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Dear Lord or Lady,

Start with (During the recent creature rally event, my alliance teleported to one place to
make rallying easier and get more points. However, my keep kept teleporting when I was not
on, and so in an attempt to rejoin my alliance and get points to finish the event. This also
happened on other occasions, but it was more annoying and harmful during the event.)
instead of (Recently I have been experiencing random teleportations, without me doing
anything. I have not used my random teleports, nor have I been attacked at all.) when a
creature rally event has happened

Recently I have been experiencing random teleportations, without me doing anything. I have
not used my random teleports, nor have I been attacked at all. I quickly ran out of my
advanced teleports getting back to my original position, and then had to spend my gold on
buying more. I found this extremely crippling, and I hope that you can compensate me by
sending a raven to the iron bank to help me in my continued game play.
Thank you for your dedication to the GoTC community,
Doctor Strange

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