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Environmental problems

These days, our world is facing several problems, and many of these seem
to be worsening with time, bringing us into a time of a true environmental
Some of the problems are polution, deforestation, acid rain, global warming
and loss of biodiversity.
I’m gonna talk especially about the loss of biodiversity.
Animals are loosing their home because of the problems I mention before.
Because of the global warming animals like penguins are dying, because
the ice is melting and they have no place to live.
Because of the ocean polution aquatic animals like dolphins are dying.
Because of the deforestation a lot of animals are loosing their home and
their food and end up dying.
Because of the overfishing and overhunting many animals are dying.
With all of these problems a lot of species are dying but we can stop this
before it comes to late.
To help animals life we must recycle, not throw garbage in the ocean or on
the ground, use public transport more, save water and many other things
that we can do.
Together we are gonna be able to save the world before it’s to late.

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