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The poster of “National Revolution” opposes the problems of the 3rd Republic to the values of the

new regime of Philippe Pétain. On the left side of the image, we see a dilapidated house, with a sign
marked 'France et Cie'. The house represents the old French regime. The shutters are stuck, there
are cracks in the wall and a dead tree in the garden. Underneath the house, there are cracked
sandbags and rubble with words written on them. The flag of France is all red, with a Jewish star on
top. This seems to show that the cause of the fall of the house was not due to external problems
(the Nazis), but because France was no longer itself. France had become an abandoned country,
which was denatured by communism (red smoke, red flag...), the Jews (star above the house), and
foreigners ('France et Cie'). A series of terms appear on the sandbags piled up without orders under
the house evokes the drifts of this time. A motto is inscribed on three rubbles: 'Sloth, Demagogy and
Internationalism'. The words 'laziness' and 'demagogy' seem to refer to the social policy of the
Popular Front. Because of the paid vacations and the limited working hours to 40 hours per week,
freedom has formed laziness and equality is in fact just a demagogy to please the people.

On the right side of the picture, France has become 'normal' again and has taken back its original
flag. The sky is blue again, and under the good graces of Maréchal Pétain (the seven stars
representing Maréchal), France has found life again. The shutters are open, the smoke evokes
human presence, the tree is alive, and there is a little girl at the window. The house marked France is
upright, supported by massive pillars resting on solid, well-ordered foundations. The poster shows
directly to the people that France under Pétain is much better than the 3rd Republic and the Popular
Front. The poster demonstrates, in the eyes of the French, the merits of the National Revolution, this
policy valued by Marshal Pétain which must take the center of the Republic and its fundamental
values to regenerate France.
Maréchal Pétain’s changing will also let into problems. He changed the motto from liberty, equality,
and fraternity into work, family, and country. In fact, it is not by working hard and caring about the
family that the country will be fine. f

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