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Nama : Aulan Nahari

NIM : 200111080

Kelas :Manajemen reguler 3C

Matkul : B.Inggris written

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What will happen if stones are as delicious as cakes

I think if stones are as delicious as cakes that's pretty awful.

The first reason is because if the stone is delicious like cake there will be people in this world who eat
the stone, which we know if the stone is very hard textured and if it goes into the mouth it will not be
able to be chewed by the jaw, because it cannot be chewed by the jaw then the stone The food will be
swallowed whole, then it can cause disturbance or even damage to our digestive tract.

The second reason is that although the stone is crushed first and then eaten, it may contain harmful
bacteria which if entered into the body can cause serious illness later on.

The point is don't eat stones even though it tastes like cake, guys

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