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ABSTRACT injections of powdered titanium metal have induced

fibrosarcomas and lymphosarcomas in rats; similarly,
There is no evidence that titanium is an essential ele- the organotitanium compound titanocene has induced
ment for humans or other animals. Titanium belongs fibrosarcomas in rats. Several epidemiological stud-
to the first transition group of the periodic table of the ies have suggested that TiO2 dust has no carcinogenic
elements; its chemical behavior is similar to that of effect on human lungs. The International Agency for
silicon and zirconium. Although titanium compounds Research on Cancer has listed titanium dioxide in
are, in general, absorbed poorly by ingestion and inha- Group 2B. There is sufficient evidence from experi-
lation, titanium still can be detected in the blood, brain, mental animal studies to suggest the carcinogenicity
and parenchymatous organs of individuals in the of TiO2, but no adequate evidence exists for the carci-
general population, with the highest concentrations nogenicity of titanium oxide in humans. A soluble tita-
being found in the hilar lymph nodes and the lungs. nate given to rats in their drinking water was found to
Titanium is excreted in the urine; information on other disturb their reproduction in a three-generation study.
routes of excretion is lacking. Environmental pollution caused by the use of
Studies on titanium alloys used in implants and titanium nanoparticles (TNPs) has recently become
titanium compounds—such as its salicylate, oxide, important, and is increasing. Although a few epidemi-
and tannate derivatives-—used in cosmetics and phar- ological studies have shown no increased risk of respi-
maceuticals have not indicated any significant local ratory cancer, further evaluation on toxicity of TNPs
effects on tissues, although under certain circum- needs to be performed.
stances inflammatory reactions and systemic effects
have been observed. Thus, titanium cannot always
be considered as inert and biocompatible, as was 1  PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
once believed. Titanium tetrachloride, a strong irri-
tant to mucous membranes and the eyes, can cause Titanium (Ti): Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
skin burns through accidental exposure. Experimental No. 7440-32-6; atomic weight, 47.9; atomic number, 22;
animal studies, clinical studies, and some epidemio- density, 4.5 g/cm3 at 20°C; melting point, 1660 ± 10°C;
logical surveys have indicated that titanium dioxide is boiling point, 3287°C; silver-gray; water insoluble. Tita-
generally biologically inert, but cases of adverse reac- nium is one of the most common components of the
tions have been reported. In experimental studies on Earth’s crust (ninth in abundance). It occurs naturally
animals, titanium carbide, hydride, nitride, and boride as ilmenite (iron titanate) and rutile (titanium diox-
have exhibited slight fibrogenic activity. Artificial ide). Titanium exhibits both metallic and nonmetallic
fibers—such as potassium octatitanate and titanium characteristics: metallic compounds include titanium
phosphate fibers—possess fibrogenic properties. chloride, phosphate, sulfate, and nitrate; nonmetallic
Bronchoalveolar lavage cells from rats instilled properties are exemplified by the calcium, iron, and
endotracheally with TiO2 particles induce Hrpt gene sodium titanates. Titanium forms four distinct oxides:
mutations in rat alveolar cells in vitro. Intramuscular titanium monoxide (TiO), dititanium trioxide (Ti2O3),

Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals 4E 1287 Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1288 Taiyi Jin and Maths Berlin

titanium dioxide (TiO2), and titanium trioxide (TiO3). biological samples; the detection limit for titanium in
The most common oxidation states are +4 (TiO2) and air is 0.011 μg/m3 at a sensitivity of 0.01 μg/m3 (Kalbasi
+3 (titanous, Ti2O3); compounds with oxidation state et al., 1995 ).
+2 (TiO) are less stable, as are oxycompounds such as Neutron activation analysis has been employed
titanyl chloride (TiOCl2).) A number of organometallic for the determination of titanium in air, while spark
compounds of titanium, such as titanocene, are known; source mass spectrography has been used for the anal-
the most common are the alkyl- and aryltitanates, with ysis of water, food, and biological samples. Gravimet-
the general formula Ti(OR)4. Complex titanium com- ric filter weight is the most common method employed
pounds possessing organic ligands are also known. for determining titanium and titanium dioxide as par-
Titanium metal displays excellent corrosion resis- ticulate matter in air (NIOSH, 1980, 1994b,c); spectro-
tance: it is as resistant as platinum against many agents, scopic methods are most commonly used for detecting
including concentrated nitric acid, moist chlorine gas, the metal associated with particulates in air (NIOSH,
and common salt solution. An important property of 1994d).
titanium is that, on exposure to air or various liquids,
it rapidly develops a layer of oxide, which reduces its
reactivity (Kasemo, 1983). No metal or alloy is, how- 3  PRODUCTION AND USES
ever, completely inert in vivo. Elevated titanium con-
centrations have been reported in the blood, urine, and 3.1 Production
nails of humans with titanium-containing implants
(Bianco et al., 1996; Berglund and Carlmark, 2011). Titanium is one of the most common components in
Titanium dioxide (CAS No. 13463-67-7) exists in three the Earth’s crust (ninth in abundance, 0.6% by mass); it
crystalline forms: anatase, brookite, and rutile (WHO, occurs in a number of minerals as well as in living sys-
1982). Titanium tetrachloride (CAS No. 7550-45-0) tems and natural bodies of water. Among the various
occurs as a colorless to light-yellow liquid that is solu- mined titanium minerals, ilmenite is of great commer-
ble in water, but decomposes in hot water (HHS, 1993). cial significance. The world production of ilmenite in
2002 (including leucoxene) and rutile were c. 5.64 mil-
lion tons and c. 0.35 million tons, respectively (Index
2  METHODS AND PROBLEMS Mundi, 2014). The recovery of titanium from second-
OF ANALYSIS ary sources probably does not exceed 1% of the total
production. Two main production processes are used
Methods applied to the detection of titanium in for preparing commercial titanium dioxide pigments:
water and food include spectrography and photom- the sulfate and chloride processes.
etry. Although various atomic absorption techniques
have also been reported, the use of a high-temperature
3.2 Uses
reducing flame is desirable, because of the poor atomi-
zation of Ti and its tendency to form refractory oxides. Titanium metal finds an extensive number of appli-
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spec- cations in the aircraft and spacecraft industries because
trometry (ICP-OES) techniques have been developed of its very high tensile strength, light weight, and
for the rapid determination of titanium in foods after extraordinary corrosion resistance, as well as its abil-
acid digestion (Lomer et al., 2000). TiO2 is usually mea- ity to withstand extreme temperatures. When used for
sured as the metal. Inductively coupled argon plasma these purposes, titanium is usually used in the form of
atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) is an alterna- alloys, which are stronger and more resistant against
tive method for determining titanium dioxide in air, corrosion than is the metal itself. Because of its resis-
with detection limits in the parts-per-billion range and tance to corrosion and its chemical inertness, titanium
excellent recovery (96%) (NIOSH, 1994d). This method is used widely in the chemical industry, for example,
can also be used to assay titanium in urine and tissues, as tubing and for the lining of vessels used in the pro-
with a detection level of 20 ppb and a good level of duction of nitric acid and acetaldehyde. Its resistance
recovery (86%) (NIOSH, 1994a). to corrosion means that titanium is useful also in the
Proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy paper pulp industry. Titanium is the newest metallic
has also been used with practical detection limits of biomaterial among the most popular metallic alloys
c. 0.001 μg for titanium in air and below 0.001 μg of tita- (Niinomi, 2002). Titanium and its alloys continue to
nium per drop of water (Johansson et al., 1975). receive much attention in medical and dental fields
X-Ray fluorescence has been used widely for because of the balance between their excellent mechan-
the determination of titanium in air, water, and ical properties and corrosion resistance; they are used
57 Titanium 1289

mainly for implant devices that replace failed hard exposure to titanium, contributes more than 99% of the
tissue, for example, artificial hip or knee joints, bone daily intake of the element. There is no relevant toler-
plates, and dental implants. Titanium and its alloys are able intake for titanium against which to compare esti-
also used in dental products, such as crowns, bridges, mated dietary intake (JFSSG, 2000). Typical diets may
and dentures. contain c. 0.3-0.5 mg titanium (Schroeder et al., 1963;
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the most common tita- Poole and ­Johnston, 1969; Tipton et al., 1969).
nium compound; it constitutes almost 95% of all tita-
nium consumed. Titanium dioxide is the most common 4.1.2  Water, Soil, and Ambient Air
white synthetic pigment used in the paint industry. It
has many favorable properties: ready availability, a It has been reported that titanium concentrations
comparatively cheap price, extreme whiteness and range from 2 to 107 μg/L in freshwater in Canada and
brightness, and a high index of refraction. Based on the USA ( Durum and Haffty, 1961) and 0.5 to 15 μg/L
these characteristics, titanium dioxide is used exten- (mostly around 2 μg/L) in drinking water in the USA
sively as a white pigment in paints, lacquers, enamels, (Durfor, 1963). Titanium concentrations in seawater
paper coatings, and plastics. Because of its effective- are mostly around 0.6-1 μg/L, but values up to 9 μg/L
ness as a sunscreen toward short-wave ultraviolet have been reported (Bowen, 1966; Ishibashi, 1966;
radiation, titanium oxide is included within a variety ­Silvey, 1967).
of drugs and cosmetics. It is also used as a color addi- The titanium content of soil generally ranges from
tive in confections, dairy products, and bread flours as 0.3 to 6%, with high levels found in the vicinity of
a replacement flour-bleaching agent. Titanium diox- power plants because of the combustion of coal (Klein
ide serves as a clouding agent incorporated into dry and Russell, 1973).
beverage mixes, and is used in tobacco wrappings and Titanium concentrations in the atmosphere are com-
tobacco substitutes. Titanium dioxide is also used in paratively low. However, some investigation showed
the pharmaceutical industry as a constituent of tablets. that ambient air titanium concentrations have recently
Titania nanoparticle (TNP) is a nanomaterial widely shown a significant increase in some areas in the USA
used in applications such as photocell coating, photo- (Spengler et al., 2011). Annual average concentrations
catalysts, cosmetics, and sunscreen products and addi- in urban air are mostly below 0.1 μg/m3, and are lower
tives (Hu et al., 2010). still in rural air (EPA, 1973). Air concentrations up to
Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) is another commer- 0.5 μg/m3 have been reported in urban and industrial-
cially important titanium derivative that is used as an ized areas (JESC, 1971; EPA, 1973; Giauque et al., 1974).
intermediate in the production of titanium metal and The daily intake from urban air is c. 1-5 μg; it is likely
titanium pigments, and as a component and catalyst in to be less than 1 μg in rural areas (Schroeder et al., 1963;
the chemical industry. Titanium chloride (TiCl3), which Woolrich, 1973). Compared with the amount of tita-
is prepared by the reduction of titanium tetrachloride, nium absorbed from food, the intake of titanium from
serves as a coloring agent and as a catalyst in various the air is negligible: under most conditions, it is less
chemical processes. than 1% to the total daily intake. Their widespread
usage results in the release of a large amount of TNPs
into the environment (Lee et al., 2010, Tsuji et al., 2006).
4.2  Working Environment
4.1  General Environment Occupational exposure to titanium occurs princi-
pally in the form of dust; inhalation is the most com-
4.1.1  Food and Daily Intake
mon route of exposure. High exposure levels have been
Titanium is poorly absorbed by plants and animals reported from mining, from the production of the metal,
and is retained to only a limited extent. High levels and from the production and processing of titanium
of titanium in food products can be detected, how- dioxide, carbide, and hydride. T ­ypical dusty opera-
ever, when soil is contaminated by fly ash fallout or tions include the crushing, grinding, m
­ ixing, and siev-
titanium-containing sewage residues (used as fertil- ing of rutile concentrates. High exposure to titanium
izers), and when titanium dioxide is used as a food compounds in the air has also been reported from the
whitener. High concentrations of titanium in certain manual handling, screening, and p­ ackaging of titanium
types of cheese result from the addition of titanium hydride powder (Skurko and Brahnova, 1973). Expo-
dioxide as a whitener and an aging accelerator. Food, sure to fumes and vapors occurs in the handling of tita-
which is considered to be the most important source of nium tetrachloride. Exposure to titanium tetrachloride
1290 Taiyi Jin and Maths Berlin

may also occur in the reduction process, where workers Schroeder et al. (1963), it may be erroneous because
are exposed to titanium tetrachloride and titanium oxy- other possible routes of excretion, especially intestinal,
chloride vapors and to titanium ­dioxide particulates were not been taken into consideration.
(Garabrant et al., 1987). Exposure may occur at any The deposition of titanium dioxide dust in the lungs
stage during the mining of ores and the preparation of of rats is similar to that observed for other particles
titanium dioxide, and in any industries in which the (Ferin et al., 1983). Titanium dioxide is found in the
powder is stored and used. The American Conference lymphocytes and regional nodes in the lungs, indi-
of Governmental I­ ndustrial Hygienists (ACGIH, 2005) cating that a slow rate of removal occurs by this pro-
suggested a threshold limit value/time-weighted aver- cess. Clearance is also significantly decreased, or even
age for TiO2 (CAS No. 13463-67-7) of 10 mg/m3. ceases, at high exposure over a period of time because
of overload (Bermudez et al., 2002, 2004). It is suggested
that small amounts of titanium dioxide can enter the
5 KINETICS general circulation from the lungs (Lee et al., 1985). The
absorption and transference of titanium to the liver and
An important property of titanium is that, on expo- spleen in rats exposed to 10 mg/m3 titanium tetrachlo-
sure to air or various liquids, it rapidly develops a ride aerosol for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 2
layer of oxide, which reduces its reactivity (Olmedo years, have been reported (Lee et al., 1986).
et al., 2003).

5.2 Distribution
5.1 Absorption
Several transport mechanisms have been described
Titanium nanoparticles may be taken up via the for titanium, including systemic dissemination by the
nasal route (Wang et al., 2008) and after oral intake vascular system in solution or as particles (Meachin
(Wang et al., 2007). A number of studies have indi- and Williams, 1973; Edel et al., 1985; Merritt and Brown,
cated that titanium is mainly absorbed through inges- 1995) and lymphatic dissemination as free particles or
tion, but different conclusions have been drawn as to as phagocytosed particles within macrophages (Bianco
the extent. One study undertaken by Schroeder et al. et al., 1996).
(1964) found that titanium levels in the organs of mice Titanium concentrations of 2-9 mg/kg wet weight
given potassium titanium oxalate at a concentration were found in the parenchymatous organs—such as
of 5 mg/L in their drinking water during their entire the heart, lungs, spleen, liver, and kidneys—of mice
life span were five times higher than those observed that had been given titanium oxalate in their drinking
in control animals. Translocation of TiO2 (rutile) par- water at a level of 5 mg/L throughout their life. The
ticles to intestinal-tract-associated tissues and other concentrations were similar to those observed in wild
organs was observed in rats administered 12.5 mg/ mice, but were five times higher than the concentra-
kg/day TiO2 by gavage for 10 days (Jani et al., 1994). In tions found in untreated animals (Schroeder et al.,
another study using mice, a very low degree of absorp- 1964). Six hours after titanium dioxide was adminis-
tion from the gastrointestinal tract was observed: the tered to rats through intravenous injection at 250 mg/
whole-body count of experimental animals given 44Ti kg body weight, the highest concentration appeared in
intragastrically did not exceed the background level the liver; after 24 hours, the highest concentration was
after 24 hours (Thomas and Archuleta, 1980). Blood detected in the celiac lymph nodes, which filter the
titanium levels were found to increase following oral lymph from the liver (Huggins and Froehlich, 1966).
administration of TiO2 (anatase) to human volunteers In the general population, titanium has been
(Böckmann et al., 2000). detected in various parenchymatous organs, with the
There is much data to indicate that titanium is highest concentrations consistently being found in the
absorbed poorly from the gastrointestinal tract in lungs (Hamilton et al., 1972/1973), probably as a result
human beings. It is likely that transferrin may act as of inhalation of titanium-containing dust particles. Ter-
a specific carrier of titanium ions and thus play a cen- aoka (1980) reported even higher concentrations in the
tral role during the transporting and biodistribution hilar lymph nodes than in the lungs. Lung concentra-
of soluble titanium species throughout the organism tions in coal miners, have been reported to be several
(Ishiwata et al., 1991). Titanium concentrations found times those found in the general population (Crable
generally in urine (c. 10 μg/L) suggest an absorption of et al., 1967, 1968). Titanium was demonstrated in the
less than 5%, assuming a daily intake of at least 300 μg. lymphatic systems of three workers engaged in the pro-
Although this estimate agrees with that reported by cessing of titanium dioxide pigments (Elo et al., 1972).
57 Titanium 1291

5.3  Biological Half-Time 7  EFFECTS AND DOSE-RESPONSE

There is still an insufficient amount of data for
estimating the biological half-time of titanium in
No evidence exists that titanium is an essential ele-
humans or animals. The International Commission
ment for humans or other animals.
on Radiological Protection calculated a half-life of 320
days (ICRP, 1959). Although the half-life in mice was
reported to be 640 days, the authors speculated that 7.1  Local Effects and Dose-Response
in humans the half-life might be even longer (Thomas Relationships
and Archuleta, 1980).
7.1.1 Animals Lungs
5.4 Excretion
The effects of inhalation or endotracheal instillation
Titanium taken orally remains mostly unabsorbed of TiO2 particles have been studied in rats, mice, rab-
and is eliminated in the feces. In humans, the excre- bits (Dale, 1973), and hamsters. At levels of exposure
tion rate of titanium is c. 10 μg/L urine (Schroeder causing little accumulation of particles in the lungs
et al., 1963). Tipton et al. (1966) reported, however, and with an effective clearance of deposited particles,
urinary excretion rates as high as 0.41 and 0.46 mg/ no effects were found on the viability of alveolar mac-
day (30-day mean), respectively, in two adults. The rophages (Maatta and Arstila, 1975), nor any stimu-
mechanism of excretion and the possible amount lation of fibroblasts (Heppleston, 1971). At heavier
of titanium excreted by the intestinal route remain exposure, causing an overload of the rat lung clear-
unknown. ance function and with accumulation of particles in the
lungs, an inflammatory response was induced, with
increased numbers of neutrophils and fibrosis. The
6  LEVELS IN TISSUES AND BIOLOGICAL lung clearance of TiO2 particles is less efficient in rats
FLUIDS and mice than in hamsters (Hext et al., 2005). Thus, rat
lungs are overloaded at lower particle loads than are
It has been reported that the blood concentration the lungs of other tested animals; they also exhibit a
of titanium ranges from 0.03 to 0.15 mg/kg (Hamilton more pronounced tendency to undergo inflammatory
et al., 1972/1973). Titanium concentrations of 0.8 mg/ and fibrogenic reactions. Lee et al. (1986) found that
kg wet weight in the brain, 1.3 mg/kg in the kidney exposure to 250 mg/m3 pigment-grade TiO2 particles
cortex, 1.3 mg/kg in the liver, 3.7 mg/kg in the lungs, for 1 year caused retention of Ti-particles in the alveoli
and 0.2 mg/kg in muscle have been reported (­Hamilton and alveolar ducts, and impaired clearance with pro-
et al., 1972/1973). gressive tissue changes. Similar observations were
Titanium tends to accumulate with age in lung tis- made in studies designed to compare the development
sue, but not in other organs (Schroeder et al., 1964). and possible progression of the lung responses of rats,
Titanium concentrations of 33 mg/kg dry weight in mice, and hamsters exposed to a range of concentra-
the lungs and 150 mg/kg in hilar lymph nodes have tions of pigment-grade TiO2 and ultrafine-grade TiO2
been reported (Teraoka, 1980). No analytical methods particles over a period of 90 days, with subsequent
have been described for the measurement of titanium retention of some exposed animals for up to 1 year.
dioxide in urine. The ultrafine particles appeared to be more toxic than
It has been observed that serum titanium concen- the pigment-grade particles when measured in terms
trations were c. 50 times greater, due to abrasion and of mg TiO2/m3; when the lung burden was measured
wear of the titanium base material, in patients with in terms of the total particle surface area, however, a
failed patellar components of titanium-based joint better correlation existed between the lung load and
implants (average concentration of serum titanium the histopathological response and the inflammatory
135.57 ng/mL ) when compared with those of a con- reaction, in terms of an increased number of neutro-
trol group. There were, however, no significant differ- phils in the lung lavage liquid (Baggs et al., 1997; Ber-
ences in the levels of urinary titanium. Elevated serum mudez et al., 2002, 2004; Hext et al., 2002). Watanabe
titanium may, therefore, serve as a marker of failed et al. (2002) compared the in vitro toxicities of particu-
patellar components in subjects who have undergone late and fibrous titanium dioxide samples toward rat
total knee replacements with titanium alloy bearings alveolar macrophages and found that the fibrous mate-
(Jacobs et al., 1999). rial was more toxic than the particles.
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The endotracheal administration of 50 mg (in 1 mL dioxide pigments during processing; they found
saline) of titanium carbide, boride, or nitride caused deposits in the pulmonary interstitium, along with cell
mild fibroses in the lungs of rats (Brahnova, 1969; destruction and slight fibrosis. Clearance of titanium
Brahnova and Samsonov, 1970); the administration dioxide through the lymphatic system was demon-
of 50 mg of titanium hydride to rats led to a weak strated by the identification of particles in the lymph
fibrogenic effect 6 and 12 months later (Brahnova and nodes. A subsequent report (Maatta and Arstila, 1975)
Skurko, 1972). revealed the presence of aluminum and silica in the
The ability of titanium fibers to cause fibrosis is macrophages, in addition to titanium particles. It was
determined by their dimensions. Dose-related fibrosis suggested that the simultaneous exposure to silica
was found in inhalation studies of rats, hamsters, and compounds was responsible for the fibrotic changes,
guinea pigs when using potassium octatitanate fibers rather than exposure to titanium dioxide itself. Clinical
with an average length of 6.7 μm and a diameter of and epidemiological studies have generally confirmed
0.2 μm that were administered for 6 hours daily for 3 the experimentally demonstrated lack of fibrogenicity
months in doses ranging from 2.9 to 41.8 × 106 fibers/L. of titanium dioxide. Through an autopsy study, exten-
The fibrosis was registered 15-24 months after treatment sive titanium dioxide deposits were discovered in two
(Lee et al., 1981). Similarly, dose-related fibrosis was heavily exposed workers, but fibrosis was not detected
observed in rats after the administration of man-made (Ophus et al., 1979).
titanium phosphate fibers with lengths of 10-20 μm and There are several epidemiological studies describing
diameters of 0.2-0.3 μm (Gross et al., 1977). the effects of titanium dioxide. Studies on men exposed
Administration of a total dose of 75 mg barium tita- to titanium dioxide for prolonged periods did not
nate, given in three weekly doses as a 5% suspension, reveal any signs of clinical or radiological abnormality.
through endotracheal instillation, did not produce any A study of 136 workers exposed to ilmenite and rutile
fibrotic changes in guinea pigs for up to 12 months in Sri Lanka did not find any significant difference in
(Pratt et al., 1953). Inhalation of titanium hydride for the incidence of radiological lesions of the chest com-
16 months, however, produced weak fibrogenic effects pared with that of the general population (Uragoda
(Skurko and Brahnova, 1973). and Pinto, 1972). A study of 207 workers engaged in
TNPs have been shown to induce pulmonary dam- the production of titanium dioxide from ilmenite, with
age and inflammation (Lee et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2006). an exposure time of 20 years for 90% of the workers,
TNPs have recently been used as a model for studying found that in 47% of the subjects the obstruction was
nanoparticle toxicity (for further details see Chapter 4, discovered by spirometry, which the authors suggested
“Toxicity of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles”). may have been caused by irritant effects associated
with the sulfate process; no fibrotic effects attributable  Other Sites and Implants to the titanium dioxide exposure were noted, however
Studies on rats given single intraperitoneal injec- (Daum et al., 1977). Chen and Fayerweather (1988)
tions of 25 mg titanium dioxide (Sethi et al., 1973) or an studied the rate of mortality among 1576 male employ-
intravenous injection of 250 mg/kg body weight (Hug- ees who had been exposed to TiO2 for more than 1 year
gins and Froehlich, 1966) indicated that the compound in two TiO2-producing plants in the USA. The mortal-
is biologically inert. ity of the members of the group was monitored from
Most medical reports on titanium in the early 1935 to 1983. No excess mortality from nonmalignant
1980s focused on whether titanium alloys were suit- respiratory disease was observed. Some members of
able implantation materials (e.g. Schroeder et al., 1981; part of the group (336 workers) were examined with
­Brunette et al., 1983; Kallus and Hensten-Pettersen, X-rays; no cases of fibrosis were detected. A European
1983; Kasemo, 1983). The general inertness of titanium multicenter epidemiological study monitored workers
has been convincingly demonstrated in several stud- employed in 11 plants producing TiO2 in six European
ies. The lack of irritation, the good degree of wound countries. Mortality over a 30-year period from non-
healing, and the encapsulation of the metal by fibrous malignant respirator disease was less than expected
tissues after the implantation of titanium metal in dogs (Boffetta et al., 2004). A similar multicenter study in the
all suggest that soft tissue has a high tolerance for tita- USA monitored 4241 workers exposed in TiO2-manu-
nium metal (Shpak and Margolin, 1971). facturing plants. A mortality follow-up study, covering
40 years, did not reveal any adverse effects related to
7.1.2 Humans TiO2 exposure (Fryzek et al., 2003).
Acute (short-term) exposure of humans to titanium Lungs tetrachloride may result in marked congestion of the
Elo et al. (1972) studied lung specimens from three mucous membranes of the pharynx, vocal cords, and
factory workers exposed for 9 years to the titanium trachea, as well as stenosis (constriction) of the larynx,
57 Titanium 1293

trachea, and upper bronchi. Workers producing tita- changes, the spleens of mice were observed to display
nium tetrachloride have developed hyperemia and irregular features within the capsule and medulla
thinning of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, as well (depletion of T4 and B cells) after subcutaneous
as bronchitis, possibly because of the production of administration of a titanium solution (0.4 mg/mL)
hydrochloric acid upon the rapid hydrolysis of tita- every 72 hours over a period of 30 days. Such altera-
nium tetrachloride by water (EPA, 1985). Chronic inha- tions in the functioning of T4 and B cells may indicate
lation exposure may produce upper respiratory tract reduced functioning of the immune system (Ferreira
irritation, chronic bronchitis, coughing, bronchocon- et al., 2003).
striction, wheezing, chemical pneumonitis, and pul- Rats administered with titanium dioxide at
monary edema in humans. Pleural diseases of workers 25-250 mg/kg body weight through parenteral injec-
involved in titanium metal production have been tions (Huggins and Froehlich, 1966; Sethi et al., 1973)
linked with their chronic (long-term) occupational did not exhibit any special changes other than those
exposure to titanium tetrachloride. This finding sug- that could be expected from the injection of inert
gests that chronic exposure to titanium tetrachloride particles. Liver dystrophy was reported in rats after
may result in restrictive pulmonary changes (ATSDR, the endotracheal administration of 50 mg titanium
1997). There are no conclusive epidemiological studies nitride, boride, or carbide (Brahnova and Samsonov,
on the risks of TNP exposure. 1970; Brahnova, 1969). The administration of titanium
hydride dust through endotracheal instillation had  Other Sites and Implants similar effects (Skurko and Brahnova, 1973). More-
Titanium is widely used as an implant material in over, swelling of the tubular epithelium in the kidneys
orthopedics, oral surgery, and neurosurgery because it occurred after administration of the nitride, whereas
exhibits high biocompatibility (Williams and Adams, dystrophic changes were detected in the kidneys and
1976; Schroeder et al., 1981). It has been shown in vitro hearts of test animals after absorption of the hydride.
that titanium particles can suppress osteogenic dif-
ferentiation in human bone marrow, stroma-derived 7.2.2 Humans
mesenchymal stem cells; bone marrow cells became
apoptotic and their numbers decreased, while, at the Adverse effects have not been found from the
same time, the levels of tumor suppressor proteins small amounts of titanium occasionally released from
increased (Wang et al., 2003). implants into adjacent tissues (Lyell, 1979; Brun and
The in vitro cytotoxicity of titanium particles toward Hunziker, 1980), but yellow nail syndrome was found
human neutrophils is dependent upon their size: the in five subjects with titanium implants who had high
smaller the size, the greater the toxicity (Kumazawa levels of titanium in their nails (up to 120 μg/g). Each of
et al., 2002). Titanium and its oxides may not be as inert these subjects had undergone dental restoration using
and biocompatible as was once believed. Further stud- gold. The authors suggested that the high difference in
ies are necessary to demonstrate the adverse effects of redox potential between titanium and gold caused the
titanium and its oxides. migration of titanium into the tissues (Berglund and
Titanium tetrachloride is highly irritating to the skin, Carlmark, 2011).
eyes, and mucous membranes in humans; indeed, it There are no available data on the possible dose-
may result in surface skin burns, while acute exposure response or dose-effect relationships related to the
may also damage the cornea. Conjunctivitis and kera- systemic changes caused by titanium compounds in
titis have been discovered after contact with titanium human subjects.
tetrachloride (Mogilevskaja, 1983). Although titanium dioxide is regarded to be biolog-
ically inert, based on experimental as well as clinical
and epidemiological studies (Stokinger, 1981; WHO,
7.2  Systemic Effects and Dose-Response 1982), systemic side effects have been reported in
Relationships patients taking drugs in the form of tablets contain-
ing titanium oxide. The symptoms ceased when the
7.2.1 Animals
active substance was delivered in tablets lacking tita-
Recent scientific evidence indicates that titanium, or nium dioxide (Berglund and Carlmark, 2011). Several
its corrosion by-products, may cause harmful reactions metals, including titanium, may impair the immune
after traveling through the circulatory or lymphatic response and cytokine release, suggesting that patients
system. These harmful reactions usually take place in who experience extensive exposure to these metals
the blood, fibrotic tissue, and osteogenic cells. may develop immune dysfunction (Wang et al., 1996).
In a comparative study of metallic biomaterials toxic- No significant information is available to demon-
ity assessing histochemical and immunohistochemical strate cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatic, renal,
1294 Taiyi Jin and Maths Berlin

endocrine, and immunological effects of titanium tet- were in control animals (Köpf-Maier et al., 1980; Köpf-
rachloride (ATSDR, 1997). Maier and Krahl, 1981).
In reproduction studies, an adverse effect was dis-
covered in rats exposed to soluble titanate (5 mg/L)
7.3  Mutagenicity, Carcinogenicity, in drinking water (Schroeder and Mitchener, 1971;
Teratogenicity, and Effects on Reproduction Köpf-Maier and Erkenswick, 1984). Each group was
followed through three generations. A significant
7.3.1 Animals
reduction occurred in the number of animals surviving
Various titanium compounds have been tested up to the third generation, and showed a progressive
using the rec-assay with Bacillus subtilis (Kada et al., reduction in the male:female ratio. Controls continued
1980). The following compounds produced negative to breed for four generations at the normal rate.
results: titanium trichloride, tetrachloride, boride, TNPs were reported to induce cellular apoptosis
carbide, fluoride, and dioxide. Titanium tetrachloride and necrosis (Vamanu et al. 2008). Several in vitro
has also been regarded as nonmutagenic (Kanematsu mammalian studies showed that TNPs can have dif-
et al., 1980; Ogawa et al., 1987). Bronchoalveolar lavage ferent adverse effects on mammalian cells, including
(BAL) cells from rats instilled endotracheally with TiO2 increased production of reactive oxygen species and
particles, however, induced Hrpt gene mutations in rat cytokine levels, reduction of cell viability and prolif-
alveolar cells in vitro. Mutagenesis could be prevented eration, and induction of apoptosis and genotoxicity
by the addition of catalase, suggesting that free o
­ xygen (Iavicoli et al., 2011). The underlying mechanisms of
radicals maybe mediate the process (Driscoll et al., the toxic effects of TNPs are associated with inflam-
1997). In a study of exposure to TiO2 particles through mation and include fibrosis, oxidative stress, and DNA
inhalation, rats exposed to 250 mg/m3 developed lung damage (Iavicoli et al., 2012). (See also Chapter 4.)
adenomas and keratinizing squamous metaplasia, sug-
gestive of squamous cell carcinoma (Lee et al., 1985, 7.3.2 Humans
1986). Endotracheal instillation of a high dose of TiO2
particles in female rats caused an increased incidence Several epidemiological mortality studies suggest
of malignant lung tumors (IARC, 2006). Other rodents, that TiO2 dust exerts no carcinogenic effect on human
such as mice and hamsters, that had been endotrache- lungs (Fayerweather et al., 1992; Boffetta et al., 2001,
ally instilled with TiO2 particles did not exhibit any 2004; Fryzek et al., 2003); these studies all considered
increases in the incidence of tumors. The International cancer mortality. No studies have revealed an increase
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has listed tita- in cancer mortality related to TiO2 exposure. According
nium dioxide in Group 2b, indicating that there is suf- to the IARC, “there is inadequate evidence in humans
ficient evidence from experimental animals to suggest for the carcinogenicity of titanium oxide” and TiO2 is
its carcinogenicity. classified as “possibly carcinogenic to humans, Group
It is commonly believed that titanium belongs 2B” (IARC, 2006, 2010).
to a group of metals that display low carcinogenic-
ity (­Sunderman, 1978). There is no evidence that
TiO2-coated mica produced either toxicological or
carcinogenic effects when fed to Fischer 344 rats at
­ ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien-
dietary concentrations as high as 5.0% (Bernard et al., ists), 2005. TLVs and BEIs for Chemical Substances and Physical
Agents. ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH.
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sarcomas occurred at the injection sites and h­ epatomas Baggs, R.B., Ferin, J., Oberdorster, G., 1997. Vet. Pathol. 34, 593–597.
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Bermudez, E., Mangum, J.B., Asgharian, B., et al., 2002. Tox. Sci. 70,
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57 Titanium 1295

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