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ta2i22, 1:18 Mastering the Elaments: 2. Inlroduction, Thoughts, and Reles - Documentos de Google al —————_ “No, I'm pretty sure I’m done with stealing. After seeing what that kid did to those other bandits, I’m starting to think a respectable job is the way for me. They pulled rocks out of the ground and damn near beat those last few guys stupid for stealing from that one family, and they were better thieves than I ever could be. Remind me to stay away from Omashu from now on...” Basse Jete, apprentice chef Introduction Hello again, and welcome to my SIXTH class guide (seventh overall guide), this time for the Pathfinder Kineticist, As should be obvious, I'm a huge ATLA/LOK fan, so for me this class was a no brainer to make a guide for, as well as to just enjoy immensely. It’s no secret that there's some issues with it though, and it’s important to really get into how to get the best out of this class. You'll also have to forgive me if I slip and call anything ‘bending’, but really, that’s what I’m here to help you do, to learn how to be a master bender. This is also going to be the first guide in which I include 3rd party options as reviewed options from Kineticists , and Kineticists of Porphyra III If you want to discuss the options in either supplement, please check out this thread that I frequent on Paizo. Don’t worry if you're not interested, as the sections will be clearly marked as such, and the third party ratings will not influence the official content at all. I just want to help you build the most enjoyable kineticist possible, and this is just another way for me to help achieve that goal. And if you're looking for more NPCs, check out the Kineticist Codex. That’s enough shilling for the moment, now onto the other people who have helped with this guide! I would especially like to thank The Mortonator and Texas Snyper for helping me with the reviews for my ‘own content, they've been a great help and it’s been nice working with other people on a project. They've got a sharp eye for this kind of thing, and I want to make sure people were aware that they helped with this project. Once again, I've got discussion threads on Paizo and Giant in the Playground, so feel free to chime in there, and let me know if there’s anything you want to see added. This guide more than any other has been a community effort, and I want you to know how much I appreciate everyone's help in making this the best possible guide. Also feel free to donate here to help support my guides, as any support is greatly appreciated And for something new, I'd like to introduce the 3rd party addendum. I've decided to start including 3rd party content that I haven't worked on, so if you want to look up new options, this is the place to do it! hitps/idocs google. comidocumentdit14miLhG46sPOoYPiqxAnéAcs241vIMOUSmelmmWarEleditt 48 ta2i22, 1:18 Mastering the Elaments: 2. Inlroduction, Thoughts, and Roles - Documentos de Google Thoughts Something to consider about the Kineticist is that it’s billed as an ‘all day’ class, and that’s only partially true. While your blast never runs out, some of your other features (particularly infusions) do have a hard limit on them, despite theoretically being at will. That limit is burn, Burn is the limiter behind this class and personally, I’m not a huge fan of it. I'll talk more about it later, but short version is that it’s what holds you back from cutting loose as well as damaging you. So while you can act all day, if you want to do anything truly special, you're really limited just like any other Class is, except with a damage penalty to go along with it. This can make adventuring all the more dangerous even with your considerably high constitution score, and it’s something you need to watch out for while playing this class. There are many ways to reduce burn though for your offensive abilities, and as long as you can keep those cost down, you can keep yourself nice and deadly throughout the day. Note that there are benefits to taking burn, making burn something you need to consider wisely before incurring. Burn can help empower your offense and defense even while sapping your hit points. With abilities like elemental overflow as well as the bonuses to your elemental defense, deciding when to take burn can be a very tactical decision. Some people like to start the day with some burn, others like to accrue it as the day goes on organically, so make sure to play around with this and find out which works best for you, as there is no right way to use burn as long as it works for your playstyle. There is one thing though that deserves special notice © Energy blast vs. Physical Blast For kineticist, this is an age old question. Physical is so nice with its added damage, but energy is so accurate, hitting against touch AC. For aether, earth, fire, and wood, these decisions are made for you, you're going physical or elemental at first. But for air, water and void, you have a choice of going physical or elemental. Physical blast are stronger, don’t have spell resistance applied to them, and have a far more wide range of composite blast to take advantage of when you reach 7th level. They are also less accurate and have damage resistance applied to their damage. Energy blast are are more accurate and don’t have DR appealed to them, but they are weaker and have spell resistance applied to them, which isn’t great. They also only have one true composite blast to their names, which can only be taken by selecting fire for your expanded element while already being a pyrokineticist (aether can also have one if yaur second element is an energy blast, but it’s not great.) Selecting expanded element can give you the chance to diversify your blast though, selecting a new blast that’s not the type you already have, which is probably the most versatile way to play things. Really, your choice is up to your playstyle, so make sure to select the one that works better for you. Each has their uses, and both can be used to great effect in the right situations. Roles Dealing with a class like this, certain elements are naturally more adept at certain roles, which can make your role set in from the start (I'm look at you, aether), although using certain class features will allow you to pick up different elements to help diversify your abilities. Ranged Striker Pros: The tried and true original focus of the class, your ability to deal ranged damage is paramount to how you play the class, With a main class feature that's a ranged attack, this is something that's not at all hard to build into and will serve you well for most of the game. Certain elements have an advantage at this (earth, fire) while others do not (water, AETHER), but really as long as you can keep up the accuracy and damage you can easily take down foes without ever getting close to them. Cons: Your base range is only 30 feet, that's basically melee range, so to truly stay out of the fray you'll need extended range/air’s reach (limited to air)/extreme range, and that’s both putting a burn cost on your blast by default as well as using up your form infusion on your blast. Sure, most other infusions that require extended range will have a boost in range, but the ones that don’t will still be locked closer to you, meaning you need to be aware of your surroundings and proximity to the enemy. 2 hitps/éAcs261vIMOUSmelmfWarEleditt 28 ta2i22, 1:18 Mastering the Elaments: 2. Inlroduction, Thoughts, and Roles - Documentos de Google Melee Striker Pros: For those of you who want to smash faces, this is the way to do it. You can go melee lite with kinetic blade, a bit deeper with kinetic whip, or go full auto with the elemental annihilator archetype, which is nothing but pure pain, The damage potential with these abilities is far more intense than attacking from a range due to the multiple attacks you can land, also giving more chances to stick a solid substance infusion debuff when it really counts, giving you some nice single target debuffing capability. Cons: Again, you're paying your form infusion to do this (so we're dealing with burn), as well as lacking access to gather power for full attacks which limits the amount of burn you can put into an infusion. You're also within melee range of your opponents, meaning you're as likely to be causing pain as they are, and your light armor isn’t doing you any favors. Elemental Annihilator also strips 90% of your utility, basically making you an energy fighter, which can be disheartening for those of you who wanted those cool utility talents. Battlefield Controller Pros: You have quite a few substance infusions that can leave opponents at your mercy, making for having an easy time of keeping things locked down, as well as a decent amount of form infusions that can also make sure you're hitting more than one opponent at once. The combination of this helps you keep entire fields of battle locked down and under your thumb, as well as causing some damage as well, leading to 2 much quicker fight for you and your party members. Cons: Adding all these infusions to your blast is going to cost you some serious burn, and certain combinations may be possible only a few times a day because of this. In addition to this, your damage can be lower (even if more spread out) due to the focus on landing statuses instead of increasing damage. And there's always the importance of coordinating with party members, as well as the issues of needing to get through DR/energy resistance, which could nullify your blast’s ability to debilitate Debuffer Pros: Much like the battlefield controller, but more personal and with less burn, the kineticist can make a solid single target debufffer, leaving foes on fire, sickened, or gasping for air pretty easily. Focusing on one opponent will help minimize burn cost for expensive form infusions, and Kinetic bladers and flurry of blasters can go for multiple chances of a debuff on a single target. Cons: Same as the battlefield controller except with better damage potential, although still less raw damage than a melee or ranged striker. Really not a lot of cons, always good to keep in your back pocket. Trickster Pros: Unless you're an elemental annihilator, you can do a good bit more than just blast at your disposal, making you more than capable of messing with foes in and out of combat. Really, this is aether’s speciality, although others can do it too, just not as well. From altering the landscape to flying to turning invisible, there’s, plenty of ways to keep your opponent on their toes as long as you're smart about it. Cons: Relatively few, this is really more element dependant on what you can and can’t do, and you're really only helped out by diversifying your elements, making this a fine focus (almost mandatory for aether), but the lack of focus on offense will cause your damage to suffer, so make sure to be mindful to be a threat to enemies. 1, Table of Content, Rating System, and 3rd Party Addendum 2. Introduction, Thoughts, and Roles 3. Ability Scores, Races, and Traits 4. Class Features and Skills 5. Elements and Talents 6. Feats 7. Archetypes and Multiclassing 8. Mundane and Magical Items 9. Sample Builds hitps/idocs google. comidocumentdit14miLhG46sPOoYPlqxAnéAcs261VIMQUSmelmfWarEleditt ais ta2i22, 1:18 Mastering the Elements 3. Abilly Scores, Races, and Trails - Documentos de Google “Drip, drip, you hear it? Do you hear the water as it falls, second by second? Water is everywhere, it is everything, and it is alive. It moves, flows, and always advances. Water can be everywhere at once, and you're looking into the eyes of someone who controls it as easily as you breathe. So ask yourself this one How can you ever feel safe again?” Red Water, mistress of the tainted river Strength (*) At default, most of your attacks should be using dexterity since you're attacking at a range, making this a dump stat. For those of you going melee though (I suggest going weapon finesse myself), you could go for strength, but even then it’s not worth it unless you want to two hand for power attack bonuses. For most of you, this is going to be your attacking stat, making this very important for your accuracy. It’s also used to determine the DCs of any of your form infusions, making it doubly as important. Constitution (*****) THIS is the most important stat to you. It determines how much burn you can take, the DCs of your substance infusions, your hit points and fort save, and really everything else that you care about in this class. Max it, love it, i's important that you're built like a brick house to sling elements. Intelligence (**) With 4 skill points a level and nothing else that bases on it, you could leave this at 10 easy. Wisdom (**%) Seeing as will is your only bad save, this is your third most important stat just to try and keep your will save strong, and it’s not like many other ability scores are really that important to you. Charisma (*) No one ever said you had to be pretty to sling elements, this is fine dumped to the ground. While overwhelming soul uses this, you're better off passing on that archetype unless you're undead. JcAZOulkcag2nLHKS-3UF 1yarU6IqBGIyiOUled tbookmark=id x4U088°7pTK) a ta2i22, 1:18 Mastering the Elements 3. Abilly Scores, Races, and Tails - Documentos de Google Races We all know the value of being the best elemental slinger around, and a lot of that has to do with who your parents are. Things to look for are constitution and dexterity bonuses, as well as strength and charisma penalties, although anything that helps you break spell resistance or other defenses that you'll have a problem with Is aces in this regard, meaning there's quite a few solid choices. As a general note, con bonuses are better for elemental kineticist, while dex bonuses are better for physical kineticist, but either one is good to have. Core Dwarves (****): With almost perfect racial adjustments as well as a solid favored class bonus for earth kineticist, dwarves are some of the best kineticist you can find, and the magic resilience only tips things more in their favor, making them solid for even non earth kineticist. Really, just a solid all around race for this. Elves (**) A step down with weaker racial adjustments (con penalties hurt), while they do have some fun racial abilities and a decent favored class bonus, making them decent with at least a dex bonus (better for physical blast), and the spell resistance buff does help, so they break about even. Gnomes (***) A con boost Is always welcomed, and small size as well as a strength penalty are solid for this race, (questions about pyromaniac), gnomes can make a good kineticist, even with weak favored class bonus. Half-Elf (***) The variable ability score bonus is always nice, and trading out adaptability for dual minded means one of your biggest weaknesses gets an early patch. Aside from that, they're pretty plain, but still solid Halfing (***) A solid overwhelming soul setup (if you want to go that way), dex Is always solid to have, and it’s worth it to see this as the physical side to the gnome’s more elemental side of things. Sadly their favored class bonus kicks in shockingly late, but it’s good if you can retrain your favored class bonus. Half-orc (***) More modular ability score adjustments help make this a strong call, as well as a favored class bonus to buff fire even more, and access to sacred tattoo makes you a save tank. I'd probably raise them a color for fire kineticist, as the added damage can add up slowly, as fire can use all the damage it can get. Human (***) Humans are great, and it’s not big shock here that they're great kineticist. Modular ability score increase, a bonus feat, and skill points are fine, as well as the ability to slowly start snagging another extra wild talent (feat), humans can really load up on abilities and fast. Featured Aasimar (**) (Archonblood (***)/Garudablood (****)) The base ability score adjustments of this race Is severely lacking, but the alternative heritages solve that problem quite well, and Garuda in particular includes a nice SLA as well as great skill buffs. Their other abilities are nice too, but they're really icing on the cake here. Catfolk (*) Aside from a dex bonus, you're in a bad place being a cat kineticist. Dhampir (*) No good racial adjustments here combined with no good class features make this a pass. Drow (**) About as good as elves, they lose some bonuses, but darkvision and SLAs make up for them Fetchling (***) Again average racial adjustments, but the racial abilities here are quite nice. Goblin (****) These green monsters are great for accuracy, their dump stats are perfectly placed, and they're fast, all amounting to a rather nice kineticist, and I feel like they'd prefer fire. Hobgoblins (*****) But their bigger versions have perfect racial adjustments as well as the ability to hide well, making them even more amazing kineticist. frit (**) I really wish I could like these, but no, aside from the dex and initiative boost, they're sorely lacking. Kobold (*) Did you expect them to be good? Of course not. Orc Anything these can do, half orcs can do WAY better. Oread (+) Nothing they get makes you a better kineticist, pass of the rock people Ratfolk (**) Most of the racials here aren’t that helpful, but they’re not bad either, making for a meh choice. Slyph (*) Elemental races suck. A lot. Tengu (**) About even with the elf, better racial adjustments but worse racial abilities are pretty okay. Tiefling (***) (Asuraspawn, Devilspawn (****)) Even the base tiefling is fine, but asura and devil have great racials for the class, and the variety of options that can be swapped out for others makes them strong choices. Undine (****) Wow, an actually decent elemental race. The racial adjustments are great, and while the base racial abilities are pretty meh, the alternate racial traits can really help out. Uncommon JcAZOulkcag2nLHKS-3UF 1yarUslgBGIyiOUled tbookmark=id x4u088e7pTK 28 ta2i22, 1:18 Mastering the Elements 3. Abilly Scores, Races, and Trails - Documentos de Google Caligni (*****) Besides having perfect racial adjustments, the fact that these dark people have see in darkness makes them amazing, especially for chaoskineticist. Light sensitivity can be annoying though, so stay dark. Duergar (****) For the most part simply better than dwarves, which were already awesome, More immunities, some SLAs, and other bonuses make them awesome kineticist. Grippli (***) Great racial adjustments and size make these strong physical kineticist, although their racial abilities are somewhat lacking, and their alternate racial traits aren't a huge difference. Merfolk (****) Another set of solid racial adjustments and a very nice natural armor bonus, you basically NEED strong tail to make this work though, but even then, they're very solid Skinwalker (Ragebred) (****) The default skinwalker is fine by itself, but ragebred’s ability to get alternative natural attacks is just amazing, giving you 3 uncommon natural attacks that aren‘t hard to build on, which could make kinetic fist worth taking if you pile on enough of them. Strix (***») For non air kineticist, getting flight early with solid racial adjustments and some decent racial abilities, this is a fine alternative to going air. Svirfneblin (*****) This race is overpowered, plain and simple, The fact that its racial adjustments are Perfect for you is just icing on the cake, Make sure to tell your GM if you plan on taking this so they can say no. Wyvaran (****) For a cooler and less skilled Strix, you're not getting much beyond racial adjustments and flight, but really, why do you care? Those things are awesome. The tail doesn’t help much though. Traits Here's the past that you tried to leave behind, but it kept following you to give you sweet stat boost, While these aren't generally big boost, they're plenty enough to help make sure you're always on top, and never end up hearing someone shout your name in a panicked terror. It’s always best to make sure you pick traits that bolster your strengths, since you need to always have the advantage. I’m going to try to only give solid options here, although for a more complete list, check out this guide: ‘Tips and Traits: A guide to Traits Combat Traits Armor Expert (***) With this and a mithril breastplate, you're down to 0 armor check penalty, although the max dex bonus isn’t amazing. Good for elemental blast, since you need less dex to hit. Axe to Grind (***) Only for kinetic whippers, this can be good with multiple hits, but it’s nothing amazing. Reactionary (****) You NEED to go first, it is very important for you to start the round to make sure you can debuff as well as strike at multiple foes while they're still together and not engaging your team. Faith Traits Child of the Temple (***) You're not getting knowledge: religion anywhere else, and it’s a useful skill. Fate's Favored (****) Half Orc only unless you pick up a luck stone, but amazing for half orcs with a certain alternative racial feature. Indomitable Faith (****) Will saves are the only ones you're not great at, so boosting them isimportant. Scholar of the Great Beyond (***) Another set of skills that you can’t normally get, both can be pretty solid. Magic Traits Mathematical Prodigy (***) Knowledge: arcana is the real selling point here, it’s a solid skill to have, Outcast’s Intuition (****) Sense motive is great, getting it as a class skill is snazzy. Social Traits Adopted (****) There’s some nice racial traits, go snag a fun one, Race Traits Blood of Dragons (***) If you don’t already have it, low light vision is a decent call here. Defensive Strategist (*****) This is almost Uncanny Dodge in a trait, just awesome. Second Chance (*****) The best trait, a free reroll even once is amazing. Regional Trait Awakened from Stasis (****) For those of you looking to remove burn fast, this is a speedy way to cleanse it. 3 JcAZOulkcag2nLHKS-3UF 1yarUslgBGIyiOUled tbookmark=id x4u088e7pTK aia ta2i22, 1:18 Mastering the Elements 3. Abilly Scores, Races, and Trails - Documentos de Google 1. Table of Content, Rating System, and 3rd Party Addendum 2! Introduction, Thoughts, and Roles 3: ability Scores, Races, and Traits 4. Class Features and Skills 5. Elements and Talents 6. Feats 7. Archetypes and Multiclassing 8. Mundane and Magical Items 9. Sample Builds 10, FAQ and Closing hitpslidocs.goople.comidocumenlal18H2hAIS JcAZOulkcag2nLHKS-3UF 1yarU6IqBGIyiOUled tbookmark=id x4U088C7pTK) 4a ta2i22, 1:18 Mastoring the Elements 4. Class Fealures and Skis - Documentos de Google “Monsters are out there, sure they are. It’d be strange if they weren't. Worst of them are the ones who look like you and me though. Some are a bit more monster than mortal, spewing fire like it was air and throwing it around without a thought. But the mindless ones, those are fine, they only start a few fires. No, the ones who are really dangerous are the ones that don't let on that beneath those fiery eyes of theirs is a dragon who would Just as soon kill you as shake your hand.” Irzin, instructor of the southern tribes Burn (?) Ah, my old enemy. Burn is both your best friend and your greatest rival in making this class work. It’s what allows you to use many of your wild talents, but also limits their use. To start, you can only take a umber of burn equal to 3+ con mod, so a character with 14 con could take 5 points of burn before they couldn’t handle anymore. You're also taking 1 point of nonlethal damage per point of burn you have per class level: Remember that nonlethal and lethal damage stack for the purposes of knocking you out (eg; if you had 14 hp, took 12 points of lethal damage and 3 of nonlethal, you'd be knocked out), which means you could possibly flatline yourself with this, Don’t think you can get around this either, as if you can’t take nonlethal damage, you can't take burn, so zombie kineticist are pretty much trash. Your entire career is based around fighting taking burn, remember this. As you level up, you gain the ability to take on more burn, but that hard limit of 3 + con mod \will always be there to hold you back, strange how that never increases aside from con increases. Elemental Focus (***) Now this is really the core of who you are as a kineticist. You can select between seven elements; aether, air, earth, fire, void, water, and wood. Know that this is probably your most important decision, since it’s what determines which wild talents you can take, and you like wild talents. ‘And here’s your first and probably most useful tool, the simple blast. This is your basic weapon of choice, and it generally comes in bigger damage vs normal AC or smaller damage vs. touch. This is what you'll be modifying with a lot of your wild talents, so learn to love it. You can only select 1 at first, so do be smart about which simple blast you want to start with, and try to pick the one that better fits your playstyle. Gather Power (***) Remember how we talked about mitigating burn? This is your first tool in that war. For a move action, you can do the least stealthy kata imaginable (yeah, no silent takedowns here), allowing you to drop burn cost of a blast wild talent by 1, You can full round it for 2, and full + move for 3, but the risk of making yourself a target and risking getting fried by your own power is pretty great, especially when opponents 1 WV dAOrikKNdwgkink/OISSGZmqulcAUaAozxip-14/editt we ta2i22, 1:18 Mastoring the Elements 4. Class Fealures and Skis - Documentos de Google can see you charging up for this. Unless you absolutely need to, I’d keep this at just a move action. Remember: Gather power can only be used to reduce the cost of infusions, not utility wild talents. Infusion (***) Now here we're hitting the first thing that helps make you into a real kineticist, infusions are wild talents that help shape your kinetic blast. You can apply both a single substance and form to a kinetic blast, and if either have associated saving throws, both need to be saved against seperately. Oddly, dexterity is used to calculate the save of form infusions, so be mindful of this. Also all burn from these stack, so be careful Elemental Defense (***) Another neat show of your defenses, these abilities wildly vary in usefulness between elements, from weak (air/fire/void/wood) to solid defenses (aether/earth/water), so it’s a toss up. Utility Wild Talent (**#*) This is the other kind of wild talent you'll be getting, and these are more for making sure you're not just chucking fire at people all willy nilly. Again, elemental choice affects these a lot. Elemental Overflow (***) Now here’s why you're bothering to take burn, buffing attack and damage with the same ability. Sure you need to hurt yourself to activate it, but you're also becoming more and more accurate with your blast, making you that much dangerous. Make sure to ration your use of this ability appropriately. Infusion Specialist (***») Yet another tool in the war against burn, this will keep you from burning yourself silly when you're blasting, but only when you're blasting. Metakineticist (***) With clarification on this now on how it works, it does help increase the damage of the kineticist, but the amount of damage is still heavily relegated to the later levels, keeping a low/mid level kineticist'in check, Empowering is probably the best use of this, since maximizing doesn’t actually add any damage, but empowering is a nice way to keep up your damage until you hit quicken/double, which helps your damage. Internal Buffer (***) Keeping burn away has another soldier, and while it starts off slow and requires a day of setup, that point of burn can help you push a blast even higher or use that utility talent to save you from passing out due to burn. Once you can store 2 points of burn with it, it’s a decent off day boost, but it’s really for emergencies only. It does have the advantage of being able to being able to be used with wild talents, which can’t be reduced by gather power or infusion specialist. Expanded Element (****) For this, I actually prefer diverging myself, as some elements don’t have the best utility (wood), while others do (air), making for a better rounded character overall. If you're happy with what your element gives, feel free to continue with it, although there's something to be said for diversifying your abilities. A more specific discussion of this can be found in the elements and talents section of the guide. Supercharge (***) I already liked gather power, so making it better is aces in my book, While a little late, this is a class that you really don’t want to leave early, so you're better of sticking it out to pick this up. Composite Blast Specialization (***) Composites are fun, so again, winning the burn war wins us fights. Metakinecitic Master (***) Free empowers and cheaper dual blast are a hell of a send off. Omnikineticist (**) While cool in theory, there is a good amount of issue with the amount of bookkeeping this can include. Most people are pretty zoned into the wild talents they took for a reason, so being able to have anyone they didn’t take isn’t amazingly appealing, nor is the burn cost needed to obtain them. ‘Skills Acrobatics (***) You're a dex class, you should have no problem bouncing around and causing problems. Craft (*) There's really nothing you NEED this for, unless you're taking craft (tea), which is very important. Heal (**) Really redundant with water, although other elements can use it. Intimidate (**) While I rarely like to use bullying skills, it's your lone social skill in your class list. Perception (*****) Always max this. Always. Are ya maxing it yet? Profession (*) What better to go with craft (tea) than profession (tea shop owner), the perfect combination Stealth (***) Again, you're nice and agile, so make some use of it. Use Magic Device (****) Even without charisma, you're basically better off with more magic in your pocket. 1. Table of Content, Rating System, and 3rd Party Addendum 2. Introduction, Thoughts, and Roles 3. Ability Scores, Races, and Traits 4, Class Features and Skills, 5. Elements and Talents 6. Feats 7. Archetypes and Multiclassing 8. Mundane and Magical Items 9. Sample Builds 10. FAQ and Closing WV dAOrikKNdwgkink/OISSGZmqulcAUaAozxip-14/editt 2 tarzan, 11:19 Mastering the Elements 5, Elements and Talents - Documentos de Google “Everything is a tool, from the mightiest blade to the broken head of an arrow. Humanity has built their civilization with metal, and on the back of metal rest all of the world’s greatest discoveries. You are talking with someone who controls that power in their very hand, and yet you still think we are equal? It is a shame you will soon learn how wrong you are.” General Tovira of the Grand Capital This is about the point where you're figuring out how to really be a kineticist, and your choice of element is likely your most important one, Each element has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to recognize what you're getting into with each one. A lot of elements have unique abilities that are exclusive to them (air flies, aether turns invisible, etc), so if you have something you're particularly looking to do, this is the time to start defining yourself as a premier force of nature. There are two major types of talents, those being infusions (which alter blast) and wild talents (more general Purpose abilities), These will help make up the backbone of your character's abilities, so be wise about picking Which ones best suit you as a player. Some talents will have a level associated with them, and if a talent does, the kineticist must have a class level equal to or greater than twice the talent's level before they can take it. Elements will be rated as a whole in the following ways: * Offense This is how well the element's natural infusions, blast, and other features help you take down opponents, the raw offense that the class can put out against foes. This will take into account possible elemental resistances that are common as well, as well as battlefield control options. * Utility This is how well the element’ other wild talents work to help you do things other than attack, leading to the ability to function outside of battle, Additional mobility, utility abilities, and general neat tricks that help you accomplish your goals will factor into this rating. * Solo This is how valuable it is to choose this element a second time with the expanded element class feature. Some elements are far better sticking to themselves, while others benefit more from expanding their roster of talents with other elements, either due to strong composites or other reasons. © Secondary This is how well the element functions as a secondary element with the expanded element class feature. Some elements work to add very nice additional talents that are low level and help increase the versatility of the base element, while others work better as a primary, benefitting from specialization. Being a bad secondary doesn't make an element bad, just not great for a secondary role, 1 hitpslidocs.goople.comidocumentaltHyITQ679_-vzb_1j62:2medUNPVGLON-SWLIsScyoladitfbookmark=id 7xcuosatoc 1161 tarzan, 11:19 Mastering the Elements 5, Elements and Talents - Documentos de Google Elements and Talents For those of you who would like an easier way to look up first or third party talents, check out this Talent Sorter Spreadsheet made by Shiroi First Party Elements Aether/Air/Earth/Fire/Void/Water/Wood/Universal Third Party Elements and Talents Kineticists of Porphyra Light/Sound/Time/Misc Kineticists of Porphyra II Poison/Viscera/Misc Kineticists of Porphyra I11 Composite Blast/Infusions/Utilitv/Mutations Legendary Kineticists Mind/Misc Aether The first element we're looking at, and this isn’t a blaster’s best friend. Aether’s composite options are lacking for both single and multi elemental inclusion, and their infusions leave a lot to be desired. But aether is more the element for those of you looking to play a roguish character, receiving a ton of abilities to help pilfer pockets, vanish, and move around the battlefield with ease. Aether loves picking up a second element, and as a secondary, it provides a lot of nice utility talents, but its composite blast and infusions leave a lot to be desired For those of you looking for a more complete look at the telekineticist, please check out Sphinx’s guide to the Telekineticist Rating: Offense (**)/Ut Class Skills Sleight of Hand (***): You've got some really fun abilities that will allow you to take advantage of this skill Knowledge (Engineering) (*): It's flavorful, but it’s a really weak knowledge skill, don’t waste the points. lity (****)/Solo (**)/Secondary (***) Telekinetic Blast (Physical) (***): The aether element only has one simple blast, but it's an intense one. It allows you to either use an unattended object as a blast, or throw an object as a weapon, the second of which drops off in usefulness due to the standard action. It’s physical, but the versatility of damage type can make this always dangerous as well as fun to use, just make sure you have ammo on hand for it just in case. Elemental Defense Force Ward (****): A barrier that will almost always give you a few temporary hit points a level is like free healing, and the regeneration rate for it Is decent enough that it'll probably be back up to full strength each fight. Tt can be worth burning to boost this if your party will let you charge it back up between fights. Composite Blast ‘Aetheric Boost (Special) (**): The boost in damage is okay, but it doesn’t really compete with any of the others. It picks up a bit when you can use it with other composite blast though. Force Blast (Energy) (*): So you're doing force damage, but you're not doing any additional damage. 1 don’t value force damage nearly enough to validate burning yourself for this. Gravitic Boost (Physical) (**): Mathematically, it’s the exact same as Aetheric Boost, and that wasn’t that great, as well as being a physical blast puts is lower on the power scale, but not by a lot. Infusions Pushing Infusion (***) Type substance Level 1 Burn 1 Associated Blasts air, autumn, blizzard, charged water, earth, gravity, magma, metal, mud, sandstorm, spring, steam, summer, void, telekinetic, water, winter, wood While positioning in combat can be important, the maximum distance for this without increasing the burn makes this somewhat situational, but a decent early game option considering it has no save. Telekinetic Boomerang (***) ‘Type substance Level 1 Burn 1 Associated Blasts telekinetic This reads a bit confusingly, but the biggest benefit I see here is not damaging the object with which you're attacking. For those of you with favored attacking weapons, this is a nice boost. Being able to attack again with the same infusions/metakinesis as a standard action seems a little pointless to me, but it could have a use Bowling Infusion (**) hitpsiidocs.goople.comidocumentaltHyITQ679_-vzb_1)62:2medUNPVGLON-SWLIsScyoladifbookmark=id 7xcuosatoc 2i61 tarzan, 11:19 Mastering the Elements 5, Elements and Talents - Documentos de Google ‘Type substance Level 2 Burn 2 Associated Blasts earth, magma, metal, mud, telekinetic While a straight upgrade here, a partial BAB isn’t what you need to be doing combat maneuvers. While this can be okay early, once you're stepping into the mid to late game, CMDs will be too high for you. Foe Throw (****) Type form Level 3 Burn 2 Sa Associated Blasts telekinetic Now here’s a fun one that pushing infusion wishes it could be. While giving your opponent a save isn’t great, the reward can be quite useful, both repositioning a foe, damaging two different creatures, and knocking one prone. This is a great setup for your party too, and starting at large creatures is great. Force Hook (**) Type form Level 3 Burn 2 Associated Blasts force Y¢ consider this a more safe foe throw. It’s good for positioning, but the range on it as well as not exactly having a great reason to get up into melee (at least if you're busy focusing on ranged infusions like this) make it an interesting but overall lacking choice unless you're switch hitting. Disintegrating Infusion (*) Type substance Level 6 Burn 4 Associated Blasts force ‘At this point we're 1 level away from just being able to throw two blast with metakineticist, making this almost redundant, but with the added flaw of giving a save. The extra cost for needing to destroy unattended objects that can't be reduced is too painful too, this isn’t a great use of your burn. Many Throw (***) Type form Level 8 Burn 4 Prerequisite extended range Associated Blasts telekinesis While you'll need a lot of things around you, this is great for crowd control. Now how often you're in a situation Where you need to peg 16+ creatures is up to you... Wild Talents Basic Telekinesis (***) Type sp Level 1 Burn 0 1’'m a sucker for mage hand, and a mage hand that only gets better is everything I love in life. It’s a very nice little utility ability, but don’t count on it to do much aside from minor things. Kinetic Cover (***) Type sp Level 1 Burn 0 This is basically a tower shield on demand, although it’s able to be placed wherever you want. It makes for a easily broken barrier though, but it can help stall as well as make for some emergency cover if needed. Kinetic Healer (**) Type sp Level 1 Burn 1 1 like this thematically, but I can’t see wanting to use this too often, especially since while I enjoy the ability to shift the burn onto another character, I could see arguments about ‘who gets hurt so you can heal’ going on. Damaging to heal is strange as well, making it more of an emergency ability. Telekinetic Finesse (***) ‘Type sp Level 1 Burn 0 Another fun ability, I really like this for a tricky thief character, and it really works well with the additional class skill. Stealthily unlocking things is always fun, and makes you look like the coolest person at the table. Telekinetic Haul (***) Type sp Level 2 Burn 0 Prerequisite basic telekinesis ‘The lack of burn for this makes it a pretty nice option, and while both options here aren't vital, they can be helpful to carry back hoards of treasure without a bag of holding or just carrying a ton Self Telekinesis/Flame Jet/Gravity Control (**) Type sp Level 3 Burn 0 This is your weaker flight ability due to it burning your standard action to use it. It does give you some fun mobility on the ground and helps you traverse pits and such, but it's limited to mostly an out of combat talent. Telekinetic Invi ty (***) ‘Type sp Level 3 Burn 0 Keeping yourself off the radar is pretty solid, and while you're not AS invisible as you could be, the lack of burn makes sure you can sneak up on others, especially that nice sound dampening that comes with it. 1g throw fort negates Touchsight (*) 7zxcuosetoc 3161

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