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Activity 9: Poyect

3 Jobs(Problems and Solutions

Sofia Xissel Salvador Trejo 3ALCM
Scientist who has specialized in
the study of genes and heredity
(the passing of genetic information
from parents to children). A
geneticist is a doctor who
specializes in the diagnosis and
treatment of genetic disorders or

the manipulation
of genetics, can be
a great enemy for
the human being

Have controlled
the area of ​genetic
engineering, have
certain permissions
to perform certain
actions, constantly
update information
on the genetic
Hospital engineer
Una figura necesaria dentro del
organigrama hospitalario es el
Ingeniero Clínico. ... En definitiva,
"el Ingeniero Clínico es aquel que
aplica sus conocimientos científicos,
tecnológicos y métodos de la ingeniería
en el entorno del área de salud". Su
hábitat es lo que se conoce como
Servicio de Electromedicina.

Thanks to the machinery

integrated into the
hospital, many will be
unemployed because they
will take their place.

Create work areas

where they are
allowed to supervise
or manipulate new
medical devices
Dentists treat the general oral
health of patients. Through
regular check-ups, dentists can
detect and treat cavities, gum
disease, and oral hygiene
problems, and they can also
extract teeth that cannot be
Nowadays, some dentists have problems
with their patients regarding payment.
There are some clients that just don't
pay and disappear. It is not something
extremely common, but the incidence in
these cases is higher than in past

A solution is to charge the patients
before carrying out an application or
surgery to pay an advance or the full
price, otherwise said action cannot
be carried out

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