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COMPLETE READY TO PLAY GAME INSIDE jen OF THE B.S.M. _ Adventures on eal aan A oles eg PLUS S- PANDORA Tech Manual é DragonQuest Lt Ces plus NEW Fast Combat System Ad auey SHOOTING STARS AZHANTI HIGH LIGHTNING Ly & SPI PSUs te)| ‘oom meanronecron Redmond A Sinonson mae Voyage of the Pandora own. suTrenneio Pandora Tach Michaet e MooRE 4 Facts for Fantasy SUSAN SHWARTZ PRD. . ‘Science for Science Fiction JOHN BOAROMAN, 9. 8 Quick JUsTINLEITES OAVID.IAMES RITCHIE ot muse TREDNOND A. SIVONSEN z LM @ TELEVISION (OAFISTOPHERJORN 7 ‘MEDIA DAVID SCHON 7 ‘BOOKS (GREG COSTRYAN @ ‘oAMes FRICGOLDBERC = ‘FEEDBACK THEGODS = SPH 720: rseocesoun. Newvor, WO aD 673.103 Looking Ahad to NextTime Ares. 7 wil feture Roscu trom the five, @gamain whieh the Space Mernes brasch the spaceshia of an Insaco Species 10 rescue an Earth ambassador ‘nd Wns deughter There wal aso be he ton, Selonce for Selence Fiction, Fact for'Fantasy, and our other regular features. plus some new features When to Expect Nr. 7 Domestic Subsenbers: 1 you have not focelved your copy of Arse by. 8 Apri oat, natty our Customer’ Service Department, Ploace include your (Customer Cade an issue of expication, Both of whign sould be found on ths teeuo's mailing label, ust above, your ame. Farag Subscribers Add eight ‘Weeks to the above dato to alow forthe Indolent pece of mteenatonal at Onthe Cover John Burtrfild, designer of Voyage of ‘the Pandora, porerays an encounter with {he Unihaio 072 based upon a con opty Redmond Simonsen, Muse, ‘With tis ove we mark the end of the fist oar of Aree” Se regular readers an ‘ater, the content of ha eagazine sort. ing self more toward the gamen the sue an award games n geal, Ta pricier Stue-ene te ntroducton ofa very date tive snd nove games system. The tachnaue Of progiarnned parasranha (to the best of fry knowledgel has never boon organized 3s the haar of ¢ game fo the measure and or tent found in voyage ofthe Pandora pro ‘mess to provide an aver of approach to ‘any such treatments land not any stand Saventuresubjects heretofore manssbe. ‘Because the ul paragraphs eauite so ‘many pages 16), welwenot gen yous sony fevgo along with the gore ~ bat we have ‘ge you some techrien backgroud the Pandora isl Wore than any eter gor Ue seen, The Voyage iterly writes sown Story. a= you play eo peraps you won't fee! the lock Gf 8 Seperate pref tenon tooacstly ‘Coming up ingubsequent issues of Ares ‘are Rescue fam ine Hive, 8 science Hcton adventure game based on a hostage Sceneto: Asgard, deat 1 my Scandinavian heart oporational gore” of Ragnarok, the final bate ofthe gds and tho fest gant, and LaserBurst, olor eye mew of Sp Shp combatin pape, ater "3, vel nave a game basee ‘upon Harry Hartcon's well known Siariess ‘Stee! Rat ers (as well 35, aight, & Story Oy Mr Hanson to accompany the ome “This issue lao sees the start ofa regulsr soins of short atles and notes on Dagon. Quest, P's centerpivefaniasy re paving ‘ame We'fe alsa asking aseres of oeaback Questions m this owe to determine where YYouritorest in Oragonduast is ‘And Now sn Important Messag Toromse nt ssa that share yy aoe hangover prevention ruin th YU film ths faye, so ere goes, When | me home after ndulgnginan exoassve aroun Of Pot er whatever, | ake the Folowing 1, Dink Ita ounces of water, vor, Poo 4,grumatever non slesnohe laud ean le a2aam 2, Take tor thee asprin 3, Two warn 8 tebe laptons From the World of = STPLIELLT: rar Available nationwide in retail outlets for $4.951 4 NON-FICTION Padre FOCI. sicreac coe T179.776 Ares Corporation Long Range Cruiser (Titan Class) Biological Survey Mission “Pandora” DESCRIPTION: The Ares Corporation BSM Pandora is a stan- dard long range cruiser, Titan class, specifically equipped to study new planetary systems and col- lect extraterrestrial lifeforms. Although the pro- totype BSM cruiser was originally designed in 2689 A.D., the first ship was not completed until 2753; the Pandora’s hull was originally laid down in 2773, but it was not launched until 2784 (the third BSM crusier to come off the line). The Pandora uses the standard binary LRC design, The FTL module (70 x 28 x 26 meters} uses the module 31 FTL drive (Monopole Corp.). The STL module (46 x 27 x 26 meters) uses the model HB2 STL drive (FRG AG). The main com- puter is a Fuji 5500 (AMC Ltd.), with sub-system processors belonging to the Huron 7600 series (General Electric). The Pandora’s FTL drive gives the ship an almost limitless operational range; the standard tour of duty is ten years, thus limiting the ship to an effective operational range of 112 light years (34.35 + parsecs). The standard BMS mission consists of two parts: first, a survey of planetary systems for po- tential human habitats (either G2 — 2-5 readily habitable or Geneva Treaty 2098, Section IIIA, Subsection 4 — Terraformible Class habitable), and second, the collection of extraterrestrial bio- logical specimens for study aboard ship or later transfer to Biological Mission Control, Arestia City, Mars.... PANDORA OPERATIONAL MANUAL (Selections: Deciassified, Section 4-A] 1179.776: PMod1 POWER MODULE: Main Sequence The Power Module (Main Sequence) con- tains the primary controls for FTL and STL drives. Each drive can be controlled from the secondary modules (see T179.776: PMod2/3), only if main Power Module becomes inoperative. (Note: Secondary modules gain maximum operational ef- ficiency only when Power Module (Main Se- quence) declines to 79% power efficiency or Pop DOCKIN && Boom By Science MISSION CONPIBURATION SKETCH cer L.-J Gepidos lower; see Emergency Operations Manual K-146/3, Sections 74-196.) Primary Power Module consists of sixteen separate operations (see accompanying diagram: figure 23B-22). Individual power modules are as follows: P-1: FTL Drive Selector. Sub-system processor {Huron 7600-3AJQ) ties directly to Fuji 5500.... prepares primary drive for FTL mode shift. There are 24 readouts, arranged in six rows of four Outputs; each readout gives the following information: P-1(A): Reactor Coolant. Perhaps the most important readout, this telemetry defines coordinates between matter/ anti-matter degeneration in magnetic bottles.. P-2: FTL Drive Acquistion Radar. Sub-system processor (Huron 7600-7AJR) detects and plots any matter/anti-matter lying in flight path while ship is in FTL mode.... Only the PL-6 light is of primary importance to Navigation; a flashing red PL-6 light indicates massive matter/anti-matter object in path of FTL transfer too large for ship's laser/subsoner weapons to disintegrate. When the PL-6 alarm appears, the following sequence must be followed exactly.... T179.776: NMod1 NAVIGATION MODULE: Main Sequence The Navigation Module (Main Sequence) contains the primary processors for determining celestial position during FTL mode. Sub-system series Huron 7600-NA4 separates red/blue shifts to correct and visualize star field on GE-3400 CRT. (Note: Navigation system suffers from time-space warp effect of FTL mode; see “‘Heldigger Uncer- tainty Effects in FTL Mode” — Using Sextants in Space: Deimian University Press, 2559: Arestia, Mars. Pages 212-36.).... T179.776: EMod1 ENVIRONMENT MODULE: Main Sequence The Environment Module (Main Sequence) contains the primary environmental control systems for crew stage and specimen stage. Each system has secondary controls (see 1T179.776: EMod2/3 [A,B,C,D,E,F and sub-systems 1-99]}. EMod?2 controls all crew habitable space aboard Pandora; EMod3 (A,B,C, etc.) controls all specimen stage areas, each of which may be con- trolled independently through sub-systems (and tertiary systems, as listed in 7179-766: EMod3 Section, pp. 396-488). PERSONNEL CABIN REGULATIONS Welcome. Crew member space aboard the Pandora for the duration of the tour of duty con- tains the following standard equipment: 1. Wardrobe cabinet Bunk Desk chair Computer terminal Environmental control Switch controllable overhead light Switch controllable desk lamp While on tour of duty, all crew members will observe the following strictures: 1. No crew member will bring any lifeform into cabin. 2. Individual cabins must be kept clean. 3. Occupancy by more than two crew members is expressly forbidden... N OMRON aes ae LE i de et ed ILLUSTRATED BY REDMOND A. SIMONSEN Planetary Stuittie Prometheus) SPECIFICATIONS Lange overt 700m Wtnovra nan Heomtovert tom (Cabin Control Contr Length 1.0m wat 80m Height 50m ‘Man storpe Longin aig ‘ropubionBRS-AG80 STL eve) ei Transcript of Traasmission from Eridani6-K Mission: HOO! LOOK ar THAT ONENIT'S A BIG SueKen att nin! Hess, Row: Sir, Stn enna mam Toox ATT JUMPI CMON. HESSY. YOU EVER SEE ANYTHING JUMP LIKE THAT? READING YOU, a0, OLLECBOT IS TRYING {To Steen THE BUGGER My WAY SEEMS (OUR FRIENG DOESN'T WANT TO BELED. ‘Shrelng..Gespus here. Powter ot 50d ome on vou en, keep awake. Where tore's GOT It £55.08, DOESNT LOOK FRIENDLY. Soni £8 Tee Sur cowane WTO TaN TOUS... SKRAALIN Tague Moiahtenety 2312 50g MaxPavoud 265069 ‘Wight propatone 29, 00049 OpertonalTempertire — -270%Ct0 + 250% Range max ‘0m Speed max 10048 Mainorepubion “anes KDI ‘Second ropulsion ‘Sel chemicat crew To? Maxcosaraton 15 ‘SPECIMEN TRANSFER (SOP) ‘ter sobTitan shut safely docks with Aten members wt evacuate Stge aes, 2. ALL aoc to 3. Covecbot wil be 4 Conecbot wil gen specimen Store Space 5 otacod wil mov enrgycage Store 2 Ertonrat teet wltmstd 0 7. Calecbot wil vaater specimen from cape to 8. Catesot wi secure Store Space. 8. Clestot wit edie anon No GREW weMaER Witt BE ALLOWED TO ENTER STAGE AREAT 1. Specinenwalbe lowed to test Store Spee. 12. ispaieaton proves sf, clecbot wil ‘tite ewer sd arto 6 Facts for Fantasy Edited by Susan Shwartz, Ph.D. ‘Dear and Glorious Physician Greatest of doctors in the ancient worls wore tho Egyptians. Homer and Herodotus bats thom, andthe eartest medial records In Eayp, preserved on papyrus, were bebov- ‘60 1a be wtten by the god Thoth niet ‘One ofthe contre of maciine inary Eayot was the shrine of Anubss, god of te Geadand of mummifcation. This association ‘between heaing and_death may posiby evo risa bocause the doctors Kop the em Bema 50 wel uppsod with patients due to their faulty knowledge of anatomy. The Egyptians’ caspest for the human body, which was preservedto ontilea person ton teri, prevented Egyptian ahysicans orn ‘issectiog, and henen they couldnet treatin. ternal distrdare, However, hey ware sled inthe teatmant of broken bones in por forming amputations, and even inform of Dian surgery, called veptining Becsuse Egyptian women frequent bore thr fretchidran atthe age of tere These doctors were skiled gynecologsts snd skied cosmetciane a wal Greoks, Romans, Arabs, and Persians all borrowed from Egyptian medical Fnoniedge Ansan re ten ay, Eiki Conan Runic Graffiti During the period of Viking expansion ~ trom theBth tothe 12th Century ~ aver ‘urous Scandinavians carried their runic Siphobet (ead 9 futhark rom It fst sb ‘horacer) from the Artie tothe Med tr fea and let traces of ther journeys inthe {orm of graffi etched ino oaks with ives or axtiades. Most such inscriptions are feturaly enough found in Sweden, but thers exist in Norway, Denmark, and even in Grooriand, ts thought thatthe Vikings txpanded even urther west, several Ture™ Inazrpions have boen found in Nova Scotia land Minnosota, but scholars eve dectored thom forgeries Rune inscptons have boon found on ‘ong he mara ions wish guard the por ‘of Prapus near Athens in Groves. NOt con tent win soaing tis statue deface, tor ‘sevontutos carted it off to Von. A tomb tes boon found sar the Black Sea ith an Intcrption ‘hat tale passersby that Grant tadea grave vault fois and Kal ures might have stated out os sal, but they degenerated into boasts an son bles Carved into the barrow at Maes Howe, inthe Orkneys, are tunes dating from the {wath contuty. The tel how Eat Rognvale Kal stopped ire on ie way to Jerusiom ‘nd record hat sworn named lngebiorg 6 tholarest woman the wand te, Manta Une Fe, 9 Dying and Reviving Gods: Osiris “Though nether creator nor rule of universe in Egyptian mythology, Ostisigcne ‘ofthe most prominent member ofthe Ev tian pathoon. He isthe vicum who sues, ‘hes, ondreturns wile in vor three thousand yers of worship, Osirishas gained kinship with the other dy ingand revving gods ofthe Near Est. Tam Imuz, condemed bythe prophets in the Old Testament, Adon, whom later mythology mode the doomed lover of shred and Ais, 2 god of Phrygia. In some form or ther, ath ofthese gods is conected with feruty cuts: for Oss, that aspect of his ‘worships bound up with the oye loads of the Wie, which areal fat protected Egypt from dwindling ‘nto desert. As 9 frtity {ymbol, Osins's death and rebirth symm Dolzes tne pouting out of the floodwaters ‘ver the arth andthe smulston a to io force nthe soeds of plants. Ore of his par teal geisha harvest. But who was Ose? He was one of the fourth goreretion of the Egyptian dete. Fest ae tum or Fle, the sun god, who pro duced Shu, the a, and Tatnut or mols This pat ought forth eth anak wh, 9 turn, brought for the brothers Osies and Soth and tho sstrs iss and Nephi. ns ‘martiod Osis, and Nephi, Seth. AS the fier brother, Osi ruled Egypt and taught his people the arts of citizavon This Golden ‘Age was interrupted when Seth tempiod Osis tabein chest which he ten threw inta the Nile, Thereafter varus texts tallvarous stores, Tha theology of Memphis Cama thet Horus, Osins's son, commanded bisrmathor Isis and her sster to rescue Os Sit when Seth, turning into. an neact, Poisoned fis brother. Putach clas thet Geiss boay was washed up upon the shore ff Syrio at Byblos. The chest containing“ free up ito an enormous tr, which ak ‘oun ail sources agree that Seth, after murdering Osis, cut up Ns body and Scat tered the pisoes a over Egypt. st Sot ot In ‘Seares of them and, n reassembling her hus Bane! body, crated the rt mummy Images of Ostis aways presot him as rumifarm, his body swathed in Wrap ings. Frequently be has 9 black or green ‘ce, representing the ie spt of te earth (or vegetation. Succeeded on earth 35 Pharaoh by Horus, Osis became a sor of ged of he uncerwors Following Osis, all Pheohs maied their closest female eigtives and ruled under 2"Great Horus Nome" which demonstrated {hat they Became dine a they ruled Atte ‘hat deaths, Pharaohs ware sad to become (ss, sharing in hs tule and is edith 9s 9 Spit iat protects theland brant bain dct ot, I ihona a ered, ‘The ABaoAQu To reach Ninvana maens to achieve release fom the cvaos of death and rebrth fon the Wheat tha human who oes 80 5 perfect ena hs no need to be rebom. But Schieving Ninna dose not affect ony tat ne person, Tim gn for Nog ao sta» cette het yy eS & Sit tera say Snes Sy sees sated inate ty oho as hoes ae eae Soa rte a 2 Sees ort Sona et acai ee atstts ecdangordnce Screens Setanta tk BoxGueetnsap emer an rd aun on ate a Se 2 sy ns od otha Sealey Searle eka sigma sas SORE Sane ‘The Egyptians’ Thick Heads cana hte ens Bese Sole aes Sg se he sone se er Sean ta est it Et rd oe ranch Sag Bit ttt tae Ss es ae fa Rae ‘stb inser” edo ses Bere rene Seana was serge ata Se ier tie ma ta Se santa an The Shamans of Lapland far Fr rd ape rage dbp! Karr aa So ie Sa Seaton 2S, Seen mene, Se eae ah et Seen, ae Saat ne strc Pha on En ek SoratTes We td ne we PEt ea se at Fel tert ns 5 ee Radeon tie Madea fal Se he atlas aie, thunder-god, he was the supreme deity of the Lapp pantheon, corresponding o Zeus ‘Shamans invoked him onl after appeals to BI oer gods hed Yaled. Maser-Akke Was S380 known a8 Rau In ston fo cresting ‘ho human body, she aso sow to te success of tro rarest and tate fertty of women, xen drcepnse ot Myaeey ‘The Wild Hunt People in the Middle Ages peopled the ‘great forests with wid men ana women, Sivage ond covered with has” These wld Deople were often assooated with he super= hata endin prtoulr wth te Wis Hunt. Primary, however, the Wid Hunt a pack of spins ar ghosts who reamed the Eountrysige destroying things and elbrating Its leader was Sometimes ale Sd sometimes female. The male leader of the Wid Hunt wea often ested Bertola, Hesecnin, of Herne the Tere leader as ‘often called Halda, Hole, or Hol, especally in-north Gormany, whore she was regarded 235 the wie of Woian, oF Odin. In to south, showos known ae Peicra, Bens, Bort, "the bight one” tom Old Engen Door oF "yaght"l. Bocouse of her sasocation mith thenunt, tberight andthe brghiness of tha moon, she was frequently assocated with Diana Teva's darkest aspoct: ecato, goo sss of doath and back magic who ed witch ‘The wid huntsmen end women wore boleved to suck blood end davour babies. Perhaps the entite ides of tho Wid Hunt game from prehistone sympathetic magi. Paloalithie cave-drawings dapict stag” dancers people dressed ss stags Who ‘wore symbolealy and rvalyKled to sure Biniy of game. Outing the Mile Ages, Stog denees were held every January 1 unt the Church autiawed thom land preeaby ia ster thoraften. Lika Heme, th leader of the Wid Hurt, and Cersunnos, consort of the Groat Goddess and hist called the Horned God, the Stag Dances were con Sdereadiboles At a eee Some ito Rn ae ton 158) ‘The Return of the King According 10 Sir Thomas Malory, the author of the groatfteorth-contury Marte Diarchur "our men say in rary pars of Inalonde that Kynge Arthur nat dodo” \Where these men sasd Me went forthe heal Ing et hs wounds was the sland of Avon, ‘dontiiedolther ao a sort of Cote Never: Nevor-tand ike Tir na N'og, Glastonbury {Glastonbury Abbey was one ofthe great Atos of medial Englond As ey 8 the ‘om Cenury,ithad a Saint — Dunstan for itg aber. It great thorbush had ‘legedly grown fromthe stl of Joseph of ‘armitn, the Weder inn who removed (Chat rom the Cross. ond lacea hire in hs town tom. At the tine when Joseph was Eunposed to nave visited England. and planted his thom sain tho sol of Glston bury, he wes aso supposed to have Brought the Gra fo Englana. So Glastonbury has ben tong hallowed n Engieh mythology 'a Avalon tsssumed great Impertance in Arthurian iogond."s early 36-1170, Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales) ‘reports that Glastonbury was though 0 be ‘Avalon, 0 cals bocauso ofthe numoor of pple ees lava. in Wes! that grow there ‘According to, Giaidus, Morgan, Arthurs fw carne Athan ater ostbate ‘Grids 9190 expleins that the. seme Glastonbury elt comes {rom words at {gue Avalon its superatural overtones, The Serone tranalatad the Welsh Ins Cutin, or "isang of glass” as Glastinge Bur, or "ty of as.” However, Gildus, who was Heney i's chaplnn, was not recording these names jst tecaues ho erjoved archeology falthough he a. His royal master was making. vory Shrew poltial uso of Glastonbury. In 1170, {he vost in which ed his son Henry the Young King crowned to ensure. orderly Suceatsion. ho ordered thet @ tomb in Glastonbury Abbey be opened, This tomb ‘was considered tobe Arthur’. ingorbed on IR'was tho message: "Here os buried the enowned king Arthur along with his wie Guinevere inthe sland of Avalon,” Whan ‘tha tomb wes opened, the bones of Arthur ‘ovesieg that he had been an extremely tl ton. Guinevere slegeay hed long golden hain which fel into dst when someone touches Subsequently, these bones wore reburieg in an impressive marble sar ‘Sephagus ‘ntl Edward | had the tom feopeoed in 1272. Destioyed dung. the {sroltion of the monasteres, the ste of ‘his tomb wes ecisooveodn 1898 ‘The Road Goes Ever On And On ‘Greatest of tho oadouldrsin he Now Wer the Ira. people had network of 0,00 mites of highwavs which stretched from Che to Colornba and fom the Pactic ‘oraes the Anes tothe headwaters ofthe ‘Amazon These roads are mated only By the road systems developed by the Persians noth Romans, “ihe lnce roads, uni the Roman roads which fall inte isropar after the fall of Fame, lastedinto me Toth Century. After the ‘coming of the conquistadors, howeves, the roads deteriorated apy ‘What mace the Inca roads unique wos their esency: in five days couriers could tarry: messages, 1,500 miles. without [Bena of wheoles voices, sinc the Incas ednaverheardet the whe. Inca roads consistod of two paral tuples, one along the coast, he other slong the mountain rangos, The coastal road ‘was 30 fot wide and was bordared on ach ‘Sie by 2 walsthigh adobe wall which eld ick Gnting sands. For 800 mien ran through desert so at tht ran fa only once every twenty-five yoors. The mourtaln read ‘as 1 oot wido and crossed teritry so a= Yoult to buid in that roads ong sree Toutes wore ot created unt the Tath Con fury, Much of the mountain f088 ron acvoss lakes and abysoas which to ens traversed Dy bulting pontoon roads and bridges. They toned thyough sod rock o bul steps 30 thoy would not have 10 eva trom the ‘shorteet overland routes. Every four to twelve miles along the road wore wayside houses stocked with oad. There are also special postinghouses forthe king's messengers who were tlned to travel at high speods tn the thn ot ‘mospiore ot 13,000 fet above sea tve Noa cities, he reads wore paved with stone locke aia without mortar and Titting ‘ogetter so pater hat aka blade could nat be placed between two blocks. The Briage of San Lus Ray, waich fol in 1714, was rom’ of his ‘oad system which ca "ied lama tai laden with golden teasure {rem one part af tie empre teanothe “atest acing Veter vo aga Wi Foran ectampsry, ‘The Order of the Garter oni soit qui ma y pense! “Share t9 him we thinks evil” praclamod Eawara 2 ta moto of his Order of the Garter, one Of the oldest and greatest of the Briish chiale orders. Actoraing 0 legend, the King wes dancing with Joan, Countess of Salsbury londlate, themottee of Richart) wen shelost har garter which be thon ick: (2d up. In order to restore her to cannes, the king held up the garter, proclaimed what ‘became ite matta, and the dancing went ‘on. though the laughter stopped. Twenty: five knights were slcted tothe Order, ard the King himecl! presided overt. This episode was not the only time that Edvard ‘nulged ns love of chivalry. Earyin hs eign he hepod to set out on aquest forthe Gra! He supported crusades and tournaments Also during his reign wes constructed the ‘great Round Table ~ long believed by gu Fe people to date fom king Arthur's te Sahih hangs in Winchester. Eawvard saw himeatiag a sortof Arthur ‘Thera Seventy mies north of Crate les the island of Thera, also calles Santer. is Shaped tke a crescent which encloses a bay ‘ahen has two valaniciniets called Kemer (rum Ones, However, in he 15th Century B.C. an eruption of volcano almost Te ‘theuisand Foot hgh Bow the mountain apart land ieftin ts place a huge ate, orcalgera, ‘hrteon hundred oot doop ond simost com Betas tiled with water. The long of Thea, fs I oxista today, Is what i et after the ruption. For more than tree. thousand Yeats, this disaster was Torgotten. in the Tee0%,‘Fronen archeologists vestige ‘uns that hod ban uncovered by workers ‘xvacting pumice from the volar rock, land discovered that tase rane ware mote ‘Stnficant than might have been expected ‘They wore found o be str tothe runs of a night sophsticted Bronze Age culture eooveredat Knossos on Crote by Sir Arthut Evans, This cltre had apparent spread from Crete to neighboring lands around 2200 B.C. and’ then, mysteriously, disp peared 1008.0" ~ sroundtna tract the ‘Thera eruption, inthe 1820's, © Grook archeologist ‘scaveted pumca, aight stone formed 8) ‘oleane activity, in Knossos and noted 3 ‘wal that many haga stenes i tho ruins ok (das if shy had bean knocked out of place by. huge waves. This man, Spytidon Mannates, Suggested that he There erup-

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