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Journal of Alternative Energy Research

Volume 11, Issue 3

May 25, 2010

Inside this issue:

General Overview of 2
the Fusion Process
Exactly one year ago in the Unlike previous forms of energy to stop immediately.
average suburban town of Na- such as the combustion of oil
Scientist of the 2 perville, Illinois a small group of and natural gas or the count- Over the past year the students
who worked together to
Week high school students from Na- less alternative energy sources
perville North High School that we have explored through- achieve the breakthrough in
stumbled upon brilliance—the out previous volumes of this fusion research have been
experiencing quite the whirl-
key to unlocking the nuclear journal, nuclear fusion as close
fusion process here on Earth. as possible to what many con- wind of activities—everything
But one might ask, how exactly sider the “perfect energy from global press conferences
to small discussions with nobel
was a small group of bright source”. Fusion fuels, which
science geeks from an average essentially include Deuterium -prize winning scientists; and
high school in Illinois able to and Tritium, are abundantly this whirlwind of activity will
surely not stop any time soon,
available and inher-
ently safe. And just because the future of fusion
a few grams of Deu- research is the hands of the
young scientists like the ones
terium and Tritium
are present in from Naperville North High
plasma at one time. School. And now that the key to
controlling fusion here on Earth
And the reaction
that occurs in a has been discovered, science
Fusion reactor is 4 enthusiasts around the world
can finally yell out what they’ve
million times more
energetic than a been craving for many dec-
chemical reaction ades—
such as combus-
solve the mystery that scien- tion. And many alternative en-
tists around the world have ergy proponents will let out FUSION IS THE FUTURE!
been struggling with for dec- sighs of relief as fusion is intro-
ades? The answer is simple— duced into society because the
creativity and luck. process emits no pollution or
greenhouse gases. The prod-
Although the details of the uct, Helium, is inert and non-
breakthrough are still being toxic. And unlike the ever-
debated and discussed around
controversial nuclear fission
the world, one thing is certain— reactors, fusion reactors pose
and that is the fact that the no threat of our-of-control reac-
world as we know it has now
tions because the conditions
fundamentally changed. With within the reactors are very
nuclear fusion now a perfectly precise; in fact, alteration of
viable option to power human-
almost any kid causes the
ity, there is no limit to what we plasma to cool and the reaction
can achieve.
Journal of Alternative Energy Research Page 2

Scientist A Brief Overview of Nuclear Fusion

of the Since the beginning of nuclear
fusion research, this alternative
are able to understand the
theory behind nuclear fusion.
of the reaction and yet keeping
the electrically-charged plasma

Week: energy source has been consid-

ered by many as the ultimate
Essentially, the equation repre-
sents the energy given off when
in its place. Shown below is a
functioning plasma contain-
source of energy—powerful, a single atom is formed by the ment vessel. The pink region
clean, and efficient. And al- fusion of two different atoms. represents the area where the
though nuclear fusion occurs And mass comes into play plasma is held.
endlessly on the Sun, until to- when one realizes that the ac-
day, humans have been unable tual “measured” mass of an
to recreate the ideal pressure atom is less than its theoretical
and temperature conditions calculated mass—and thus the
required for the fusion of to mass lost is transformed into
colliding atoms. energy.

The energy derived from the However, this type of collision

fusion of two atoms stems from only occurs at extreme densi-
Sir Mark Oliphant, Albert Einstein’s iconic equa- ties and temperatures—
1901-2000 tion: E=mc^2. Although many 15,000,000 C to be more ex-
are able to recite the equation act. At these extremely high
Sir Mark Oliphant was when prompted, only those who temperatures, electrons—
an Australian physicist negatively-charged particles—
who played an essen- are stripped from nuclei and a And with fusion reactors simi-
tial role in the devel- gas becomes a plasma—an lar to the one shown above
opment of the nuclear electrically charged gas; and being installed throughout the
fusion processes that this plasma is the ideal fusion world, we will no doubt soon
we have in place to- environment. begin to reap the benefits of
day. A student of this once-unattainable source
This plasma is contained using
Ernest Rutherford— of energy.
strong magnetic fields, allowing
made famous for his
for the electrically-neutral neu-
gold foil experi- understand what Einstein’s
trons to carry away the energy
ments— Sir Mark was famous equation truly conveys
instrumental in the
research that led up to
the splitting of the first
atom in 1932. Sir
Mark was the first to
A Greener Future?
experimentally demon-
strate nuclear fusion Many of the alternative energy fermen- distilled from all forms of water.
and was essential in sources that we explore each tation processes that must It is a widely available, virtually
the development of the week in the Journal of Alterna- occur for raw materials such as inexhaustible, and harmless
atomic bomb. tive Energy Research focus on corn or sugar cane to be trans- resource. For example, in every
the need to reduce greenhouse formed into viable fuel options. liter of seawater there are 33
gas emissions and been more milligrams of Deuterium. Lith-
However, nuclear fusion is by
“green” in general. However, ium is also plentiful in the
many of these new and upcom- far the cleanest alternative Earth’s crust; in fact, known
ing forms of energy are not energy source that we have reserves of Lithium would last
come across thus far. The fu-
entirely green—in fact, many for at least one thousand years
are far from it. Many propo- sion reaction itself emits no if fusion were to provide elec-
nents of Biofuels, for example, greenhouse gases whatsoever. tricity to the entire world.
And the fuels that go into main-
claim to be carbon-neutral (or
some even claim to be carbon- taining a fusion reaction— With nuclear fusion now an
negative), but in reality very few deuterium, tritium, and lithium option, everyone should be
are the main ones—are readily looking forward to greener,
Biofuels have zero carbon
emissions due to the various available and easily mined. healthier future!
Deuterium, for example can be
Volume 11, Issue 3 Page 3

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 150-200 of upcoming events or a special
words. offer that promotes a new prod-
One benefit of using your news-
letter as a promotional tool is You can also research articles
that you can reuse content from or find “filler” articles by ac-
other marketing materials, such cessing the World Wide Web. Caption describing pic-
ture or graphic.
as press releases, market stud- You can write about a variety of
ies, and reports. topics but try to keep your arti-
cles short.
While your main goal of distrib-
uting a newsletter might be to Much of the content you put in
sell your product or service, the your newsletter can also be
key to a successful newsletter used for your Web site. Micro-
is making it useful to your read- soft Publisher offers a simple
ers. way to convert your newsletter
to a Web publication. So, when
A great way to add useful con- you’re finished writing your
tent to your newsletter is to newsletter, convert it to a Web
develop and write your own
site and post it.
articles, or include a calendar

Inside Story Headline “To catch the

This story can fit 100-150 If the newsletter is distributed rial. You can also profile new reader's
words. internally, you might comment employees or top customers or
upon new procedures or im- vendors.
The subject matter that ap- place an
provements to the business.
pears in newsletters is virtually Sales figures or earnings will
endless. You can include sto- interesting
show how your business is
ries that focus on current tech- sentence or
nologies or innovations in your quote from the
field. Some newsletters include a
column that is updated every story here.”
You may also want to note busi- issue, for instance, an advice
ness or economic trends, or
column, a book review, a letter
make predictions for your cus- from the president, or an edito-
tomers or clients.

Inside Story Headline

Microsoft Publisher includes

This story can fit 75-125 words. thousands of clip art images
Selecting pictures or graphics is from which you can choose and
an important part of adding import into your newsletter.
content to your newsletter. There are also several tools you
can use to draw shapes and
Think about your article and ask symbols.
yourself if the picture supports Caption de-
or enhances the message Once you have chosen an im- scribing pic-
you’re trying to convey. Avoid age, place it close to the article. ture or graphic.
selecting images that appear to Be sure to place the caption of
be out of context. the image near the image.
BREAKING NEWS This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph
about your organization. It might include the purpose of
Primary Business Address the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief
Your Address Line 2
history. You could also include a brief list of the types of
Your Address Line 3
Your Address Line 4 products, services, or programs your organization of-
Phone: 630-961-0597
fers, the geographic area covered (for example, west-
ern U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the
E-mail: types of customers or members served.
It would also be useful to include a contact name for
Your business tag line here.
readers who want more information about the organi-

Organization We’re on the Web!

Back Page Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 newsletter a personal touch. good place to insert a clip art
words. If your organization is small, image or some other graphic.
you may want to list the
If your newsletter is folded
names of all employees.
and mailed, this story will
appear on the back. So, it’s a If you have any prices of stan-
good idea to make it easy to dard products or services,
read at a glance. you can include a listing of
those here. You may want to
A question and answer ses- refer your readers to any
sion is a good way to quickly other forms of communica-
capture the attention of read-
tion that you’ve created for
ers. You can either compile your organization.
questions that you’ve re-
ceived since the last edition You can also use this space
or you can summarize some to remind readers to mark Caption describing pic-
ture or graphic.
generic questions that are their calendars for a regular
frequently asked about your event, such as a breakfast
organization. meeting for vendors every
third Tuesday of the month,
A listing of names and titles or a biannual charity auction.
of managers in your organiza-
tion is a good way to give your If space is available, this is a

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