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Alteuistic Ambiguity Ancestors Ancestors + Ancillary Antifreeze Appall GC" Appliavce Apprise US tarctic Uy Artifact Ascertuined Ascertaining Assessed 34 Asylum — 62; a sanctuary, as a temple, where criminals, debtors, Auditioas 04” Smart Brain ee oss, often manifested by quick, lively action ager willingness oF readine 8S wavottist concern for the welfare of others; selflessness: Jor motivated by altrulsmy unselfish # or motivated by altruism; unselfish he quality oF state of being ambiguous AF any person from whom one Is descended, esp, one earlier in a family line than a grandparent; forefather; forebear any person from whom one Is descended, esp, one & farlier ina family line than @ grandparent; forefather; forebear “Jt subordinate 10 the water In the radiator 1 substance of low freezing point added to a liquid, esp. t stan automobile oF to gasoline in the tank, to prevent freezing 4/2 10 fill with horror or dismay; shock 4-1f heact of applying: application {0 inform or notify of, characteristic of, or near the North Pole or the region around it any object made by human work; esp., a simple or primitive tool, weapon vessel, etc. (AP comare certain or definite (Abc, 0 make certain or definite = to set an estimated value on (property, etc.) for taxation ete, were safe from arrest (oF the act or sense of hearing Aver “59> todeciare to be true; state positively; affirm + Ballete.nane Bawdy + Bellwesner Beneaw (+t Bibliog. aphy + Bibulous 1 person enthusiastic about the ballet hharacteristic of a baw; Indecent or humorously coarse; lewd | _imale sheep, usually wearing a beil, tat leads the flock 2 ma lower place; below + jhe study of the editions, dates, authorship, ete, of books and other writings highly absorbent Billow 8% (Az, large wave; great swell of water “Bolter 24 yt" Boredo.n 2-7 * Bowdlerize Brevity 914/414) the qu «long, natrow cushicn or pilldw ‘214 «na condition of being bored; ennui to remove passages considered offensive from (a book, play, etc.) of being brief; shortness of time Buffet Fé» dlow with the hand or fist Chapter 6 Page 144 Buoy Carvings catalyst = Chevrons. | chorus Cloister Comatose Composuse: Concludes. condemn Conflict Consciousness Contaminated Contemplation Contribution Controversy Convictions Crude cruise > Culpable Curative Sa CAT W ‘ord List ‘Smart Brain ea se rn of a hazard, 4 tating abject anchored in a lake, river, etc: to mark a channel, wai a tigure or design formed by some Kind of cutting. f f i 5 soinething that causes activity between two or more persons oF forces without its beingaffected | ‘a heraldic device in the shape ofan inverted V any of a genus (Pon) of great apes of Africa, with black halr and large, outstanding ‘ears: itis smaller than a gorilla and Is noted for Its intelligence 1a group of persons singing in unison. a place of religious seclusion: monastery or convent of like, or in a coma or stupor calmness of mind of manner; tranquility; self-possession to bring to a close; end; finish to pass an adverse judgment on; disapprove of strongly; censure to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash % the state of being conscious; awareness of one’s own feelings, what is happening around one, ete. to make impure, infected, corrupt, radioactive, etc. by contact with or addition of something; pollute; defile; sully; taint thoughtful inspection, study, etc the act of contributing a lengthy discussion of an important question in which opposing opinions clash; debate; disputation The judgment ofa jury or judge that a person is guilty ofa crime as charged in a raw or natural condition, before being prepared for use; not refined or processed to sail from place to place, as for pleasure or in search of something deserving blame; blameworthy ‘of or for the curing of disease Page 145 a a EE te 4 r Lage ieee en gle Este anything that restains oF controls: restraint; check, oat ‘ hastily, often superficially, done; performed rapidly with litle attention to detail curtailed to cut short; reduce; abridge eynosure any person or thing that Isa center of attention or interest Decimate to select by lot and kill every tenth one of Deter to keep or discourage (a Person, BrOUP, OF nation) from doing something PY instilling i fear, anxiety, doubt etc Diatrive a bitter, abusive eriticism or denunciation Dictatorial of like, or characteristic of a dictator; autocrat tyrannical; domineering biligent persevering and careful in work; industrious Distinguished celebrated; eminent Divisive causing division; esp., causing disagreement or dissension Dostrine something taught; teachings Dubious feeling doubt; hesitating; skeptical Dusk dark in color; dusky; shadowy Ecosystems a system made up of a community of animals, plants, and bacteria interrelated together with its physical and chemical environment Eestauic of, having the nature of, or characterized by ecstasy Ecstasy an overpowering emotion or exaltation; a state of sudden intense feeling Eligible fit to be chosen; legally or morally qualified Empathy the projection of one’s own personality into the personality of another in order t° Ainderstand the person better; ability to share In another's ‘emotions, thoughts, °F feelings Empivical relying or based solely on experiment and observation rather than theory Encouraging giving courage, hope, or confidence Envisage to face; confront Equalized to make equal Erroneous containing or based on error; mistaken; wrong Erudite having or showing a wide knowledge geined from reading; learned scholarly Espouse to take asa spouse, esp. 2s a wife; marry Essentially of or constituting the intrinsic, fundamental nature of something; basic; inherent Esteemed to have great regard for; value highly; respect Eulogy speech or writing in erst ‘ing: reo eke ee ae ae person, event, or thing; esp., a formal speech praising Evaluate to find the value or amount of. Evaporate to change (a liquid or solid) into vapor; drive out or draw off in the form of vapor a T Chapter 6 Page 146 a=—_"" i |= ‘smart Brain ff, Sl GAT Word Lint peer ea eget ie i disgust, etc, of ‘a twisting or distortion, of the face, as In expressing pain, contempt, 238 Grimaces {wry took as in seeking to amuse a a place of refuge, safety, etc. retreat; shelter Hee \ the transmission of characterstés from parent to offspring bY ate eel the ehromosomes ) the tendency of offspring 10 resemble paren through such transmission Humnanitarlan a person devoted to promoting the welfare of humanity, €5P- through the elimination ff pain and suffering; philanthropist Humdrum lacking variety; dull; monotonous; boring Hypocrisy 4 pretending to be what one is not, or to feel what one does not feel; €5P 4 pretense of virtue, piety, ete lexberg 1 great mass of ice broken off from a glacier and floating in the s¢8 Implicate to show to have a connection with a crime, fault, etc Implied involved, suggested, or understood without being openly ar directiy expressed Ampure not pure Inconsistent hot consistent; not in agreement, harmony, oF accord; incompatible Incredible rot eredible; unbelievable Indigenous costing, growing, or produced naturally in a region or country; Belonging (to) as a native Inovitable unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary Interence an act or the process of inferring tnslux 4 flowing in inflow, a8 of a liquid, gas, ete. b) a continual coming in of persons OF things Inunitable that cannot be imitated or matched; too good to be equaled or copied Initiating bring Into practice or Use; introduce by first doing or using; start Instinet (an) inborn tendency to behave In a way characteristic of a species) naturel Unlearned; predictable response to stimu Incimidate to make timid; make afraid; daunt Invigorate to glve vigor to; fill with enerey; enliven A Laudatory expressing praise; eulogistic; commendatory also Lourel ‘of a genus (Laurus) of evergreen trees or shrubs of the laurel family bax Joose; emptying easily (sald of the bowels) Uturgy prescribed forms or itual for public worship in any of various religions or churches Lowers in a place or on a level below another Martinet a very stelet military disciptinarian | ‘Maverick | an unbranded animal, esp. a strayed calf, a lone dissenter, as an intellectual an artis. ee TG hapter 6 Page 148 | | pm CAT Wort List ‘Smart Brain | | mediocre Meticulous Modesty Morass Narrate Natives Negotiate Nicaragua Nomadic Novelty Oblivion Oblivious Obstruction Obvious oddly Ornamental Pacifier Paleolithic Palisade Panegyric Panhandler Parisian Passes = or pollician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates neither very good nor very bad; ordinary; average extremely or excessively careful about detalls; scrupulous or finicky the quality or state of being modest; unassuming or humble behavior a tract of low, soft, watery ground; bog; marsh; swamp: often used figuratively of 2 difficult, troublesome, or perplexing state of affairs to tell (a story) in writing or speech inborn or innate rather than acquired to moke arrangements for, settle, or conclude (2 bu: ‘country in Central America, ‘A member of 2 group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land. ss transaction, treaty, etc.) the quality of being novel; newness; freshness. the condition or fact of being forgotten forgetful or unmindful: usually with of or to something that obstructs, blocks, or closes up with an obstacle or obstacles; obstacle ‘or hindrance ‘easy to see or understand; plain; evident being one of a pair of which the other is missing serving as or pertaining to an ornament; decorative someune who tries to bring peace, 2 rubber or plastic device, often shaped into a nipple, for a baby to suck or bite on designating or of an Old World cultural period (2 million-c. 10,000 8.C.) any one of a row of large pointed stakes set. in the ground to form a fence used for fortification or defense «a formal speech or piece of writing pratsing a person or event ‘a beggar, esp. one who begs on the streets of or like Par its people, or culture a narrow passage or opening, esp. between mountains; gap; defile Oe Page 149 Peacemaker Pebbles Perforate Perpetrates Pickups pitiful Plausible Plausible Pleistocene Poge stick Precision Predetermined | f Preniises Provailed Prevalent Printtve Probable Prosale = Prosecntes, Rapacious Rebellion, Reciial Redundant Regiment. Rescue sree i ee @ person who makes peace, as by settling the disagreements or quarrels of others small stone worn smooth and round, as by the action of water to make a hole or holes through, as by punching or boring; plerce; penetrate to do or perform (something evil, criminal, or offensive); be guilty of the act of picking up, as in fielding a rapidly rolling baseball arousing or deserving pity seemingly true, acceptable, etc.: often implying disbelief se ningly true, acceptable, etc.: often implying disbelief designating or of the first epoch of the Quaternary characterized by the spreading and recession of continental ice sheets appearence of modern humans a stilt with pedals and a spring at one end, used as a toy to mov bounds period in the Cenozoic Era, and by the fe along in a series of the quality of being precise; exactness, accuracy, etc. to determine, decide, or decree beforehand ion supporting or helping to support @ a tract of land including its buildings , a propositi conclusion to gain the advantage or mastery; be victorious; trlumphn often with over or ag7ins! stronger, more effective, etc; dominant of or existing in the beginning or the earliest times or ages; ancient; original lively to occur or be; that can reasonably but not certainly be expected of orlike prose rather then poetry; often, specific, heavy, flat, unimaginative, etc: to follow up or pursue (something) to a conclusion to try to convert (2 person), esp, to one’s religion producing 2 sharp sensation of teste and smell; acrid odd; ebmical capable of giving off, rediant energy in the form of particles or rays, as alpha, bet2, ‘and gamma rays, by the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclel taking by force; plundering dan act or state of armed resistance to one’s government 4a) a reciting; specific, a telling of facts, events, ete. in detall b) what Is so told; account, story, or description ‘more than enough; overabundant; excess; superfluous a military unit consisting of two or more battalions and forming a basic element of a division to free or save from danger, imprisonment, evil, et, Ss Chapter 6 Page 150 pa} GAT Word List ‘Smart Brain Resist — ——_—— Retaliate Reverenes Scandalou. Scanning Seanty scarce Serutinizin Serene Simultanevus Skyrocketed ‘Stoggish Sophisticaied Speculatio. + Stabilized Straighten Strip ty withstand; oppose; fend off; stand firm against; withstand the action of to return lke for lke; esp, to return evil for evil; pay back injury for injury a feeling or attitude of deep respect, love, and awe, as for sonvething sacred; veneration to {gel remorse or repentance for (atin, fault, etc.) general talk not based on definite knowledge; mere gossip; hearsay 0) the rescue of a ship and cargo at sea from peril such as fire, shipwreck, capture, etc. b) compensation paid to those who assist in the rescue operations ¢) the ship or caigo $0 rescued d) the restoration of a sunken or wrecked ship or its cargo 35 PY divers the act of a recognized authority confirming or ratifying an action; authorized approval or permission causing scandal; offensive to 2 sense of decency or shocking to the moral feelings of the to analyze (verse) in terms of its rhythmic components, as by counting accents and syllables and marking the metrical feet barely suffi nt; not ample; meager not common; rarely seen to look at very carefully; examine closely; inspect minutely not disturbed or troubled; calm, peaceful, tranquil, etc. occurring, done, existing, etc. together or at the same time a fireworks rocket that explodes in midair in a shower of colored sparks lecking energy, alertness, or vigor; indisposed to exertion; slothful not simple, artless, nalve, etc; urbane, worldly-wise, ete, or knowledgeable, perceptive, subtle, etc. the act of speculating, or meditating, a thought or conjecture to make stable, or fim to wake or become less confused, easier to deal with, ete, to seprive of covering: to strip a frult of its rind ,to remove (the clothing or covering) Sp , Page 151 GAT Word Lint Smart Brain ‘Stuluty succinct Sutfiient surpuisingly ‘Sustein sybasite Trade Travina Trem Trooper Trucvient Turn Unscrupulous Varsity Verbinge Versiva Vicious Victin Victor Violate Vitality Wickes Witnesses Yawn cade =) ee eres of oF from (a person); make naked; undress to make seer foolish, stupld, Inconslst dull or torpid tej make absurd or ridiculous, to make clearly and briefly stated; terse as much as is needed equal to what Is specified oF required; enough causing surprise; amazing to keep in existence; Keep up; maintain or protong, any of the people of ancient 4 Yong, vehement speech, esp. one of denunciation; harangue € bodily injury, wound, or shock to cut, cut into, cut off, ete, slice, gash, ete. an enlisted soldier in the mounted cavalry fierce; cruel; savage; ferocious to make (a wheel, globe, etc.) move about a central point oF xI5; revolve of rotate not scrupulous; not restrained by ideas of right and wrong unprincipled the main team that represents a university, college, or school in some competition, esp. an athletic one fan excess of words beyond those needed to express concisely what Is meant wordiness 2 particular form or variant of something a) given to or characterized by vice; evil, corrupt unwholesome, or noxious or depraved, harmful, 4 person or animal killed as a sacrifice to @ god ina religious rite the winner in a battle, struggle, etc to break (a law, rule, promise, etc.); fall to keep or observe; infringe on power to live or go on living, ‘morally bad or wrong; acting or done with evil intent; depraved; iniquitous an attesting of a fact, statement, etc, evidence; testimony {0 open the mouth wide, esp. involuntarily, and breathe in deeply, as a result of fatigue, drowsiness, or boredom SES Chapter 6

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