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1 . Write your main strengths and weaknesses in 2 columns.

Напишіть свої головні сильні та слабкі сторони у 2 колонки. Поясніть ЧОМУ Ви так


2 . Match the words with their meanings.

Установіть відповідність між словами та їх значеннями.

1. Arrange - to plan, prepare for, or organize something

2. Conduct - to organize and perform a particular activity

3. Deal with - to talk to someone or meet someone, especially as part of your job

4. Advise - to suggest something

5. Approve - to have a positive opinion of someone or something

6. Accomplish -to finish something successfully or to achieve something

7. Negotiate - to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an

agreement with them

3 . File in the blank space with have or has. Вставте have або has.

I have missed the train.

He has played soccer.

She has lost her keys.

They have gone to Spain.

We have lived here for five years.

I have known Chris for two years.

He has eaten sushi.

She has drank too much coffee.

They have bought an expensive car.

We have both read that book.

4 . Write positive sentences in present perfect simple. Складыть стверджувальні

речення з поданих слів у present perfect simple.

1. Bob has visited his grandma

2. Jimmy has played on the computer

3. Sue and Walter have washed their car

4. Andrew has repaired his bike

5. Phil has helped Anne with maths

6. Brad and Louise have watched a film

7. Tamara has told to her best friend

8. Bridgette has driven a picture

9. Carol has read a computer magazine

10. Tom and Alice have been to a restaurant

5 . Put in the correct verb forms into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect.

Вставте правильні форми дієслова. Використовуйте Present Perfect.

1. Have you painted the kitchen door?

2. Has your brother done the shopping?

3. Has Julian ever touched a spider?

4. Has your father ever ridden on an elephant?

5. Has Lee asked his parents yet?

6. What have you written in your text?

7. Has Bill turned off the radio?

8. Have you ever flown in a helicopter?

9. Who has broken the window?

10. Have you ever cooked for your friends?

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