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下列哪项不属于个人数据?Which of the following data does not fall within personal data?
A.个人网页会话cookiePersonal website session cookie
B.行业消费分析报告Industry Consumption Analysis Report
C.个人通话地理位置Geographic location of personal calls
D.个人车牌号码Personal vehicle registration number (PVRN)

Which of the following is NOT an export control red flag signal?
A.买方购买的产品与买方的经营范围出入很大 The products purchased by the buyer are very different from the
buyer's business scope.
B.客户所要求的币种与其营业地同行的货币不符The currency requested by the customer does not match the
currency of the place of business
C.供应商、客户或服务提供商位于巴基斯坦Suppliers, customers, or service providers are located in Pakistan
D.所在地或联系人信息在卖方网站、E-mail注脚签名和运输单据上不一致The location or contact person information is
inconsistent on the Seller's website, the E-mail footnote signature, and the transport document.

判断产品是否可以出口不需要用到以下哪项信息?Which of the foloowing information is not needed to help

determine whether a product can be exported?
A: 目的国Destination country
B: ECCN information
C: 产品运输方式 product transportation mode
D: 许可或许可例外 License or license exception

技术数据受到管制的根本原因是What the root cause of technical data control?

A:传播方式受到管制The mode of transmission is subject to control
B:承载的信息受到管制The information carried is subject to control
C:记录的形式导致其受管制The form of record makes it subject to control
D:所有者主体受限制 The data owner is subject to control

Which reason is not included for ZTE's building Export Compliance Program?
A.降低违规风险Descrease the risk of violation
B.规避监管envading the supervison
C.减轻违规处罚Reduce the penalties of violation
D.提升竞争优势Enhance the competitive advantages

An operator in Spain sells the equipment subject to EAR to an equipment integrator in Spain. This behavior is
C.视为出口Deemed Export
D.转移(国内)Transfer (in-country)

隐私通知书应当在以下哪个阶段提供?The privacy notice shall be provided in which phase.

A.数据处理前Before data processing
B.数据处理过程中During data processing
C.数据处理完成之后After data processing
D.数据处理的任何一个阶段Any stage of data processing

<以上所有信息均为中兴通讯股份有限公司所有,不得外传> 共 10 页 , 第 1 页

Within a transaction in the overseas office, a customer mentioned at a meeting that his son had just graduated
from college and was looking for a job. He said that if ZTE can hire his son, he would give ZTE a larger order,
how should you respond?
Tell the customer that you will consider this matter and ask him to send his son's resume
B.告诉这位客户,公司不能因此雇佣他的儿子Tell the customer that the company could not employ his son based on
Promise to hire the customer's son, but must wait until the transaction is completed
Tell the customer could not employ his son, but promise to help recommend him to a friend's company

How many years shall SPL screening and approval documents be archived?
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6

以下哪种情况ZTE是数据处理者?In which of the following case does ZTE serve as data processor?
A:ZTE终端通过预置应用收集个人信息 ZTE terminal products collect personal data through preset application
B:运营商设备故障时,ZTE负责处理、分析包含个人数据的故障数据 In case of malfunction of operator's
equipments,ZTE is responsible for processing and analyzing the data contain personal data
C:人事部门处理员工数据 The HR department processing personal data of employees
D:ZTE 开发的APP收集个人数据 An APP developed by ZTE collect personal data

Which channels are included for ZTE's compliance report?
A.向你的直接业务上级举报To your direct business superior
B.所在单位的ECPOC To the ECPOC in your business unit
Through the ways posted on Report Information Board in ZTE's public places
D.通过公司官网举报模块进行举报Through the ways described in ZTE's offcial website

”包括 ?
ZTE prohibits bribery in any form, including not only cash bribes, but also "anything of value" with the bribery
intent, "anything of value" includes ?
A.礼品款待Gifts and Hospitality
B.公益捐赠Charitable Donations
C.商业赞助Commercial Sponsorship
D.工作机会Job Opportunities

<以上所有信息均为中兴通讯股份有限公司所有,不得外传> 共 10 页 , 第 2 页

对于举报/报告潜在出口管制违规行为,符合公司政策的说法是:For reporting/reporting potential export control

violations, it is consistent with company policy to state that
A.公司鼓励实名举报/报告潜在违规行为 A. The company encourages real name reporting/reporting of potential
B.公司提供了第三方管理的匿名报告途径B. The company provides access to anonymous reporting managed by a
third party
C.公司承诺对报告人信息严格保密C. The company undertakes to keep the information of the reporter strictly
D.公司严厉禁止对报告人进行任何形式的打击报复行为D. The company strictly prohibits any form of retaliation
against the reporting person

Which personal data of the data subject is protected by ZTE?
A:客户联系人Data of customer contact persons
B:客户的用户Dta of the of customer's users
C:ZTE员工Data of ZTE employees
D:ZTE用户Data of ZTE's users

以下哪些数据处理原则?Which of following are the data processing principles?

A:完整性和保密性Integrity and confidentially
B:目的限制Purpose limitation
C:最小范围Data minimization
D:合法、公平、透明Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency

下列哪些属于个人数据?Under GDPR, Which of the following data fall within scope of personal data?
A.员工考勤记录 Attendace records of employees
B.使用的收集IMEI号 IMEI of the mobile phone
C.面试评估记录 Records of the interview evaluation
D.简历 Resume

在工作中遇到出口管制合规方面的疑惑除寻求部门合规经理的帮助还可以通过哪些方式寻求指导What else can I do to

seek guidance if I have questions about Export Control Compliance at work?
A.在iCenter合规全景图中寻找对应场景的合规指引searches compliance guidelines for the corresponding scenario in
the iCenter compliance landscape
B.联系对应的ECPOC或者BU合规经理 contact the corresponding ECPOC or BU compliance manager.
C.通过LCM系统的SLA上传问题 uploading question via LCM SLA
D.查询出口管制合规手册 query Export Control Compliance manual

中兴通讯部署了哪些受限制主体扫描系统Which platforms are deployed by ZTE to perform restricted party

B:黑鸭子扫描系统 Black duck system

GTS针对交易单据进行了哪几方面的合规筛查?Which the following aspects of transaction documents are screened

in GTS?
A:许可证管理 license management
B:最终用途 End use
C:受限制方 Restricted party
D:受制裁国家/地区 Sanctioned country/region

<以上所有信息均为中兴通讯股份有限公司所有,不得外传> 共 10 页 , 第 3 页

以下哪些要素属于ECP八要素?Which elements belong to ECP?

A:培训 Training
B:风险评估 Risk Assessment
C:管理层承诺 Management commitment
D:记录保存 Recordkeeping

违反GDPR,企业可能遭受哪些不利后果?What penalties may a company accept for violating GDPR?

A.行政罚款Administrative penalty
C.监管机构审计、调查Supervisory authorities’ right to audit, investigation
D.个人起诉 filed a lawsuit by an individual

面部识别数据是敏感个人数据。Facial recognition data is a sensitive personal data.

Item subject to EAR including:commodity、software and technology.

供。During the on-site visit paid by the Monitor/SCC team, if the team proposes a requirement for documents,
the person responsible shall cooperate with the team and provide the documents on the premise that the
national security and state secrets are not affected. The provided materials shall be recorded by initiating the TS
approval process afterwards. If the documents cannot be provided on the site, the person shall explain the
reason. The Monitor/SCC team allows to provide documents after the interview generally.

One effective ECP could help Entiy (or organization) integrate their business activities and export compliance
requirement,so as to achieve to lower the risk in violating EAR.
E-mails are not documents and do not need to be saved.

During the SCC interview, the SCC raised a question beyond its scope of work. You are only slightly exposed to
the field by other colleagues, and there is no assurance that you will answer the question. Truthfully informing
the SCC of a situation that it is beyond its responsibility, the answer may be inaccurate or incomplete. Is this
method reasonable?

An effective ECP is the mitigating factor in the enforcement actions if a violation occurs.
During the the project bidding period, an employee of an overseas representative office presented a gift to a
customer's employee to obtain the competitor's bidding information. The employee was responsible for the
related expenses of the gift and did not reimburse it , so it will not violate the relevant company policy.

Before offering any gifts or hospitality to the outside, you should ask whether the recipient’s internal policies
and local laws allow such behavior. If providing the gift or entertainment would violate local laws or the internal
policies of the recipient, such gift or entertainment should not be offered.

中兴通讯完全禁止任何涉及受限制主体的业务 ZTE Prohibits any business involving restricted parties

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ECCN为5A991,其中第三位数字9表示管制原因 As for ECCN 5A991,the third character 9 indicates the reason for

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