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Present Continous

Parco Yucailla Nataly Rocío

Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación Humanas y


Carrera de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

Primer Semestre ‘A’

Understanding and Using Grammar

Teacher: Mgs. César Narváez

Wednesday 2 of February, 2022


The Present Continous

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 The dog is walking down the street now

 The gray car is traveling at high speed.

 A man is eating with his family

 A black car is driving down the street at medium speed.

 A teenage girl is walking in a hurry

 The girl is wearing the clothing of her culture

 The girl is carrying a pink backpack.

 The cab is circulating at the moment

 My neighbor is greeting my sister right now.

 People are selling clothes at the stalls.

 A white truck is passing by at this momento


 A motorcycle is passing on the street at this moment.

 In the street you can see a man walking down the street.

 A woman is walking behind the man

 The woman is still looking at what she wants to buy.

 A man is walking on the sidewalk at this moment.

 Carlos is greeting my brother now

 Martha is walking down the street with her baby at this moment.

 A man is now walking briskly and carrying some leaves with him

 The weather is sunny at the moment, but rain is possible later in the day.

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