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Corral, April Rose C.

HOMEWORK: Commercial Ad.

Jollibee is one of the leading fast food here in the Philippines and when it comes to
advertising their products they are always in the trend. Jollibee has many commercial ads where
everyone can relate to it, and one of it is entitled the “Vow”. This was a story about a guy who
met his the one and fell head over heels for her right away. He promised to the girl that no matter
what happens, he would make her happy. But Jollibee added a surprise twist that would break
anyones heart and makes you feel emotional. Jollibee’s commercial ad the “Vow” will make you
realize that, people are capable of loving someone while receiving nothing in return. Jollibee
never fails to make a difference in people’s lives by using creative and appealing advertising
techniques that people would really fall for.

Advertising is a potent tool for molding consumer preferences, and if does not work for the first
time, repetition will ensure its final efficacy. Advertising has made the product selling easier and
reaches far away markets. It is one of the marketing tactics used by businesses to create value by
advertising it to the general public so that the target market will be interested.

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