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204 ‘ . py, Le Roi d'Ys. (se) «Vainement, ma bien-aimée»” J Bngtish version by ; Dr.Th. Buber. be EDOUARD LALO. nests) Andantino.“ j express. quon ne peut f1é-chir ces ja - lou-sos far-dien-nes, ev. er-watehful guard-ians ‘no ruse can van-quish; = : 3 @ tempo moi donter mes peines Etmoné - mol! tell thee all my anguish,All my un- rest! F, 2000 aveely 10008 Copyright, 1909, by 6. Schirmer. Allegretto (l= s) mabien-al - mé - = 6, On croit me dé - ses-pé-rers nothing ean shake me, What - ov - er thou try, is vains = Pras de fa por- - te fer- mé - Close thy door _mever so tight poco rit tt tempo cor Ge-mieu - rer! till shall re - maint * cot ea nlp a tempo v sea 203 dole so-lells pour-ront s-tein- dre, [es nuits rem-pla}cer les jours, Sans the suns may lose their us - tro, Thdnight may re- place the day, With- a. wi Lento. PR tae out ac-cus - Gt sansme plain - dro, La je res-te- rai tou- jours, tow- ing thee or mur - niring, Here for ev-er I shall stay, shall * Wz (cole . tonime est dou- - thyheartis ten - Jours!_ Jo Te sais, stay! Well I know. Yheu - fe bien - tét vien-dra, Of la main der, And tYhour -will 30 com-ing soon When the hand 204 Pesta qui me re- pous - se, Versla mien - me se ten- that now re- pels Will be reach- —- ing twardmy Nesois pas Do not wait yf »P v 000, rit. e folee hte lais-ser. at-ten-drir! Si Rozen blen- Too tong thy lov- - er de-ny! If Ro-zenn is, __ ‘trop tar-dive ‘ll too tate, all ‘Lento. Pp, PP, a tt war-ri = ¥e, Je vais, hé-las! mou-rir, hé- las! mou- rir! rnot soca here, Ah mo! then I shall die, then I shall die! t0n09

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