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Advertising:information or manipulation?

It is well-known that the ads are made to manipulate the crowd

into buying their product,but that does not mean that the purpose it is
just to manipulate.Indeed,the ads are always including informations for
the public.
First of all,advertising campaings will always try to manipulate the
public ,buy manipulation is not in a bad way.I blieve that everyone
wants to sell their product and for that you need the people to think
that the product is the best one on the market with the best price,od
course the advertising copaigns needs to involve manipulation.
Sencondly,the informations are vital for an ad because without
them the people will not understand anything about the product and
will also make them to ignore it.Moreover,I srongly believe that
without them it does not exist the ads due the fact that personally I
need to know an amount of informations before buying any product.
To sum up, it does not exist ad without these 2 important
elements:manipulation and information.Together form the advertising
compaign’s strategy to bring more clients.

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