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Proverbs 4:23 

Above everything else guard your heart, because from it flow the springs of life

We begin today or deliverance process with emotional wounds. Emotional wounds is those
things that have hurt you and are still hurting you. It can at times dictate your reactions or
behavior. It is not always the case, sometimes something will happen that reminds you of a past
hurt, and without intention or realizing it, this will spark a reaction from you. Sometimes this
reaction might be so intense that it will leave people astounded. This is when we will stand in
amazement and wonder: Where did that come from? Some of us live from our past, our
experiences and the lessons we have learned about life. Sometimes we are so blinded by our
own hurt that we make decisions from it or do tasks from it and it is not who we really are deep
inside. If you have any of the following reactions, it means that you have emotional wounds.

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