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People frequently hide behind humour after making insensitive remarks without
considering the implications to others. It's not humorous when a joke trivialises the suffering
of those who have been subjected to circumstances beyond their control, such as rape jokes.
People should think hard about making a joke out of something that jeopardises human rights
to safety, and here's why rape is not something to joke around.

To begin with, rape jokes are an immoral human behaviour. Rape is a form of
violence and abuse that can result in suffering and making light of such suffering makes the
act of violence appear less severe than it should be. Rape jokes can contribute to the
acceptability of rape myths, such as victim blaming, and can exacerbate the issue when
victims are scared to speak up.

Moreover, rape jokes can trigger traumas and anxiety among those who might have
previously experienced this unfortunate event. Whenever rape jokes are made especially in
public, there is a high probability that the jokes will reach to the victims, and they will be
negatively affected. Survivors of sexual violence deserve to be supported and respected. They
should not be made to feel triggered for the sake of a few laughs.

Furthermore, joking about something that is horribly common can lead to

normalisation of the act itself as it can make those potential rapists feel justified in their
atrocious criminal behaviour. Besides, rationalizing attitudes that support violence
particularly when it is disguised as a joke, could imply that these jokes are acceptable and
prevalence in society. The dismissal of the sexist nature of what they were talking about is
dangerous. If they are not carefully considering the meaning of what they say, they affirm
sexist views.

Certain offensive humour may have its place and time. However, given how harmful
rape jokes can be, it's probably best to think about it again before saying it or not saying it at
all. Some people may have laughed, while others may have remained silent. Appreciation or
silence in the face of a rape joke, on the other hand, condones the behaviour of rapists. When
rape is compared to something mildly unpleasant, it appears to be less serious than it really is,
which to put very simply, is not okay.

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