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Synopsis: Face Mask Detection


Jatin Jasaiwal – 2017BtechCse004

Siddharth Jain – 2017BtechCse019


Dr. Suman Saha

Department of Computer Science

Engineering Institute of Engineering and

JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur

In these tough COVID-19 times, it is necessary to wear mask. As we can
see that daily cases are increasing day by day so wearing a mask won’t
only help us but also others. Idea behind this project is to build a CNN
to detect whether a person is wearing a mask or not in real time

1. TensorFlow
2. Keras
3. OpenCV
4. Matplotlib

There will be two kinds of dataset one with images of people wearing
mask and another with people not wearing mask.

Model -
Squeezenet or Mobilenet

We are going to use our dataset to build a CNN model to detect if a
person is wearing a mask by using webcam of pc. We implement a
Face detection program to detect a face. As the camera detects a face
it will detect whether the face is with a mask or not and show the

Steps -
1. Data Processing
2. Data Augmentation
3. Training
4. Accuracy
5. Application
6. Result

This system can therefore be used in real-time applications which
require face-mask detection for safety purposes due to the outbreak
of Covid-19. This project can be integrated with embedded systems
for application in airports, railway stations, offices, schools, and public
places to ensure that public safety guidelines are followed.

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