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Evidence: Interactive activity “My day”

Good Morning. My name is Viviana Jiménez. I'm a lawyer. I think I have a very busy schedule.
I get up at five fifty and make coffee. At 6.30, I shower and get ready to make lunch. I usually
have a light breakfast and leave the house at seven o'clock. If I'm in a hurry, I prefer to take a
taxi, but if I have time, I take the bus. I arrive at work at seven thirty and prepare my schedule
for the day. On Mondays, I make a lot of phone calls and attend to clients pending for the
weekend. From Tuesday to Saturday I receive phone calls where I must provide legal advice
on all kinds of legal procedures. At twelve, I have lunch with my coworkers in a restaurant
near the office. In the afternoon, I send emails to different entities to which the delicate cases
that are to be resolved are reported. At six I go home. I get home around seven o'clock. My
husband prepares dinner and we help our daughter with homework. After that, we groom our
daughter, brush our teeth, and put her to sleep. Then we see an action movie. Before I go to
bed, I go on my cell phone and check my email. This is basically my life from Monday to

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