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Statements 5 4 3 2 1
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

1. Meeting new individuals is something I

enjoy doing
2. I prefer talking out my problems and
3. I consider myself to be a friendly
4. I initiated meeting new people
5. I usually ask someone if I don't
understand something
6. I enjoy sharing ideas with others
7. I get bored when I'm alone
8. Spending time with others is
preferable than spending time alone
9. I feel at ease when I'm in the company
of others
10. I accept invitation to a social
gathering from someone
11. I'm a very open person, I'd like to
share people my problems and thoughts.
12. I spend a lot of time going outside
and do outdoors activity with my friends.
13. I always attend to my friend's or
family's gathering.
14. I love doing things with my friends
rather than doing it alone.
15. I always ask my friends to come over
to our house and have quality time.
16. I am more comfortable when I'm
around with my friends and peers.
17. There's no way I can survive doing
things on my own.
18. I spend most of my time catching up
with my friends.
19. I want to be that one-call-away friend
when someone needed me.
20. Being around with people makes me
happy and it lessen my anxiety.
21. When I'm with my friends, I feel more
at ease.
22. I am willing to listen to all their
23. They always have me in any situation.
24. I am usually able to see the humor in
25. I always want to go to church to
reduce my feelings.
26. I'm a very open person. I like to talk a
lot about what I'm going through. It's
how I cope with things.
27. I always listen and encourage each
other's opinions and input.
28. I love hanging out with my friends

29. I really enjoy talking to people around

30. It's important for me spending time
with my family and friends
31. When my teacher asks a question
and I know the answer, I didn't hesitate
to raise my hand and answer the
32. It is fine for me to lead the team,
even though my members are
completely strangers to me.
33. I immediately inform the salesperson
or staff of my dissatisfaction with their
34. I am able to express myself and share
my ideas and opinions with my group
35. I consider myself one of the talkative
people in my circle of friends
36. I prefer outdoor activities or hanging
out with my friends than staying at home
the whole day
37. I can perform in public confidently
38. Someone has described me as
friendly and approachable.
39. I am not afraid to introduce myself in
front of the class when my teacher asks
us to
40. I am more inclined to take charge in
situations like working in groups

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

1. Whenever I am frustrated, I let my

irritation show.
2. I am struggling to control my temper.
3. I feel my heart beating fast even
though the situation isn't that
4. There's a time that I feel
anxious/worried although there's no
reason at all.
5. I am usually bothered by thoughts of
something negative might happen to me.
6. I am easily irritated by minor
7. Whenever there's an agreement, it
often leads to argument.
8. There's a time that it's hard for me to
accept/appreciate other's opinion/point
of view.
9. I am easily consumed by negative
emotions such as hopelessness.
10. I am easily unmotivated.
11. I easily lose my patience.
12. I am concerned about what others
might think about me.
13. I am concerned about everything I do
in public and I am afraid to make
14. I overthink a lot
15. I have trust Issues

16. I easily get jealous

17. I easily feel guilt when I do something

wrong to others
18. I envy my siblings when my parents
show love to them
19. I can't sleep at night
20. I always panic
21. I love being busy
22. I love hanging out with my friends
23. I always want to be alone
24. I have fear in dark places
25. I easily get angry

26. I have guilt in my past

27. I'm very sensitive person

28. At times i think I’m no good at all.

29. I certainly feel useless most of the

30. I feel I do not have much to be proud
31. I’m easily pissed off when someone
gives me false hope.
32. I got tantrums whenever I don’t get
what i think i deserved.
33. A lot of times I don't trust myself
because I’m scared of the outcome.
34. I never learned from my mistakes
that why I punished myself.
35. I usually break some things when I’m
36. I do not take anyone's approval
because i think it’s annoying and not
37. I like to play dumb and stupid when
someone is approaching me.
38. I forced things to happen even if it's
39. I got mad when someone broke their
promises to me.
40. I got furious automatically when
someone got the wrong idea of me.

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I am kind to every person I
interact with.
2. I talk to people sincerely.
3. When someone's in need, I help
them right away.
4. When I have old clothes and toy,
I donate it to the charities.
5. I participate and volunteer in
community programs.
6. I manage my time to go with all
of my friends.
7. When I have extra, I do not
doubt to share it.
8. When someone's give me a gift, I
give importance to it and keep it.
9. When I am given a task, I
complete and do it on time.
10. I am a soft-hearted person.
11. I love helping people in need.
12. I am easily touched when
someone compliment me.
13. I am a very appreciative person.
14. When we have reunion, I
organized it accordingly.
15. I love giving food to others.

16. I guess I wasn't very polite,

making a face like that.
17. My father was a deeply
compassionate man.
18. My sincere congratulations on
this auspicious event of yours.
19. I'll try to be a little more
20. I believe he is soft-hearted
21. I am fair when I'm giving gifts to
my siblings.
22. It seems a perfect reasonable
request to make.
23. It’s naive to think that teachers
are always tolerant.
24. I really understand person
especially when it comes to my
family and friends.
25. Be humble enough to learn from
your mistakes.
26. Puppies are naturally
affectionate and excitable.
27. I always make sure that my
brother is in good shape.
28. I believe in everyone's ability.
29. Everyone has the ability to do
great things
30. I always do the laundry
31. I always help those who are in
32. We all rise by lifting others.

33. I obliged when I was given a task.

34. I always make sure that every

word I say will not deeply hurt
the person I am talking to.
35. I gave extra care to things that
my parents gave to me.
36. Before I talk to my parents, I
always make sure that I will say
the right words.
37. I always make sure that I am not
adding fuel to the fire.
38. I always try to be considerate of
those people who do bad things
to me.
39. I'm doing my best to be sincere
when speaking with people who
have disparaged my family.
40. I have always tried my best to
understand why relatives do
badmouth their own family.


Statements 5 4 3 2 1
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I keep my promises to someone
2. I tell the truth even if it hurts others
3. I'm good at completing assignments
assigned by my professor
4. I don't finish what I start
5. I make a rush decision especially when
I’m angry
6. I have a hard time getting started on
7. I act without considering the
8. I act without thinking about what I
9. I pay close attention to the small
10. I am fully aware of the goal that I
11. I am a very self-disciplined person
12. I am very well-organized and always
arrive on time
13. I prefer to have a strategy, rather
than being spontaneous
14. I fail in everything

15. I gave concern in every detail

16. I strive to do what I have to do

17. I stick to my goal

18. I am an average person

19. I don't want responsibilities
20. I do work under pressure
21. I pass my activities on time

22. I don’t get things done right away

23. I complete all of the task that I


24. I don't pay attention to the task at

25. I need someone to motivate me to do
26. I can successfully finish a task
27. I always make myself prepared

28. I finish my chores as soon as possible

29. I hold myself and others to a high
30. I created a guide for my future
31. I'm looking forward to having a job
32. I enjoy doing things meticulously

33. I have a tendency to be slothful

34. I am a perfectionist when it comes to

35. I take my responsibilities seriously

36. I prefer to put things back where they

37. I always follow a schedule in class
38. I made a snap decision
39. I am relaxed most of the time
40. I have trouble comprehending
abstract concepts

Openness to Experience

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I enjoy daydreaming
2. I appreciate beauty
3. I am curious about everything
4. I enjoy listening to music
5. I am excited to express my
feelings all the time
6. I love watching colorful things
7. I like to try new things
8. I share a lot of things and ideas
9. I always make myself busy
10. I explore a lot
11. I prefer my work in routine
12. I always come up with new idea
13. I am open-minded and willing to
try intellectual experiences
14. I have an aptitude towards
encouraging creativity
15. I often ponder the underlying
meanings of experiences
16. I'm interested in how things
17. I appreciate delving into
theoretical concepts
18. I enjoy a variety of artistic
19. Elegance and symbolism have a
significant significance for me
20. I have an active imagination
21. I enjoy being in the company of a
wide range of people
22. I appreciate intellectual debates
23. I'm prone to daydreaming or
being fascinated by fantasies
24. Film festivals, art museums, and
literary readings are some of my
favorite places to visit
25. Nature and high-art events
fascinate me
26. I am an open-minded individual
that enjoys variety, seeks new
experiences, and am interested
and sensitive to my surroundings
27. Instead of always casual
conversation, I'd like to engage in
a philosophical debate
28. I am someone who is talkative

29. I enjoy meeting new people

30. I love to display liberal ideas
about society
31. I often think about the deeper
meaning of things
32. I am curious about how things
33. I place a high value on aesthetics
and artistry
34. I enjoy having philosophical
35. I enjoy reading books.
36. I always try to learn something
37. Every time I go out to eat, I get a
different dish.
38. I am a voracious consumer of
39. I'm a creative person who is
constantly working on new ideas
40. I see the world differently

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