, of variable position y in
in the two unbound level system a real purely off-diagonal the first box allowed to vary the eigenfrequency ␯ 01 of the
interaction implies that either there is a joint crossing of both first box, a slit of variable size x in the wall separating the
the unperturbed frequencies and the perturbed widths or
there is a joint crossing of the unperturbed frequencies and of
the perturbed frequencies.
The terms frequency crossing or anticrossing refer to the
situation that two frequencies or widths are measured as a
function of a slowly varying parameter ␭. One speaks of
frequency crossing if there is a value ␭ 0 for which the two
FIG. 1. Sketch of the twin microwave cavity. The antennas a
and b are coupled to the generator and to the detector, respectively.
*Permanent address: Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Univer- The wall between the two cavities has an opening of width x, which
sität Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D–64289 Darmstadt, Ger- couples them. The body P depicts a small block of plastics, which
many. can be moved inside cavity 1 by an amount y from the wall.

1063-651X/2000/62共2兲/1922共5兲/$15.00 PRE 62 1922 ©2000 The American Physical Society


two cavities allowed to vary the coupling strength v of the corresponding unperturbed complex eigenfrequencies
two cavities. ⑀ 01 , ⑀ 02 of H 0 . As is well known 关1–3兴 the ⑀ n are related to
A sinusoidal electrical signal from a generator of variable the ⑀ 0n and the interaction strength v by
frequency ␯ and amplitude I a ( ␯ ) was fed into the cavity
through the input antenna a and a signal of complex ampli-
tude O b ( ␯ ) was observed from the output antenna b by a
detector. Both, amplitude and relative phase of the output
冉 1 2
⑀ 1,2⫺ 共 ⑀ 01 ⫹ ⑀ 02 兲 ⫽ 共 ⑀ 01 ⫺ ⑀ 02 兲 2 ⫹ v 2 .
2 4

signal O b ( ␯ ) was measured. The ratio of complex ampli- In the following we study the relation between the ⑀ n and the
tudes S ab ( ␯ )⫽O b ( ␯ )/I a ( ␯ ) was measured as a function of ⑀ 0n in the neighborhood of the crossing point of the unper-
the generator frequency ␯ . It was analyzed using an S matrix. turbed frequencies ␯ 01 ⬇ ␯ 02 . In the experiment we measured
The form of the S matrix was taken from nuclear physics and the complex number S ab ( ␯ )⫽O b ( ␯ )/I a ( ␯ ) as a function of
is discussed extensively by Mahaux and Weidenmüller
the generator frequency ␯ . The data far from the crossing
关19,20兴. In nuclear physics the antennae correspond to the
point showed two strong resonances corresponding to the
channels, which are denoted c, c ⬘ there 关16,21兴. The form
two fundamental complex eigenfrequencies ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 of the
of the S matrix is
cavity. The data can in principle be analyzed directly with

冉 冊
the S matrix of Eq. 共2兲. Instead of applying this description
S cc ⬘ 共 ␯ 兲 ⫽e i ␾ c ␦ cc ⬘ ⫺i 兺 ⫺1
W cn D nn ⬘ W c ⬘ n ⬘ e i ␾ c⬘. 共2兲 we used a special form Eq. 共6兲 of the S matrix, which is
nn⬘ numerically stable in the vicinity of the complex energy
crossing point ( ⑀ 1 ⫽ ⑀ 2 ), however. We give only the S matrix
Here the propagator D nn ⬘ defines an effective symmetrical element S ab between the input antenna a and the output an-
non-Hermitean Hamiltonian H nn ⬘ by the relation tenna b:

D nn ⬘ ⫽ ␯ ␦ nn ⬘ ⫺H nn ⬘ . 共3兲
冉 冊
0 0
i(⌽ a ⫹⌽ b )
v W a2 W b1 1 1
S ab 共 ␯ 兲 ⫽⫺ie ⫺ , 共6兲
⑀ 1⫺ ⑀ 2 ␯⫺⑀1 ␯⫺⑀2
The amplitudes W cn , W c ⬘ n ⬘ describe the coupling of chan-
nel c, respectively, c ⬘ , to the resonance n. As the walls ab-
where ⌽ a and ⌽ b are defined as in Eq. 共2兲. The interaction v
sorb energy 共the quality factor Q of the cavity has been of the
is defined in Eq. 共4兲 and W a2 0 0
and W b1 are the amplitudes
order of 103 ) the S matrix is nonunitary. Thus the parameters
W a2 and W b1 , respectively, which are appropriate to the un-
␾ c , ␾ c ⬘ , W cn , W c ⬘ n ⬘ will be complex in general.
perturbed system ( v ⫽0). In deriving Eq. 共6兲 from Eq. 共2兲 we
In the experiment we investigated the neighborhood of the
assume that in the unperturbed system there is no direct cou-
two nearly degenerate fundamental modes of the two box
pling from the antenna a to box 1 and from antenna b to box
cavity ⑀ 1 , ⑀ 2 . These two eigenmodes are well separated in
frequency from the other eigenmodes of higher order and 2, i.e., we assume W a1 0
⫽W b2
thus the data can be accurately described by taking only From the fits to the data far away from the crossing point
these two modes into account. Therefore the effective Hamil- we obtained unique values of the two complex eigenfrequen-
tonian H becomes a complex symmetrical 2⫻2 matrix. The cies ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 . The ⑀ 1 , ⑀ 2 were obtained for several values
respective complex eigenvalues ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 of this effective of the parameters x and y of the two perturbing elements of
Hamiltonian matrix are identical with the poles of the corre- the cavity, namely, the coupling strength v ⫽ v (x) and the
sponding S matrix. Strictly speaking resonance states do not position y of the block P. We measured ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 at 9 values
have complex energies which are constants. The resonances y k of y and for 2 values x i of x: x⫽2.1 and x⫽1.3 cm. Thus
which we are considering are however extremely narrow. we obtained 18 complex eigenfrequencies ⑀ 1 (x,y), ⑀ 2 (x,y).
For narrow resonances one can use, however, effective en- In fitting the resonances in the vicinity of the crossing some
ergy independent parameters. According to the size x of the numerical stability problems were encountered even for the
coupling slit in the microwave cavity one can decompose the form of Eq. 共6兲 for the S matrix. This is not surprising, be-
effective Hamiltonian H into an unperturbed 共uncoupled兲 cause in the vicinity of the crossing point ␯ 01 ⬇ ␯ 02 the data
part H 0 (y), which depends on the position y of the plastic show only one resonance structure in 兩 S 兩 and a smooth be-
block P, and a purely nondiagonal interaction V(x), which is havior of the phase ⌽ s of the S ab defined by S⫽e i⌽ s 兩 S 兩 . In
a function of the slit size x only: order to get unique fit parameters ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 also in the vi-
cinity of the crossing point we used two extra constraints.
H⫽H 共 x,y 兲 First it was assumed that the sum of the two complex ener-
gies ⑀ 1 ⫹ ⑀ 2 is at most a quadratic polynomial in y:
⫽H 0 共 y 兲 ⫹V 共 x 兲

冉 冊冉 冊
⑀ 1 ⫹ ⑀ 2 ⫽ ⑀ 01 ⫹ ⑀ 02 ⫽a⫹ib⫹cy⫹dy 2 , 共7兲
⑀ 01 共 y 兲 0 0 v共 x 兲
⫽ ⫹ . 共4兲
0 ⑀ 02 v共 x 兲 0 where the real coefficients a, b, c, d may depend on v ,
respectively, x but not on y. Furthermore it was assumed that
Here we have assumed further that only the eigenmode ⑀ 01 of 0
the product W a2 0
W b1 is independent of y. These assumptions
box 1 in which the plastic P is moved is affected by the were tested for the data far away from the crossing point,
movement. Thus we assume ⑀ 01 ⫽ ⑀ 01 (y) and ⑀ 02 ⫽const. The which gave unique fitted values for ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 . Then these
decomposition H⫽H 0 ⫹V allows us to define besides the assumptions were used to get unique values for ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2
perturbed complex eigenfrequencies ⑀ 1 , ⑀ 2 of H also the also in the vicinity of the crossing.

From the perturbed complex frequencies ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 one

can calculate the two unperturbed complex frequencies
⑀ 0n (x,y) from the perturbed complex frequencies ⑀ n (x,y) us-
ing Eq. 共5兲. In doing this we note first that ⑀ 02 (x,y)⫽ ⑀ 02 (x)
because the plastic P moves only in box 1. Thus from mea-
surements at the two positions y and y ⬘ at a constant x one
obtains eight real parameters from the following four com-
plex quantities: ⑀ 1 (x,y), ⑀ 1 (x,y ⬘ ), ⑀ 2 (x,y), ⑀ 2 (x,y ⬘ ).
From these eight real parameters one can determine the
quantities ⑀ 01 (x,y), ⑀ 01 (x,y ⬘ ), ⑀ 02 (x,y)⫽ ⑀ 02 (x,y ⬘ ) and v ,
which contain also eight real parameters, if we allow v to be
complex. Actually the measurements were performed at 9
different values of the distance y of the block P from the
wall. Thus the parameters ⑀ 0n and v are overdetermined. As
v ⫽ v (x) is thus fixed we will use v instead of x 共Fig. 1兲 in
the further discussion. In a similar way we replace the dis-
tance y 共Fig. 1兲 by the more physical parameter ␦ ␯ 01 which is FIG. 2. Frequency anticrossing left-hand side 共LHS兲 and width
the difference between the unperturbed frequencies: crossing right-hand side 共RHS兲. The frequencies ␯ 01 , ␯ 02 and widths
␥ 01 , ␥ 02 of the unperturbed system ( v ⫽0) and the corresponding
␦ ␯ 01 共 x,y 兲 ⫽ ␯ 01 共 x,y 兲 ⫺ ␯ 02 共 x,y 兲 . 共8兲 frequencies ␯ 1 , ␯ 2 and widths ␥ 1 , ␥ 2 of the perturbed system are
shown in dependence of the parameter ␦ ␯ 01 ⫽ ␯ 01 ⫺ ␯ 02 . ␺ 01 and ␺ 02
One finds, that ␦ ␯ 01 depends essentially only on y and is denote the states of the isolated cavities 1 and 2. This is the strong
nearly independent of x. Thus we will use ␦ ␯ 01 instead of the coupling case 0.063 Mhz⫽ 兩 v 兩 ⬎ v c ⫽0.037 Mhz. The lines
distance y in the following. through the data points are calculated from Eqs. 共5兲,共9兲 in the main
It follows from Eq. 共5兲, that the labeling of the two com- text.
plex eigenfrequencies as ⑀ 1 and ⑀ 2 is arbitrary at each fre-
quency ␦ ␯ 01 . To get a unique labeling of ⑀ k , we note, that far by an essentially real interaction strength v ⫽e i ␾ v 兩 v 兩 . Ideally
to the left of the crossing, i.e., for ␦ ␯ 01 Ⰶ0 and for 兩 ␦ ␯ 01 兩 the unperturbed complex frequencies should be independent
Ⰶ 兩 v 兩 . The perturbed and unperturbed complex eigenfrequen- of the interaction strength v . This is essentially true although
cies must be approximately equal, i.e., there are some small discrepancies in particular in the widths
␥ 01 ( v ⫽0.063) and ␥ 01 ( v ⫽0.015), which differ by about
⑀ k ⬇ ⑀ 0k , k苸 兵 1,2其 . 共9兲 10%.
We will now try to understand the observed crossings and
By requiring continuity we obtain unique values of both ⑀ 1 anticrossings from the basic relation 共5兲. We follow here the
and ⑀ 2 as a function of ␦ ␯ 01 for given values ⑀ 01 and ⑀ 02 . In the theoretical results and the presentation of Ref. 关11兴. The
Figs. 2 and 3 we have plotted the values of the unperturbed variation of the squared differences of the eigenfrequencies
frequencies ␯ 01 , ␯ 02 and widths ␥ 01 , ␥ 02 and of the perturbed is obtained from Eq. 共5兲:
frequencies ␯ 1 , ␯ 2 and widths ␥ 1 , ␥ 2 as a function of the
difference ␦ ␯ 01 of the unperturbed frequencies for two values
of the coupling strength v .
In Fig. 2 the coupling strength has a value 兩 v 兩
⫽0.063 MHz and one observes width crossing and fre-
quency anticrossing. In Fig. 3 the interaction strength v has
the smaller value 兩 v 兩 ⫽0.015 MHz and one observes fre-
quency crossing and width anticrossing.
The curves in the upper part of Figs. 3 and 2 show the
unperturbed frequencies and widths as a function of ␦ ␯ 01 .
These curves are obtained from the relations

1 共 v 兲⫹␦␯1 ,
⑀ 01 共 v 兲 ⫽ ⑀ 00 共10兲

⑀ 02 共 v 兲 ⫽ ⑀ 00
2 共 v 兲, 共11兲

1 ( v )⫽ ␯ 2 ( v ) is assumed to make ␦ ␯ 1 well defined.

where ␯ 00 00 00

In Table I we give two sets of parameters ⑀ 00 1 (x), ⑀ 2 (x),

FIG. 3. Frequency crossing 共LHS兲 and width anticrossing
and v (x) obtained at two values of v (x) and x. The curves in 共RHS兲: The frequencies ␯ 01 , ␯ 02 and widths ␥ 01 , ␥ 02 of the unper-
the lower part of Figs. 2 and 3 were calculated with Eq. 共5兲 turbed system ( v ⫽0) and the corresponding frequencies ␯ 1 , ␯ 2
from the unperturbed complex frequencies, the interaction and widths ␥ 1 , ␥ 2 of the perturbed system are shown as a function
strength v obtained from Table I and the relations 共10兲,共11兲. of the parameter ␦ ␯ 01 共see caption to Fig. 2兲. This is the weak
We note that the perturbed frequencies and widths are well coupling case 0.015 Mhz⫽ 兩 v 兩 ⬍ v c ⫽0.037 Mhz. The lines
reproduced by the corresponding unperturbed quantities and through the data points result from Eqs. 共5兲,共9兲 in the main text.

TABLE I. Calculated unperturbed resonance parameters and interaction strengths v .

x (mm) 兩 v 兩 (MHz) arg v (deg) ␯ 00

1 (MHz) ␥ 00
1 (MHz) ␯ 00
2 (MHz) ␥ 00
2 (MHz)

21 0.063共2兲 2共2兲 992.747共2兲 0.285共4兲 992.747共1兲 0.424共3兲

13 0.015共6兲 7共23兲 992.765共2兲 0.321共4兲 992.765共1兲 0.422共3兲

共 ⑀ 1 ⫺ ⑀ 2 兲 2 ⫽ 共 ⑀ 01 ⫺ ⑀ 02 兲 2 ⫹4 v 2 . 共12兲 We now compare the data in Figs. 2 and 3 with the the-
oretical expectations. One finds, 0.063 MHz⫽ 兩 v 兩 ⬎ 兩 v c 兩
In general the interaction v is complex. But in our special ⫽0.037 MHz for the data of Fig. 2. This is the overcritical
experimental case v is real within the error bars. Therefore coupling case. And indeed frequency anti-crossing and width
we restrict our considerations to a real v . crossing is observed. For the data in Fig. 3 one has
In order to simplify the calculations one decomposes the 0.015 Mhz⫽ 兩 v 兩 ⬍ 兩 v c 兩 ⫽0.025 MHz this is the undercritical
differences of the complex eigenfrequencies into real and coupling case and indeed one finds frequency crossing and
imaginary parts width anticrossing. We note the small difference of 兩 v c 兩 in
the experiments done at different couplings v . Complex fre-
⑀ 01 ⫺ ⑀ 02 ⫽:e 0 ⫹ig 0 , ⑀ 1 ⫺ ⑀ 2 ⫽:e⫹ig. 共13兲
quency crossing is expected around 兩 v 兩 ⫽0.030 MHz and
From Eqs. 共12兲,共13兲 one obtains lies thus in between the two measured interaction strengths
兩 v 兩 ⫽0.015 MHz and 兩 v 兩 ⫽0.063 MHz. It would be very in-
e 0 g 0 ⫽eg, 共14兲 teresting to perform experiments very close to 兩 v 兩 ⫽ 兩 v c 兩 . To
do this requires however a much more stable setup, which
e 2 ⫺ 共 e 0 兲 2 ⫽4 v 2 ⫺ 共 g 0 兲 2 ⫹g 2 . 共15兲 we are developing at present. As all data are well described
by the model we can claim to have established from these
One can classify the behavior of the perturbed complex fre- data also complex frequency crossing. Clearly it would be
quencies at a point where the unperturbed real frequencies more convincing if data points much nearer to the complex
cross, i.e., for ␦ ␯ 01 ⫽ ␯ 01 ⫺ ␯ 02 ⫽e 0 ⫽0. One finds three cases, frequency crossing would be measured. But to perform this
which are distinguished by the value of the interaction experiment requires a much more stable apparatus, which we
strength 兩 v 兩 in comparison to a critical value v c : are presently designing.
We want to add a plausibility argument for width crossing
v c ª 12 兩 g 0 兩 ⫽ 41 兩 ␥ 01 ⫺ ␥ 02 兩 . 共16兲 at large interactions. For this we consider the states ␺ 0n ,
which are the eigenstates of the isolated cavities n⫽1,2 with
The three cases are as follows. unperturbed complex eigenfrequencies ⑀ 0n . In analogy to the
Overcritical coupling. If 兩 v 兩 ⬎ v c , one finds ␯ 1 ⫽ ␯ 2 and bound state case we find for a large 兩 v 兩 frequency anticross-
␥ 1 ⫽ ␥ 2 , i.e., frequency anti-crossing and width crossing. ing, see Fig. 2. This and the requirement of continuity imply
Critical coupling. If 兩 v 兩 ⫽ v c , one finds ␯ 1 ⫽ ␯ 2 and ␥ 1 as explained below Eq. 共8兲, that the state ␺ 01 turns into the
⫽ ␥ 2 , i.e., a joint frequency and width crossing, which is also state ␺ 02 with increasing ␦ ␯ 01 . As a consequence the width
referred to as complex frequency crossing. ␥ 1 ( ␦ ␯ 01 Ⰶ0)⬇ ␥ 01 changes into ␥ 1 ( ␦ ␯ 01 Ⰷ0)⬇ ␥ 02 and vice
Subcritical coupling. If 兩 v 兩 ⬍ v c , one has ␯ 1 ⫽ ␯ 2 and
versa. From the continuity of ␥ 1 and ␥ 2 one finds then that
␥ 1 ⫽ ␥ 2 , i.e., frequency crossing and width anticrossing.
␥ 1 and ␥ 2 must cross if ␥ 01 ⫽ ␥ 02 .
The proof of these statements taken from Ref. 关11兴 is
straightforward from the above. From Eq. 共14兲 and e 0 ⫽0 it
follows eg⫽0, i.e. e⫽0 or g⫽0. From e 0 ⫽0 and Eq. 共15兲
one obtains for 兩 v 兩 ⬎ 21 兩 g 0 兩 the relation e 2 ⬎0 and thus g⫽0 III. CONCLUSION
follows from eg⫽0. For e 0 ⫽0 and 兩 v 兩 ⬍ 21 兩 g 0 兩 it follows Summing up, we have investigated a doublet of two in-
from Eq. 共15兲 that g 2 ⬎0 and thus e⫽0. Finally, for e 0 ⫽0 teracting resonances in a two box microwave cavity. We
and 兩 v 兩 ⫽ 21 g 0 we have 兩 e 兩 ⫽ 兩 g 兩 ⫽0. have observed experimentally width and frequency crossing
The full complex energy crossing 兩 e 兩 ⫽ 兩 g 兩 ⫽0 has been at a nonvanishing interaction strength 兩 v 兩 ⫽0. These experi-
discussed in detail in Ref. 关10兴. We note that width crossing mental results have corroborated the theoretical frequency
for 兩 v 兩 ⬎ v c can be understood rather easily. Namely for an and width crossing and anticrossing relations proposed in
appropriately large interaction strength v the two eigen- Ref. 关11兴. The frequency and width crossing and anticrossing
modes are equally mixed and as a consequence the widths are obtained at an interaction strength above and below a
are equal. It is also plausible that a larger interaction strength critical interaction strength v c ⫽ 41 兩 ␥ 01 ⫺ ␥ 02 兩 . By measuring
v is needed if (g 0 ) 2 ⫽ 41 ( ␥ 01 ⫺ ␥ 02 ) 2 is large, i.e., if the differ- above and below of the critical interaction strength v c we
ence in the unperturbed width of the two eigenmodes is have found signatures which allow to identify full complex
large. An interesting aspect is that there is no subcritical frequency crossing, which should occur at 兩 v 兩 ⫽ v c . We note
case, 兩 v 兩 ⬍ v c , if the unperturbed widths are equal: ␥ 01 ⫽ ␥ 02 . that if the two widths differ from each other, one has a full
In this case there is no frequency crossing for 兩 v 兩 ⫽0. This is complex frequency crossing at a nonvanishing interaction v
a direct generalization of the von Neumann–Wigner case, ⫽0. This clearly differs from the bound state case, where a
which forbids crossing at v ⫽0 for bound states, i.e., for ␥ 01 frequency crossing is only allowed for v ⫽0. We think that
⫽ ␥ 02 ⫽0. this paper demonstrates that the study of the unbound two

level system in two coupled microwave cavities is a very ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

rewarding enterprise. In this respect a new prediction of the We would like to thank A. Gade 共Köln兲, Dr. H. Alt, Dr.
change of the relative phases as a function of parameters of R. Hofferbert, and Dr. H.-D. Gräf 共TU Darmstadt兲 for dis-
two interacting resonances by Heiss 关22兴 is mentioned. cussions.

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