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Collaborative Project



Presented by:

Lucia Johanna Duarte ID: 673657

Cristian Dueñas ID: 663887

Nohora Alexandra Pinzón Plazas ID 390226

Presented to:

Lic. Edgar Julian Espino Pineda

NRC: 1691

Occupational health administration

VI semester

Soacha Cundinamarca, agosto de 2020

1. How did you celebrate Christmas?

Alexandra: a family reunion was held where we dined, handed out gifts and danced

Johanna: I celebrated Christmas very calm and happy


2. Where did you celebrate your last Christmas?

Alexandra: Celebrate the last Christmas in a fifth house between Carmen de Apicala and

Johanna: In Bogota, at the house of my sister


3. Who did you spend Christmas with?

Alexandra: I spent Christmas with my family: mother, brother, niece, sister-in-law, son,
uncles and cousins

Johanna: With my husband, my children’s, my sister and my cousins


4. What kind of activities did you do in your last Christmas?

Alexandra: We arrived at Carmen de Apicala, we toured the town, a while in the pool,
Christmas dinner, we talked, we laughed for a while, we prayed, we distributed gifts, we
danced for a while and then to sleep

Johanna: Dance, we cook as a family, travel and we deliver gifts

5. Did you send any greetings by text message? For whom?

Alexandra: In Carmen de Apicala we made a tour of the town, pool, Christmas dinner, we
talked, we laughed for a while, we prayed, we distributed gifts, we danced for a while and
then to sleep

Johanna: Yes, to my mommy, telling her that I loved her and that I wished her an
excellent Christmas


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