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The Golden Era

Marcos. When we hear this single word in a discussion there would be a long debate and

arguments. Apologists are often used to pertain to someone to support the Marcoses. Especially

now that the dictator's son and now aspiring to be the 17th President of the Republic of the

Philippines. When BBM (BongBgong Maros) filed his certificate of candidacy, Filipino's

clamored on social media with the hashtag, #NeverAgain. Surprisingly even with the accounts

given that Marcoses should not be in power, there are still Filipinos who would vote him the next

President. As Gen Zs, we would never understand the clamor and support of these people as they

say we did not live in that era. So I made a research look back to understand. Why we should not

give them power.

A year has passed since Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, a 6th president of the post-war Republic

of the Philippines, put his nation beneath the "divine guidance" of military law and accepted near-

dictatorial powers as chief official and self-proclaimed designer of a "Modern Society." President

Marcos has advertised the risk of Communist subversion and insurrection, and the requirements

for national teach and change as clarifications and avocations for his emotional announcement of

September 21, 1972. The numerous critics of Marcos' military law arrangements and programs, be

that as it may, denounce him for suspending the sacred benefits of the citizenry in arrange to more

securely dig in himself and his supporters in control, whereas concurrently placating the expanding

requests of transnational organizations and lending institutions for more prominent political

solidness and a more appealing business climate for remote ventures.

According to Orentlicher D., Frankel M., Greenberg J. "The Philippines: A Country in Crisis - A

Report by Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights" it was listed some of the crimes

that were committed during the Martial Law.

1. Serious human rights infringement contaminate both the quality of life and long-range security

of the Republic of the Philippines.

2. Reports of political killings by government powers have strongly increased in the three a long

time since military law was lifted. The rate of such murders continued to heighten in 1983. In

Mindanao, a locale where serious militarization has taken place, nearly 200 political killings were

archived amid the primary six months of 1983, compared to ninety-four amid the past six-month


3. The number of "vanishings" (the illicit snatchings of civilians by government security powers)

also increased in 1983. Within the to begin with six months of 1983, fifty-seven vanishings were

reported in Mindanao alone.

4. In later a long time, hundreds of citizens have been captured and detained under presidential

orders that the courts pronounce themselves frail to review. Many who are captured compatible to

presidential orders mull in imprisonment for months or a long time after charges are expelled or

their sentences served, anticipating an arrangement for their discharge that can come as it were

from President Marcos. Numerous more are arrested, held for addressing without formal charges,

and hence discharged. During the to begin with six months of 1983, more than 1,000 people were

captured on political grounds.

5. Barbaric forms of torture, ordinarily connected amid periods of incommunicado detainment in

secret holding places, have gotten to be a standard working strategy of Philippine security and

insights strengths. People seized as alleged subversives are beaten, suffocated, choked with water

devices, subjected to electric shocks, burned, assaulted, and mutilated.

It is indeed a never again case for the Marcoses to rule again in our country. It was not a

golden era but a traumatizing and nightmare for Filipinos to have experienced. Bypassing our

human rights as a citizen. This coming May 2022 we have the chance to redo our mistakes and get

what we deserve as Filipinos by giving our one vote the right leader who will have the compassion

and heart to serve us.

Declaration of Martial Law | GOVPH. (n.d.). Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.

Orintlicher, D., Frankel, M., & Greenberg, J. (n.d.). The Philippines: A Country in Crisis - A

Report by Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights. The Philippines: A

Country in Crisis - A Report by Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights.


SC justices on why “Marcos is no hero.” (n.d.). Cnn.


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