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Family and Friends (4)

Units ( 7 , 8 , 9 )

1. _________________________________ under the water

2. _________________________________ boats that go under the sea

3. _________________________________ under the ground

4. _________________________________ to make a machine, system, process, etc. operate in the way you want it to

5. _________________________________ we can get from the sun

6. _________________________________ we can visit places that are not real by using this

7. _________________________________ a small solid piece of medicine

8. _________________________________ we ____ cars and other machines with fuel

9. _________________________________ Go from one place to another.

10._________________________________ These people travel in space

11._________________________________ Things that will happen later, not now.

12._________________________________ It’s long and thin and carries astronaut.

13._________________________________ The earth is one.

14._________________________________ A big ship that travels around in space.

15._________________________________ These travel above the Earth. They help us to use mobile phones and TV.

16._________________________________ We can see this at night time from Earth.

17._________________________________ It gives us light and keeps us warm.

18._________________________________ They shine in the night sky.

1. _________________________________ when something is different from what usually happens.

2. _________________________________ the time when you are travelling from one place to another.

3. _________________________________ you get into bed, turn off the light and fall …

4. _________________________________ you can blow this to make a loud noise. Trains have them.

5. _________________________________ you stay here when you go on holiday.

6. _________________________________ you feel this if something isn’t as good as you wanted.

7. _________________________________ these make colours and light in the sky.

8. _________________________________ at this place there are rides and games

9. _________________________________ These are all the bags you take on holiday.

10._________________________________ This is a little book with your name, photo and information about where you are from.

11._________________________________ You use this to buy things from shops.

12._________________________________ You read this to see what is happening in the world.

13._________________________________ When you are going on holiday, you go through this at the airport.

14._________________________________ When your plane lands, you go through this.

15._________________________________ This is a big bag and you use to pack your holiday clothes into it.

16._________________________________ These are money in the shape of circles.

17._________________________________ You can read this at the airport before you get on the plane.

18._________________________________ This is a person who travels on a plane, bus, train, etc.

1. _________________________________ to take something without asking

2. _________________________________ round sweet food

3. _________________________________ a person who is very bad character in the play, story or movie

4. _________________________________ if you are naughty and you have problem

5. _________________________________ the start of a football match

6. _________________________________ a big place where people go to watch sport, like a football match

7. _________________________________ very big

8. _________________________________ to do something which is amusing to oneself but it deceives or frightens

9. _________________________________ When you switch on the TV, you can see lots of different …

10._________________________________ A programme for children with moving pictures.

11._________________________________ This tells you about things you can buy.

12._________________________________ To know what is happening in the world right now, you need to watch the …

13._________________________________ This TV programme gives you information.

14._________________________________ You listen to music and news on this.

15._________________________________ You can use your … phone when you are out.

16._________________________________ You can use this camera to make films.

17._________________________________ To change the channel on the TV, you can use a remote …

18._________________________________ There are lots of these on your TV. You choose one to watch, using your remote control.

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