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The video I chose for this assignment is about sound employment practices at Google.

As we can see
from the video, Google really puts the effort into employee benefits and prepares a comfortable work
environment for employees to meet their well-being at work, not just to provide high salaries.

Google's goal in CSR is primarily their employees, by keeping a happy workforce. Even though Google
focuses more on employee happiness at work than salary, employees also earn more than $100,000 a
year. In addition, Google offers employees a variety of amenities, such as upscale gym, lap pool, doctor
services, and video game room. In addition, Google's sound employment practices are not only reflected
in employees themselves, but also in their families. When an employee dies, his spouse and children get
a 10-year stipend from Google. This ensures that even if the employee dies, the employee's family will
not be left behind.

If I were the head of Google's CSR program, in addition to focusing on my own company, I would like to
use Google's influence to build a coalition for other companies to join and work towards good
employment practices. This can make sound employment practices popular in the industry and around
the world.

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